first 'official' shot on Condado?

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06 Oct 2009 12:00 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Perhaps this was the first 'proper' shot on Condado (sorry skell!) by one of the greens staff watched by a colleague and two official looking companions.

It was on the 12th tee this morning. There were a few clubs thrown in the cart. I didn't see it but my daughter captured it for us.

Photo uploaded

Barry & Sue



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07 Oct 2009 11:22 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Barry & Sue.

Isn't getting exciting now , I don't even play golf and I can't wait to see the golf course in action!  Watching a open space develope into what it is today!

 So you "guys" who play golf must be 10times as excited and thrilled!  Roll on middle of November!

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07 Oct 2009 5:07 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry Mate (Skell) but he looks better from behind than you do!!!!  Just couldn't resist



 Always look on the bright side of life  

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07 Oct 2009 6:08 PM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Looks like he's pulled it to me


This message was last edited by danseex on 07/10/2009.

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07 Oct 2009 6:35 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

07 Oct 2009 7:28 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Everybody knows who struck the first shot on Condado.........approx 2 months ago at that.   It may have been a bit of  "reverse pivot" at this big pressure moment, but it flew long & staight, just leaving a short wedge into the heart of the green to set up the birdie put which was conceded by son Tom..................unlike this effort,  which Dan clearly identified, was pulled into the second floor of Penthouse 14 !!

Ali......I know you don't mean that I'll forgive just this once





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07 Oct 2009 8:04 PM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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looks like he only used an iron too?

at least skell had the bottle to hit the big stick,"reverse pivot" or not

it also looked like he could have hit a plane with that pull, the flight path being so close and that

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07 Oct 2009 8:48 PM by onecall Star rating in Liverpool, and Jard.... 181 forum posts Send private message

We're just back from CDA. 4 very hot days. We walked the course, and the actual tee's, fairways and greens look excellent. However the land around the course is very rough and it still resembles a building site, as does the area around the football pitches [ which also look in great condition ]. Does anyone have an idea,as to what the finish in these areas is to be ? We saw men working the actual golf course, but did not see anyone working these surrounding areas, where attention is desparately needed. Also the area between the front of the Jardines and the course, has collapsed lamposts, broken plant, and other pieces of large and small debris, which make the area look very scruffy. Whilst being aware that this area could be built on in the long term future, what are the short term plans for it ?

Mark + Sandra

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08 Oct 2009 10:47 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Does anyone know what the official date is for the golf course to be open?


There is nothing on Jack Nicklaus's website yet?

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08 Oct 2009 11:01 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Mick ( J4 ) was told Nov 15th for the opening, haven't seen anything official from PW.










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08 Oct 2009 11:36 AM by CHERRIE Star rating. 178 forum posts Send private message

Can they open a golf course without a clubhouse? Is there any sign of activity where the temporary clubhouse is going to be/


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08 Oct 2009 4:30 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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excellent news - anyone up for a game on the 20th ???


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08 Oct 2009 4:59 PM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


Just on my way back to work today after spending a long wek-end at Condado. Your comments are quite correct and appropriate. Will post a full up-date on the situation later this evening.





( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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08 Oct 2009 8:13 PM by Phil B Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message


Have you got any snaps of the golf course we can look at.  I've not seen any recent pictures of the course and June was the last time i was over so would be interested to see the condition of the course after all the heavy rain - it should be nice and lush now!

Thanks buddy


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08 Oct 2009 9:16 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

there are photos of every hole on Terry & Jills web site

Barry & Sue



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09 Oct 2009 9:18 AM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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working on getting out there for the opening so i maybe up for that

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