The Comments |
Hi All
the annual General Meeting has been changed from the 13th Feb to the 12th Feb 2010 sorry abt this it is at Brisas at 5.00pm. Please try and attend but if you can´t send a proxy vote and get someone to vote on your behalf. You should get your letter ithin a week or so. I am waiting for a copy of proposed budget and agenda.
I´ve had a hard day today at the administrators office as I´m getting nowhere re the electricity, I lost my cool as the meeting lasted so long mainly the President and the administrator talking Spanish. The transalation taking minutes. The president signed paperwork for work carried out to the community, but not for electricity. The problem appears to be that the promoter fitted an illegal meter and Iberdrola disconnected it and will not connect it till an outstanding account is paid in full. My argument as we as a community used the electric and that it should be similar to the other blocks. The administrator is trying tomorrow to get some compromise with the promoter and also says he is collecting the outstanding community harge off him. This will leave only individual debtors. Thank you to the two who paid but a gentle warning to the other that haven´t as todays discussion agreed to chasing the outstanding amounts from indiviuals and two or three communicate via this forum. The debtors list should be sent out to you all and possibly be posted on the public notice boards. After that I will be happy to sign for the process to begin as these individuals are not acting in the communities interests.
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Hi Alan
I hope Eileen and yourself are well.Thanks for all your hard work, but there is a problem. We were told that the meeting was on the 13th Feb. I had already booked my flights for the 14th Feb for the family. When I found out the meeting was on the 13th I changed them to the 13th so I could attend the meeting and I know that quite a few people are coming over for this meeting as it also the half term school holidays.
I was very dissapointed to have a text from Sharron to tell me of the change of dates. Why has there been a change? Can we not have it sometime between 13th- 20th Feb when more people will be able to attend and voice their opinions.Can you please see what you can do as I can't change my flights again as it is too costly.
Wishing you both a Very Merry Xmas & New Year
Debbie & Nigel Woodward
This message was last edited by debbie 1964 on 24/12/2009.
_______________________ Debbie & Nigel W
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I hope you all had a merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of us.
Is the meeting on 12th Feb Now? please confirm
Lets all work together to have a lovely place in the sun this year with an end to all problems regarding non paid bills.
_______________________ carols1
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To Alan and all the commitee, a big thank you for all your hard work in 2009, hope its easier in 2010.
Happy New Year to all at Brisas Del Mar.
from Suzanne and Jeff.
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Hello my name is Stuart Janes and I have just taken ownership at the end of Sept 09 of my appartment in block 1 on the ground floor. Can you register with the administrator and the community to recieve any bills and meeting notes to be sent by email, as I can only get over a few times a year, I would not like to be fined for not paying my fees on time.
I was just over and I notice that the garage doors are not working as I own a garage this is fustrating, and when I did try to park my car someone had parking a car there, how do you know who this is and how do you stop people from doing this.
Kind regards
_______________________ All the Best,
Regards Stuart
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Hi All
today I had our president visit me re the administrator, the spanish people are very unhappy abt the way the community is being managed and looking to change to another one. They are seeking quotes which I am waiting to see which they tell me are more cost effective. The believe that the administrator who was appointed by the promoter is not working in our interest and after more than two years the time to change is now. After banging my head against the wall for a year I now agree and this is supported by most residents English Speaking/Spanish Speaking. The builder hoever controls 1 third of any vote. I have been asked to speak to you to advise that the president will call an EGM prior to the AGM and solicit votes to make this change. If we wait till the 12th Feb the administrator will continue for another year and we will probbly be in the same position 12 mths down the line. I am therefore asking if you support this course of action please send a proxy vote to achieve this to either me or someone you trust to achieve this. There will not be more than the minimum time in Spanish Law to let you know the date although I will try
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Hi Alan
Happy New Year and thank you for all your hard work for the Community!!
I would like you to use my vote to change the Administrator - is this sufficient or should I post it to you?
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Hi Alan,
All our community charges are due to be paid in January,do we make this payment? I was until i saw this latest issue re the administrators.I was about to make payment to the administator can you please advise if we should continue and make payment,also is an e-mail ok to give you our proxy vote or is a letter needed.We are not likely to be there on 12-2-2010.
Jeff and Suzanne.(block 8 ap 1G)
This message was last edited by jaw580 on 05/01/2010.
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Hi Alan,
Hope you and Eileen are well.
Your closer to the relationship with the Administrator, so we are happy to take your advice.
Can you clarify something though, you mention the builder has one third of the vote, yet he has not paid his community fees and at last years AGM it was agreed anyone who has not paid their fees then does not get a vote, does that still stand !!
See you in soon
Sharron x
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Hi All
Tomorrow the President is going to see one of the administrators who he asked for a quote. I have asked for a copy but it sounds as if they will be more cost effective, then he will call an Extra Ordinary General Meeting. This has to be before the AGM otherwise I am told the current Admin will get another 12 months. Anyone in debt will not be able to cast a vote including the Promoter. We need 25% of the total to be able to secure the change so it is important to get a proxy sent if you cannot make it. The EGM unfortunately will have to be called quickly and the voting done, I apologise for this but on this occasion we have no choice. The meeting will be solely for the vote and I presume that the AGM will still be on the 12th Feb 2010. For anyone emailing the proxy vote you need to put your address here in Spain, your name and the name of the person you want to cast your vote and an open date as we don´t know that for a couple of days. I would advise that you only pay half your fees which are due, I am told the current fees are due and payable and at present are budgetted the same as last year, this is subject to the meeting on the 12th. I cannot see them being less. The Spanish say that the money is protected in the community account.
Felices Anos Nuevo to you all
Alan C
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Hello Everyone, can anyone tell me where and to who the community charges for Brisas del Mar, and what reference to use please.
_______________________ All the Best,
Regards Stuart
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I am interested in the reply to this one as I have been informed that I should just pay half of last years total, but I would not normally pay anything unless I have a bill.
I think it necessary for a correct total to be send to everyone.
_______________________ carols1
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Hi Alan,
Hope your well.
Can you please confirm when we will be receiving next years bill? Last year this was sent with the invite for the AGM, without this ourselves and no doubt many others will not pay without it.
It is not acceptable to just say to people they have to pay by January, we agreed at last years meeting we were running the year from February to January but without confirmation of the amount we all are expected to pay then it is unfair to expect payment to be made. This is especially important if we are considering changing to a different administrator.
I believe an EGM was held last week, can you give us an update of how things went. Also why was no notification sent out to confirm when the EGM was taking place as I believe this is required to go to all owners?
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Hi all,
Whats happening in BDM? All quiet re news about AGM and proposed change of administrators,is there another forum to find news whilst we are in uk, the blogs seem to be drying up here,why?
Any comments would be appreciated.
Jeff and Suzanne.
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Hi All
the AGM is on Friday so nothing to report till after then. The lights are on in Blocks 1 to 4, electrician gave us a different supply, the original problem hasn´t been solved. Everything else is the same
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looking forward to some news. There didnt seem to be a reply regarding the bills for this years community payments. I have already stated that I expect a written bill as I did not receive a receipt for last year. this is not how I work . looking forward to news on this.
_______________________ carols1
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Hello All, have new Adminisrators been appointed, or are we still with the same people.
If new do we have a new account to pay our fees into, or do we carry on with the old account as these need to be paid by the 15th of Feb
_______________________ All the Best,
Regards Stuart
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Hi Stuart
AGM is on Friday so we have to wait till then, the bank account is secure so the administrator can´t take money. It is the same bank number so you are safe to pay, I would advise only the first half payment till everything is sorted
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Hi all,
I have fully paid for 2009 and have yet to receive a bill for 2010 like everyone else. It is not feasible for anyone to even part pay a charge if billing requirements/details have not been issued - yet we are not entitled to a vote in the AGM as a result!! It does not make sense and it seems that residents are being penalised for not having received a bill.
The amount of debt still outstanding for 2009 is huge and will obviously affect the running of the development. This needs to immediately addressed by the new administration. Sending out penalties will not help - if someone has not paid their community charges, they will certainly not pay penalties - so I think stronger and quicker action is needed here. I note that priority issues from 2008, such as roof doors, have still not been addressed.
Whatever happens at the AGM, it is important that strong steps are taken to ensure a quick turnaround on what everyone agrees are the important issues that affect the day to day living of residents.
Long term I'm sure everything will work out - but the community needs the money together with an efficient and unbiased administrator to ensure this.
Best regards and looking forward to spending more time in Brisas del Mar this year....
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