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El Trampolin forum threads
The Comments
16 Nov 2009 12:00 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Look … I am repeatedly being asked to proffer my advice on what can be done to bring a degree of “satisfaction” for not just the Residents at El Trampolin or even “phase 2” but in fact this now includes Trampolin Hills as well. To you all we have to start from the basis that whilst I do not believe that the “Gypsy” and his cohorts started the project with the sole intention of defrauding thousands of potential owners but that it developed into this. Sadly it has transpired that the “Gypsy” has the same “IQ” as the melons he used to grow and he has chosen to surround himself with equally unintelligent gorillas! It seems to me that everyone of you has a slightly different problem depending upon whereabouts on the development … or indeed on WHICH development you had chosen to purchase.

The following presents the “worst case scenario” as I understand it, but remember you can affect the outcome by working now to protect yourselves and your properties by obtaining, and acting on, good legal advice.

At El Trampolin there are not three but in fact really four phases … one two and three are clear with the fourth being the area developed on what I believe is termed as “Rustic land” … a quick glance at Google Earth reveals that there are 7 properties constructed on this area … one of which is dual storey. Indeed, aside from Andy Wild, I have two other acquaintances with properties on this section. My understanding of the Legal situation is that without proper consent the authorities … NOT Trampolin Solera could ask for these to be removed. Secondly the whole development was stipulated as being for single storey development only and so to my knowledge that leaves three houses (Andy’s, Ronnie’s and Mey’s) together with three apartment blocks somewhat vulnerable.

Phase one and three are all quite safe PROVIDING ESCITURA’S ARE IN PLACE otherwise in the event of a forced winding up of Trampolin Solera the owners COULD simply become “unsecured creditors”. Whilst proof of payment could in fact offer some security that is by no means certain. Those that have simply paid small deposits … or as in the case of Ronnie, Antonio, Rafael and Maria regardless in the name of which relative they placed these properties they will simply become assets of Solera and sold to either repay debts or to cover embargo’s.

Phase two residents are in both a positive and a slightly “hairy” situation dependant upon one’s viewpoint. From a positive standpoint my understanding is that I believe CAM Bank accept that he have acted fraudulently and so ultimately they will be forced to just stand aside and simply become “unsecured” creditors … indeed they could even be subject to Criminal Prosecution themselves. I have recently received a private message from one of you which indicates that the bank is well aware that these mortgages were not legal. This situation could become complicated when owners do in fact legitimately still owe money to Solera but that is a debt to the COMPANY AND NOT CAM BANK. The €200 / month charges are not / were not legal and this was simply Antonio’s “slush fund”. Do as I suggest in 3 below and the matter will disappear over night!

With regard to Trampolin Hills sadly that was / is an out an out fraud perpetuated by Antonio and Rafael motivated solely by greed!

Finally, and in closing, it is very difficult for me to respond to you all individually since clearly I am not a Lawyer. All I can do is endeavour to give an opinion based upon my own experience. I am seeking to recover somewhere in the region of €260K from these thieves but even armed with legal both Civil and Criminal judgements I still do not yet have the money. My advice to you all is the following:-

1.       Look around you and decide if there is one person or group which you feel you can trust and who is NOT in the pockets of the “gang of 3”. In the case of Trampolin Hills, I believe that there already exists at least one group working for all concerned. If you are not already in contact with such a group, join immediately!


        With regard to Solera El Trampolin I know that Paul Leno is working positively to achieve control of your Entity on your behalf. Once he has that, I know that he will be looking at the Escrituras outstanding and asking the council to help resolve the problems.


Those are my thoughts but it is a matter for you to collectively decide in each case. Do remember though, that they are not going to be able to wave a magic wand and solve all your problems overnight. You need to take action too!


2.       Be extremely careful in trusting Andy Wild … he has betrayed his true colours to me and I understand to several other of you on the development. Indeed it is rumoured that Antonio is using him as a shield for some of his “ill-gotten” gains. Sadly clearly he has his own agenda to follow on these matters.


3.       Form a cohesive group behind ONE legal team; it is comparatively easy for Rafael to bat any one solicitor away like a mosquito but form one large group and the bite could become lethal. If necessary your own solicitor could work alongside such a team. If in doubt as to which firm to use, get a recommendation from your chosen representative

I am perhaps retrospectively the lucky one since I am not left with a property and a source of ongoing problems but I am left with a sizeable debt to recover one way or another. It is impossible for me to comment upon each of your individual cases since the facts are very different in each instance … all I can do is to wish you all luck in the same way as hope you do me.

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Possible Good news re: CAM Bank - 2 posts
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