Iberdrola Electric Bills

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08 Feb 2010 12:00 AM by drobinsonuk Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message


Just wondered if anyone was getting high electic bills even if they were not living in their property?

 have heard that Iberdrola have been estimating bills -  but my on line bill does not mention that it is estimated!

I have had my property checked & apart from the fridge freezer & the pool pump (it comes on 3 times a day) - nothing else is used

Seems starnge - but a bill of 275 euro is hefty for 2 months when we have not been there

Would be keen to know if anyone else has had this problem & how they resolved (if at all)

Many Thanks



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08 Feb 2010 8:59 PM by HertsSteve Star rating in Herts and H.Riquelme. 57 forum posts Send private message

Hi David. Is this your first or second bill?  If so it will include the initial set-up costs as well. I am on HR and that what happened to me. If not sounds like a drastic mistake!  Try looking at there website, there may be an English section. Good luck. Steve

HertsSteve www.murciagolf.bravehost.com  

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09 Feb 2010 12:44 PM by drobinsonuk Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Steve

No - we have had the property for nearly two year now & this has just happened over the last two bills

I will contact Iberdrola

Thank you for your reply


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22 Mar 2010 2:35 PM by andy2704 Star rating in Sucina. 41 forum posts Send private message

Make sure there is enough money in your bank account to cover the costs of electric bills, I have now heard several stories of people being cut off because the bills have not been paid. Iberdrola will not send reminders. 

www.murciapropertyservices.es Sales, Rentals, Management & Insurance

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01 Apr 2010 10:19 PM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 forum posts Send private message

mobailey´s avatar

The last post is right about keeping enough money in your account. Iberdrola do send out reminders but the problem is they send to your Spanish address which is not very good if you live in England and only come over to Spain every now and then. Also there is no guarantee that the bill will be delivered.  The other problem is that Spanish banks will not allow you to go overdrawn unless you have ok'ed it with them first and by overdrawn they mean 1 euro  so if your bill is for 40 euros and you only have 39 in the account the bank will not pay the bill, and Iberdrola will not represent the bill and also will not do anything for up to 3 months. We run a property management company and have had people cut off for bills that were not paid up to 3/4 months ago,it is also the same with the water company as well, hope this helps. As for large bills they have been known to estimate very highly and then the next bill will be very small. The other thing to check is whether they have fitted a new meter as they some times us old ones which have not been zeroed and if the meter reader as not seen that it is a old meter he will take it that the reading is correct.


This message was last edited by mobailey on 01/04/2010.


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