The Comments |
Suggest you contact Baron (and subject to id etc which was required at the meeting) i am sure he will happily update you by pm. Those who attended (i would hope) will not be putting anything on this open forum
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I have just read the minutes of the meeting on
** EDITED - Personal names in document **
There really is no need for secrecy as ALL evidence will obviously have to be shared with Corvera/Roda before a court case is sat.
Lots of interesting points there though. To be honest I didn't even know that Calidona had ceased it's operation as ALL the paperwork since still contains the Calidona logo ?
Lots of interesting points as I said before including people who have completed having the right to compensation due to lack of facilities ?
This message was last edited by EOS Team on 14/05/2010.
Steve (Lifestyler)
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Hi Steve, Very interesting reading but not sure if I am any clearer on it all, looking to go out next Wed's and have words with various parties for clarification.
As you say I was not aware that Calidona had gone bust !, begs the big question what now,
_______________________ K.J.
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Hi all,
Yes, some interesting reading. Calidona may have ceased trading as an entity but from what Maria says (please see snapshot of minutes below) there is no indication that Roda/ Corvera would become insolvent, also that the possible (questionable) transfer of funds would be unpopular with the Spanish banking system.
Next question is how can we (those of us who have completed) effectively get together to put pressure on Corvera to deliver some or all of the promised facilities? If they won't start delivering or to start to positively engage with us, what about going the legal route and suing them? Anyone got any useful suggestions as to the best way forward on either of those approaches?
(sorry, have removed the small part of the minutes by request)
This message was last edited by Anjinsan on 15/05/2010.
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Definitely interesting reading, however this is a time for cool heads and sensible interpretation of posted news.
KJ, "ceased trading" does not mean "gone bust" it simply means Calidona have ceased trading, no reported creditors and no reported bad debts.
All contracts are with Corvera or with Roda, those are the 2 companies we should be watching and as Maria clearly states, for now it is "business as usual"
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Okay I will have a cool head and if the ash cloud permits I will be asking some questions on the future of Corvera from them as a company, whoever they are now termed as,
Marvin are you a up and running or like me depost paid with no build date !, whatever the outcome I will report back what I find, and to add I still would like to presume this will come good.
_______________________ K.J.
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Ups, Those minutes are private. We placed it in the public part of the webiste by mistake for just one day and now.... are being displayed here.
I would appreciate if they were removed, if you do not mind Steve and Jane and if Justin agrees so.
Anyone interested can email me for the same information. This way we will protect intimacy and data of people mentioned in the minutes.
Thanks for understanding,
Best regards,
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
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Maria; a simple google search for the 'confidential' minutes still leads directly to your company website and is visible for all to read !
_______________________ Carole
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Hi all,
As requested, I have removed the small part of the minutes that I had quoted on my earlier post.
(Maria, I am really sorry - I did not realise that they were private!!)
Best to all,
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As I have already pointed out they are still on Google for the world to see - nothing private about them I'm afraid.
Google Tamworth minutes 13th March and you will see what Calidona have open access to!

_______________________ Carole
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Was the contract with De Vere signed with Calidona?
If Calidona have ceased trading does this mean that the contract is null and void?
If so...
Does this also allow Roda Golf and Corvera Golf (seperate legal business entities) a convenient excuse to say that the "De Vere" hotel can no longer be built and it is not their responsibility?
Or does it provide an opportunity for those who have placed deposits to reclaim their money on the basis that the advertised facilities would never be delivered?
This message was last edited by MrUnhappy on 16/05/2010.
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I was talking to a Calidona representative at the O2 Live show at Stoke Park yesterday and according to him (I also heard this from another Calidona executive back in February), the link with DeVere has NOT been cut, Calidona HAVE closed down the SALES department re:NEW sales until the economy picks up and the main contributor to the Clubhouse not being completed is lack of cashflow due to people trying not to complete after acquiring habitation license as per contract.
This message was last edited by SteveandJane on 17/05/2010.
Steve (Lifestyler)
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Once again Steve it appears that you are th flag bearer for Calidona/Corvera! You do seem very adept at passing on Developer friendly news.
Now if you and all the rest of those that have completed want to blame me for not having a clubhouse then please feel free. In fact if you send me a p.m i will give you my phone number/email , home address etc and you can get your solicitor to start proceedings asap... because after all it surely cant be anyone elses fault??... Still if thats the excuse they are going with then it looks like its going to be a long wait before you can get to the 19th..
Great news that Devere are still going to build the hotel, i must try and speak to head office and ask them when they plan to break ground on that one. .. it also appears from the website that its all going ahead..
" That’s why living in Corvera Golf & Country Club means living peacefully in every way: there is a health centre, a shopping area, restaurants, indoor swimming pool, spa, luxurious hotel…"
wooohhoooooooooooo!!!!! I knew they wouldnt let us down.
One last thing,was the guy from Calidona there looking for a job as i thought that they were no longer in business?..anyway i wont go on about that, i really think Mr Unhappys post on the other thread really said it all.
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just a thought ,
calidona are apparently blaming non completers for lack of facalaties on corvera ( fair enough comment you might think ) so what is the problem with lack of facalaties at roda afterall there is only phase 5 left !! is that non completers as well because according to there credit rating roda is a cash rich company !! as i say just a thought .
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