CAM Bank ... surely you are going to respond?

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14 Nov 2009 12:00 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

CAM Bank … surely you can see that the net is now starting to close firmly around you? As a result of your complicity in the fraudulent granting of Mortgages to Trampolin Solera … albeit compounded by the direct involvement in the fraud by two … possibly three … of your employees you have allowed what may well turn out to be one of the largest criminal frauds in Spanish Banking history. The actions of Pedro Messeguer, Jose Francisco and Que Le Llaman Nino in the granting of loans of tens of millions of Euros to three individuals who’s sole intention was to (a) defraud CAM Bank and (b) more importantly potentially nearly two thousand clients all of whom parted with their life savings to “follow a dream” have left thousands of people devastated. However, since this communication is directed primarily at El Trampolin and “Phase 2” in particular I am addressing my questions specifically to these mortgages. The Mortgages granted by CAM Bank in 2007 were done so AFTER clients had either purchased their homes in full or at least had more than 50% paid. CAM Bank clearly did NOT carry out due diligence in the granting of these “Phase 2” Mortgages to Rafael and Trampolin Solera by verifying the status of each property; furthermore the valuation given by CAM Bank  was far in excess of both the then current market valuations and the contracted purchase prices to clients. In my particular case the amount outstanding on Mortgage was higher than I owed and so I was not prepared to complete until the Mortgage to CAM Bank had been cleared. The rest, as they say, is history with Rafael personally having been charged with CRIMINAL Fraud as have Trampolin Solera. CAM Bank now find themselves potentially facing fraud charges together with several of their employees; the Mortgages which have been advanced will prove to be unsustainable in Law where they were taken out AFTER the signing of purchase contracts. Indeed I am aware of at least one property which the Courts in Murcia have signed over to the purchaser regardless of the Mortgage situation. The property had already been paid for in full and CAM Bank will have ZERO chance of recovering their money … the same in fact will ultimately be the case for all those on “Phase 2” other who find their properties Mortgaged for a higher figure than that outstanding. This will ultimately apply to me if Rafael fails to pay … he will go to Prison and my claim will be placed at the feet of CAM Bank. They were advised of this situation and my prior contract long before my property was transferred to Mr & Mrs Philips … who I hold to be totally innocent in all this. My suggestion to you all is to stand firm alongside each other but I would urge you to take extreme caution in listening to Andy Wild who I understand is trying to “broker” deals between CAM Bank and all of you. This individual had the nerve to try and threaten me for refusing to accept the theft of my money by Rafael and Antonio.

So why am I writing all of this? Primarily because I am repeatedly being asked by various “Phase 2” residents for my opinion but secondly because CAM Bank need to “stand up and be counted”. Had all these revelations been made in the UK against … say … National Westminster Bank then by now I could have expected all sorts of injunctions but instead a deafening silence from CAM Bank … WHY?  The answer is simple … because they know there situation is unsustainable … they have been complicit in fraud on a massive scale and ultimately will become accountable for all your losses. By making this post I am inviting them to attack me personally … take out one of these famous “Spanish denuncia’s”; Andy also threatened my Lawyers with that but such a vehicle only has any weight if the claims are false! SO COME ON CAM Bank … LETS HEAR FROM YOU ON THIS SUBJECT! Andrew Wilford

I had originally prepared this "Post" using the CAM Bank logo but sadly the system would not allow it to be copied ... hence the repeated use of CAM Bank in red

This message was last edited by Andrew Wilford on 14/11/2009.

This message was last edited by Andrew Wilford on 14/11/2009.

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26 Jan 2010 11:42 AM by Patrick Davidson Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

It is clear that CAM BAnk have been involved in one huge fraud and are just as guilty as the "3 thieves" themselves. Employees of the Bank itself have clearly benefited from this fraud also ... has anyone considered a direct attack on the Bank? They have to be liable in some way. Also whay has no one thought about attacking the assets of these individuals directly. If Wilford is to be believed and I see no reason not to they have given themselves properties on the development without payment. This is effectively stealing from the company; also I wonder if they have been paying the €200 a month. Does anyone know what these villans are doing now or are they in prison. Having said that I understand Rafael now spends a lot of his time at the timber yard ... is he also selling stolen vehicles?  Patrick

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16 Feb 2010 11:31 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

I am continually being asked for my advice by many of you over what to do about the CAM Bank Mortgages and my answer will always be the same. Rafael himself indicated that Francisco at CAM knows that ultimately these Mortgages were fraudulently obtained and will never be legally enforceable by CAM. My advice is to simply get your Bolletins to have your own supply of water and electric and back Paul Leno in his endeavours to take over the Community. All Lawyers ... UK OR SPAIN ... take a great deal of funding so please ... all of you ... just pay the money requested and let Paul simply get on with it. Those of you who have been in contact with me all know who you are ... you have made your decision to stay at El Trampolin so please just make the best of a bad job. Solera is not yet in Administration but I believe it will soon. At that time everyone ... MYSELF INCLUDED ... will have the perfect opportunity to attack CAM for fraud. Also, consider if you will that the three characters who have created this mess all gave themselves properties on the site ... NONE OF WHICH WERE PAID FOR. They all believe that having transferred these into 1/3rd party names these will be safe but NOT SO. Just how long would a forensic account take to uncover the fact that these properties were not paid for and simply issue the "occupants" with notice to quit. My battle with Rafael "Lumbers" on but I believe "D" Day is March 1st so we don't have long to wait.  In conclusion I suggest that at least some of you should accept the Escitura's and the CAM Mortgages since the amounts involved are less than you already owe ... in any event ... you shouldn't pay the Mortgages since they are illegal! Good Luck to you all. Andrew Wilford

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24 Apr 2010 9:59 AM by Whistleblower Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

What are the Guardia Civil doing about seizing the assets of Martinez and Aguilera? What has happened to “Teflon Ronnie” who is just as guilty the other two fraudsters? What happened about Andrew Wilford and his Querella; did he get his money? He used to contribute quite vociferously on both Trampolin Forums so I assume he has or died! Does anyone know if these two fraudsters are still in prison or are they still out to cheat more unsuspecting victims?

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26 Apr 2010 9:28 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Your post has been brought to my attention and I can assure that “rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated”. I tend not to use “Eye on Spain” any more since as far as “Hills” is concerned the caution I have previously indicated to that “site” have been dismissed as “rubbish” by the likes of “Jackie from Hove” and “Rough Diamond” … I bet they wish they had listened to me now! With regards to Solera I know most of those involved and prefer to communicate with them by email; indeed I only use the Forum if it is to highlight some of the irregularities of the Authorities and the Banks. Anyway … since you have asked I will tell you what my situation is.

I have achieved a Civil Sentence against Solera and an outstanding “Querella” against Rafael; the first stage in this convoluted Spanish Legal process was heard on 12th April when he had to concede before the Judge THAT HE WAS GUILTY OF FRAUD! My Lawyers will have placed before the Courts on Friday … maybe Monday … papers suggesting that there is no requirement for a trial since Rafael has already admitted his guilt. He has tried to blame Mey, Maria, Pilar, Antonio and TO ME DIRECTLY Richard Cummins. What he already has offered to me personally are several properties in settlement but this is not acceptable. My Lawyers have offered him the alternative of a Mortgage of in excess of €250K against his own property but because he feels it is Linara’s he is attempting to resist this. However, I have documentation which has been shared with the Guardia Civil that proves that all three of the partners have NOT paid for their properties and so they belong to the Company … Solera. Additionally, I have an embargo in place against the €1million held as security by the Murcia Town Hall but … surprise surprise … the Council itself is nearly Bankrupt! The bottom line is that I am satisfied that I have enough options in place to resolve this matter. My case of “Fraud” is further advanced in legal terms than the current cases which have resulted in the imprisonment of Martinez and Alguilera . They are in prison simply because the Judge felt they were likely to flee the country and with possible sentences of around 16 years, NOT believing that they do not know where the money is hidden he clearly felt that Prison was the best place for them! With my case Rafael is facing … as a SECOND FRAUD CASE … is facing an additional +-6 years … maybe he should have thought about that before together with Richard (as HE TOLD ME) stealing my property / cash!

What the recent “incarceration” of Martinez and Alguilera has highlighted is the potential involvement of third parties. A highly incriminating document has been given to the Guardia Civil which details a great many of the  actions taken to hide the companies assets. This document has, I understand, been signed and witnessed. It is already fairly common knowledge that Antonio entrusted some of his cash to two prominent individuals on the development of El Trampolin … one of these individuals has, I understand, now “purchased” the garage / villa (Plot 135) … and it does rather beg the question as to what Rafael has done with the cash or has he simply entrusted it to this individual in the hope that he can avoid the inevitable! From reading the newspaper reports I notice that when Rafael’s home was searched a “Glock handgun was found” … ironically this same individual who has obtained Plot 135 to my certain knowledge posses guns since I was present (with another person) when he himself was assembling an AK47 Assault rifle supposedly for use on / by Antonio together with bullet proof vests!

Yes it would appear that the net is starting to close very tightly around these thieves and hopefully their associates. As for Rafael he has time to reflect whilst in Prison upon the money he has stolen from me and has a careful “balance” to weigh up … 6 years or €300K … for me that would be no contest. Remember my case is VERY different to the enormous fraud being investigated at Hills. My case is solely against Rafael and I am ONE and not 1500! He has already now admitted fraud in my case … albeit stating that Richard Cummins had the money … and that is that … FRAUD IS FRAUD … case proven!

As for those living on Solera I wish you all well but be very careful with whom you associate. There are three obvious “crooks”  on the site but with several associates … keep your friends close but your enemies closer!

All of the above has been reported to the Guardia Civil during a lengthy interview and it is interesting to note that as recently as last week they appeared to be acting upon some of the information received by removal of vehicles parked by the illegal apartments! Finally, the same information and that relating to CAM Bank and the Mortgage fraud has also been brought to their attention. To those of you on Phase 2 this may be good news”

Kind regards  … Andrew Wilford

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