The latest news is that Solera is about to go Bankrupt ... no surprise there then!

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09 Apr 2009 12:00 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

When I finally learnt yesterday that Trampolin Solera are about to go into liquidation I could not resist a wry smile to myself and writing this I have to say “I told you so”! The debts due to CAM Bank alone run into millions of Euros and yes … what Andy said was quite correct … they will willingly transfer these to anyone who wants them. The caution is, however, that with the Mortgages having gone unpaid for so long the amounts outstanding could well be double that of the initial loan. Take my plot 82, currently occupied by Mr and Mrs Philips … that Mortgage stood initially at €142,000 but now I believe stands at €270,000! Those of you who have paid for their properties in full and find huge Mortgages outstanding are, I am sorry to say, in an even more precarious situation since without an Escitura you are little more than an unsecured Creditor standing AFTER the Government, Staff wages and the Banks … the shortfall stands to be massive. For those with contracts which are valid you have some chance of slight recovery; sadly for Mr and Mrs Philips theirs is NOT a valid Contract because that is secured by my wife and I. Having said that it is not all “doom and gloom” since the 3 “stooges” … the gang of 3 … thought they were being clever in attempting to isolate Solera from Grupo. As a result of the Criminal action commenced by me against Rafael personally we have been able to establish that the companies are in fact one and the same and so that smug picture of the ex. Farmer Antonio featured on their web site may start to look a little different. WHEN Solera goes then we all will have a claim against Grupo. Additionally, since monies were clearly transferred from the one company to the other then this clearly would be viewed as fraud and so as is the case with me Criminal proceedings against all three of these idiots is patently on the cards.


This message was last edited by Andrew Wilford on 4/9/2009.

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24 Apr 2009 10:21 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

I have just been sent the following Link from Laverdad:-

La espada de la Justicia vuelve a cernirse, amenazante, sobre un alcalde. O sobre quien, siendo alcalde, incurrió en hechos supuestamente delictivos. El socialista Ricardo Valverde Almagro, que estuvo al frente del Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río hasta el año pasado, tendrá que responder en el juzgado de un presunto delito de falsificación de documento público, en el que habría caído llevado por la aparente voluntad de favorecer la tramitación del expediente urbanístico de Trampolín Hills Golf Resort. Este complejo, que ha atravesado infinidad de visicitudes, contempla la edificación de unas 2.0000 viviendas y un campo de golf.
Denuncia de la Fiscalía
Ricardo Valverde, que ya tiene la condición de imputado en las diligencias abiertas por el Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción número 2 de Mula, está acompañado en este asunto por el promotor de ese complejo urbanístico, Antonio Martínez González, y por el concejal de Urbanismo, el también socialista Juan Luis Peñalver Candel, ambos imputados también en la misma causa.
Las diligencias han sido incoadas después de que la Fiscalía Superior de Murcia presentara denuncia contra estas tres personas por presunta falsedad documental. En concreto, del resultado de las investigaciones del fiscal se deduce que Juan Luis Peñalver, siguiendo las indicaciones del alcalde Valverde, habría hecho incorporar un documento falso al expediente de Trampolín Hills, con el fin de allanar su tramitación. El citado papel habría sido redactado ex profeso, con la supuesta falsa fecha de 2 de junio del 2004, para retrotraer hasta ese día, de forma artificial, el inicio del citado expediente urbanístico y que de esa forma no se viera afectado por la Ley 9/06, que obligaba a Trampolín Hills a superar más escollos administrativos.
Tanto la arquitecta como el secretario municipales han confirmado que ese documento no figuraba en el expediente. Más aún, el propio secretario declaró ante el fiscal que fue en septiembre del 2006 cuando el concejal Peñalver le entregó en mano el papel y, señalando que era por orden del alcalde, le pidió que lo certificara para que tuviera efectos legales en la tramitación del plan parcial de Trampolín Hills.
The sword of the Justice returns to cernirse, threatening, on a mayor. Or on whom, being a mayor, it incurred supposedly criminal facts. The Socialist Ricardo Valverde Almagro, who was at the head of the Field town hall of the River until last year, will have to answer in the court of a supposed crime of falsification of public document, in which it would have fallen down taken by the apparent will to favor the procedure of the town-planning records of Trampolin Hills Golf Resort. This complex, which has crossed infinity of visicitudes, contemplates the building of approximately 2.0000 housings and a golf course.
Denunciation of the District attorney's office
Ricardo Valverde, who already has the condition of imputed in the procedure opened by the Court of the First Instance and Instruction number 2 of Mule, it is accompanied in this matter by the promoter of this town-planning complex, Antonio Martínez González, and by the councilman of Town planning, also socialistic Juan Luis Peñalver Candel, both imputed also in the same cause.
The procedure has been incoadas after the Top District attorney's office of Murcia was charging these three persons for supposed documentary falsity. In particular, of the result of the investigations of the district attorney it is deduced that Juan Luis Peñalver, following the indications of mayor Valverde, would have made to incorporate a false document into the records of Trampolin Hills, in order to level his procedure. The said role would have been written ex-I profess, with the supposed false date of June 2, 2004, to carry back until this day, of artificial form, the beginning of the said town-planning records and that thus was not turning out to be affected by the Law 9/06, that was forcing to Trampolin Hills to overcome any more administrative pitfalls.
Both the architect and the secretary policemen have confirmed that this document was not representing in the records. Even more, the proper secretary declared before the district attorney that it was in September, 2006 when the councilman Peñalver delivered to him in hand the role and, pointing out that it was by order of the mayor, asked him to certify it so that it had legal effects in the procedure of the partial plan of Springboard Hills.

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