Meeting 22/12/2008

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The Comments
22 Dec 2008 12:00 AM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Good evening everyone
I would like to start this message with a couple of  "thanks you"s"
Firstly - thanks to all of you who attended the meeting today at New York's, and for voting me in as your President.
Secondly, many thanks to Andy for the hard work that he has put in to getting us to this position in the recognition of this urbanisation.
The meeting today was called because we were led to believe that a representative of the builder would be there to "hand over" the urbanisation to the Resident's Committee. His late arrival did not deter Jose, from Grupo Mediterraneo, starting the meeting and informing us that the official handover date is January 1st 2009, and that from that date we will be responsible for the site. Murcia Town Hall will be working with us to ensure that the builder completely fulfills all of his obligations in terms of the completion of the site. Eventually, the builder did not arrive - despite some 4 or 5 calls by Jose and promises that he was "on his way", so Jose was going to the office on his way back to Pilar to collect the documents. We can all take heart that things are progressing, and progressing very quickly, towards the handover of the urbanisation.
One of the things that I will be personally taking a great deal of concern over is the communication to ALL residents of what is happening and what needs to be done. To this end, I have only some 44 contact email addresses so please, if you know anyone who has a property here and is not on the list, tell them to get in touch and I can add them. I will also post all the same information on the Eye on Spain website, as soon as I have it, so hopefully that will catch some more people. It is also essential that we have as many contact telephone numbers as possible. I have also spoken to the new landlords at the bar - Martin Steve and Richard - and they are willing for us to put up a noticeboard in the bar, where again we can post up to date information. Please, if you use this facility, do check it out. For those residents who don't have access to the internet, we will ensure that letter drops take place to keep them informed.
I would also like to express my thanks to Richard and the crew at New York's for letting us use the bar for this morning's meeting, and for letting us put up a noticeboard. Can I also say that any rumours going around about their possible involvement with Antonio is totally out of order - these guys just want to run a bar - let's all support them in their efforts.
Finally, you will all have my email address from this message - if there is anything you feel that you want to discuss regarding the estate please feel free to email me, or you can ring on 697 28 48 03 and for those of you with SKYPE my number is 0151 324 0035. Please don't leave messages as I am unable to access voicemail on either!
Keith Jones
Nr 20


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08 Jan 2009 1:10 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Happy New Year to you all

This is just a quick update on the current situation regarding the forming of our entity.

At the moment, the next stage of our legalisation is with Murcia Town Hall. They need to sign paperwork to legalise us in order for us to start operating and doing things like obtaining a Bank Account. Once these documents have been signed, the builder will hand the urbanisation over to the entity. Please be assured that the process HAS been started and the builder CANNOT back out. Sadly, it being Spain, the process may take a bit longer than we originally anticipated.

On a different note, can I please urge everyone to be calm on the estate. I know of an incident yesterday where someone ripped the power cables from Marta's house - whilst this course of action may have given the perpetrator satisfaction, it will not resolve any issues and will more likely cause further problems.

I have an appointment with the administrator on Monday and will update you further.

Keith Jones

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08 Jan 2009 3:00 PM by jogary Star rating in UK. 193 forum posts Send private message

jogary´s avatar


Thank you for the update.

We do not live on site but have been told that our electricity has been cut off. When the new community is formed, can you confirm that they will have control of the utilities? Will the utility company connect people without licences of first occupation (which we don't have). If they will, why cant we apply for connection now?

The community (once formed) is not a builder, so why should the utility companies give them a builders supply.

Is everyone paying the 200E per month? If not what are people doing that have been cut off. Does anyone have a generator?

We have completed and our deeds state that GT have to mainatin free utilities until LFO is granted. Has anyone else in this situation challenged GT or denounced them?



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08 Jan 2009 5:47 PM by pastie321 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for letting us know what's happening - shame about Martha's cables, wish someone would do the same to Antonio's floosy.

When do you think the utilities will be resolved? I have a clause in my Escritura regarding water and electicty supply, and I'm refusing to pay these criminals, so they've cut-off my electricity.

Assuming the utility companies will supply our legal entity, what's the plans for charging - different for residents and non-residents? I assume as usage will not be individually metered then some sort of fixed fee will be charged?

I don't want to jump the gun, but this is something that needs to be planned now and everyone made aware of the potential charges.

This also needs to be done in an open and fair manner, and open to challenge if anyone thinks the charges are not representative of usage.

Just hoping my pool doesn't turn green before this is sorted!


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08 Jan 2009 5:59 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Thank you for the replies.

Jogary - in answer to your comments. We too have an escritura that states the builder will pay. It is a legal document. But if the builder decides he wants payment, and you refuse, he will cut you off, even though it's illegal!


As far as the entity taking over the supply of electricity and water, I will not know until Monday whether or not this can be done. I will post later on this subject.

Pastie - with regards to your query about charging to be made by the entity. I think the start of the answer is contained in my reply to Jogary. If we are successful in getting hold of the electricity bills then yes we will have to come up with some sort of formula for distributing the costs. We as a committee are aware of this hot potato and will be discussing this with the administrators.

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09 Jan 2009 12:34 AM by jogary Star rating in UK. 193 forum posts Send private message

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Thank you for your reply and your efforts.

Hope all goes well in the meetings next week!

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09 Jan 2009 12:39 PM by shepp Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

thanks for the recent update Dogberry,

I was out recently on the 2nd to the 6th of Jan and found when i arrived that due to the boiler shorting the electric Ihad neither hot water or Electricity, I went to the office and was informed that once i pay close to a €1000.00 they would sort the problem out for me...I should not have been surprised by their customer care efforts !!!

As they knew i was there the next morning they came and removed the water meter and disconnected the water. Nice !!!

Thanks to the skills of Andrew, we were able to get power and atleast cold water for our short stay.  We will need a new boiler and will do this ourselves and take the cost off from any final settlement we get to with GT..

I am just amazed at the lack of his companies customer skills... I look forward to hearing further updates and the day we get closer to the Escrituras being handed over..

As in a previous comment I have read from another post, I have a signed letter from Antonio stating the legal requirment to supply water and electricity to all the deeds can be handed over.

obviously this counts for nothing.






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12 Jan 2009 8:15 PM by pastie321 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi Keith,

What was the outcome of your meeting today, can the entity take over the supply of electricity and water?

Based upon Andy Wild's latest post on the 'broken pump', it is absolutely critical that we take ownership ASAP and break all connections with these thieving criminals.

If the answer is negative, where does that leave us?


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12 Jan 2009 9:28 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Good evening I was hoping to have loads of bright and exciting news for you all today - I have some, but also some not good news! Let's start with the not so good news: WATER I had a meeting this morning with Antonio at the office regarding the water. According to him, the pump has broken and needs fixing. He is saying that the company has no money to fix it but, if the residents start to pay their 200 euros, he will organise the repairs. I know that this is an untenable position, but, if we don't pay, then the water situation could remain the same. He has also stated that he cannot pay the outstanding electricity bills, so we could end up with no electricity as well. Whether you pay the 200 euros or not is obviously a personal decision. If you do pay, please ensure that you get a receipted invoice and get a photocopy of this to one of the committee members as, once the entity is formed (see below) we will be able to consider legal action against the builder in an attempt to get the money refunded. If you are a keyholding non-resident, it is important that you also consider making the payment in order for you to continue to enjoy the benefit of your holiday home. I have another meeting scheduled tomorrow morning with a lawyer about this whole situation. I will report back to you again tomorrow on this meeting. Now for the good news! ENTITY I attended another meeting this morning at the offices of Pentagono in Pilar de la Horadada with Derek and Paul (committee members). It was confirmed that the general council of Murcia have approved the urbanisation, and that the Mayor is due to sign all the papers off this coming Thursday. After this, the builder has to go to the Notary and sign the documents handing the entity over to us. The administartor stated that he will be overseeing this very closely to ensure that there are no hold-ups. We also urged him to treat the whole issue with urgency, given the problems that we are encountering. Once the Entity has been handed over, we should be able, through the Council, to get Iberdrola and Aguas de Murcia to bill th eentity direct, rather than through the builder, until such time as we can all be billed individually. General news: Bins We know that the bins have been removed again. Please be sensible about disposing of your rubbish - there are bins at the Valle del Sol restaurant and along the valley road towards the Bowls Club that can be used. Please do not just dump it anywhere - it encourages vermin, stray dogs, cats etc and makes the place look untidy. Letter Boxes We have been advised by Correos that they will deliver mail to our door, once we are legal, provided we have a letter box to put it in! Denuncias If any resident has issued a denuncia against the builder could they please let us know whne it was issued and what has happened since. My apologies for posting this to you so late. Keith Jones

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13 Jan 2009 3:52 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Good afternoon everyone

Having just read a thread by Andy (former President) regarding the publication of real names on this site.

I have tried to get mine changed and have had no response, so to let everyone know, a post by Dogberry is actually me.


Keith Jones


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13 Jan 2009 6:06 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Good evening everyone
I will start this message with a comment about the rubbish that was thrown over Antonio's wall this afternoon. Despite my plea in yesterday's email message, someone decided to throw their rubbish into his garden. Quite what they thought they were going to achieve is beyond comprehension. All it did was antagonise and inflame an already delicate situation.
I had a brief meeting with Antonio this evening and apologised to him for this (assumed) one person's action. He accepted this apology. Please please do NOT do this again, nor to Raphael or Ronnie.
Now for some hopefully good news.
In view of the number of residents who have paid their 200 euros over the last 24 hours, Antonio has started the repair on the water system. He expects this work to be completed by tomorrow and we will then all get our water back.
I will mail again when the committee have discussed the meeting that we had in Cartagena this morning.
My thanks to you all for the support that you have given both to me personally and to the committee in general.
Keith Jones


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13 Jan 2009 7:31 PM by starcrest Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

Thank you keith for all the hard work all of you are doing for us as we are in the uk we are over on the 16th this week and look forward to meeting you.


Adrian & Val Fettel


No 56

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18 Jan 2009 2:03 PM by jogary Star rating in UK. 193 forum posts Send private message

jogary´s avatar

Hi Keith

We also thank you for your efforts. Do you have any news about utilities? Is water now back on to the site?

We had a call from Martha this week asking for €200 for community fees.

We have been reading the posts on TH forum and there is a real feeling that GT is just about bankrupt. Do you have any knowledge of what is happening?

It is dreadful what is happening to those on phase 2.

Should this be the case and they declare bankruptcy, will this not leave us (the new  community) having to foot the bill for hundreds of thousands of Euros for finishing the site. When we raised this before, you said the new community is not responsible for this and that Murcia council would insist GT finished the site. However, if there is no GT what does the committee think will happen?

We would be very grateful if you would send a PM to us with the names/positions of committee members.

Many Thanks



This message was last edited by jogary on 1/18/2009.

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20 Jan 2009 2:57 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


Just a very quick update as to where we are with the takeover of the Urbanisation.
As you know, we held 2 meetings last week with lawyers and administrators, as well as a committee meeting last Wednesday evening. The feeling is that things aren't moving as quickly as we would like them to - but this is a foreign country and we must exercise a combination of patience and urgency in order to achieve our goals.
You will have had a message from Paul, the committee secretary, regarding the legal options for those in the unfortunate situation of not having Escrituras. This avenue, whilst not a part of the overall remit of the Entity, we feel we must try and progress for the benefit of residents in this situation.
The Entity itself poses a different situation. The Mayor HAS signed off the adoption of the Urbanisation, and many of you will have seen vans from both Aguas de Murcia and the Generalissimo de Urbanismo on the site late last week. These are positive signs of progress. Unfortunately, the builder cancelled last Thursday's meeting at a very late hour - reason unknown, as he cannot stop the handover (as mentioned before),. We are now trying to by-pass the builder and go direct to the Council for this handover of authority. Sadly, we are now at the mercy of the bureaucrats - and we all know how they work in the UK so you can guess what it will be like here.We are in twice daily contact with the administrator to get this arranged and move the whole issue forward.
Keith Jones

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22 Jan 2009 12:31 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


At a meeting held in the builder's office this morning, it was confirmed to us that all the necessary paperwork regarding the Entity has been signed by Murcia Town Hall. The next stage in th eprocess is for Raphael, on behalf of the builder, to go to the Notary and sign over the deeds, following which we can obtain our S.L. number and begin the process of opening a Bank Account, contracting water and electricity etc.etc. It is likely that the visit to the Notary will take place by next Wednesday.
We were also given information regarding Habitation Licences. Apparantly these are all going through the system now and will be issued next week (probably Thursday or Friday). It is unlikely that they will ALL be sent at the same time, but they will be sent to the builder who will then call the individual residents/homeowners. The licences are being issued for ALL 3 phases. I will have, by next week, a telephone contact number for both Iberdrola and Aguas de Murcia which you will be able to ring and start your own direct supply contracts in English. I will also be able to tell you the information that they will ask you for so that, when you make th ecall, there shouldn't be any problems. We were also told that new meters would be installed at the commencement of the contract.
Please rest assured that we are now in the final stages of taking over the Urbanisation and we ask for your continued support and patience. Before the final handover takes place, we will have to hold another general residents meeting to approve budgets etc. We will try to give as much notice as possible regarding the date time and venue.
Keith Jones

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22 Jan 2009 2:41 PM by lostwithiel Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Thank you so much Keith and all the committee members. At last there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

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26 Jan 2009 4:25 PM by hairbear Star rating. 75 forum posts Send private message

I would like to thank Keith (and Andy previously) for their hard work on El Trampolin. Although everybodies experiences have soured the dream for many hopefully it will all start to come good soon. 

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27 Jan 2009 5:11 PM by dominic41 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

it's all gone quiet over there?

Any more news on phase 2 and the water/electric situation?




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28 Jan 2009 9:23 AM by hairbear Star rating. 75 forum posts Send private message

If you read Keiths message of the 22nd Jan it is fairly self explanatory.  Its only 6 days ago and in Spain that is nothing.

I have been in Spain since 1997 and have learned that the best way to stay sane (ish) is to double everything you are told by the bureaucrats. If they say it will take 1 month, work on two and you will then be pleasantly surprised if its 6 weeks etc.


This philosophy has worked for me, I am still here and I love it. You cant beat the system so go with it. Believe you me, it has all come on a long way in 11 years and mostly for the good.

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31 Jan 2009 12:04 PM by dogberry Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message


I was elected as the President of this Entity on December 22nd 2008. I knew full well that the road ahead was likely to be a rocky one and it has, at times, been so. Fortunately, I believe that the end of the process is now very close.


However, whilst I have always been prepared to accept any criticism and mud that has been thrown at both me personally and the committee in general, I have to advise you that, whilst attempting to resolve an issue on Wednesday afternoon, I was faced with both verbal and, sadly, physical abuse from a resident. In view of this, I am not prepared to put my health, nor that of my wife, on the line, and I hereby tender my immediate resignation both as President of the Entity and from the committee. Until a new President is elected, the current Vice President Paul will fulfil the President’s duties. 


In closing, I would like to thank all of the residents, home owners, and  the committee for the support they have given me during the past 5 weeks.




Keith Jones

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