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18 Apr 2010 12:00 AM by redchester Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message



can anyone recomend the post way to get internet access on phase 3b? We have tried accessing the Roda WiFi system but the signal was not strong enough in our apartment.

I was considering a pay as you go USB modem, does anyone know if these can get access in Roda, and which one is best?



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19 Apr 2010 1:25 PM by BwanaB Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

I am using a vodafone pay as you go dongle in Block 68 (penthouse) apartment very satisfactorily. It cost €59 with a week of free unlimited access, there are a variety of options to top up the system. We did try it in a ground floor apartment - this didn't work because the reception was not as good, it might have worked on the patio?

Best wishes


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22 Apr 2010 3:55 PM by Rayoconnor Star rating in Dublin. 123 forum posts Send private message


I have one of those. I top up in the shop in Dos Mares. However Im told you can top up on-line, but couldnt work out how to do it?


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24 Apr 2010 2:39 PM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message


                 where did you buy the dongle in the UK or Spain ?




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24 Apr 2010 3:09 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

sandrab´s avatar

Is there anyone on Phase 1 who  has a penthouse who would like to take part in a wifi test for satellite internet access on a pay as you go basis.  If so, please pm me.  More information to follow once test has been done.





Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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25 Apr 2010 7:48 PM by BwanaB Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message


I bought the dongle in Spain - they are widely available - I bought mine in Cartagena but there is a Vodafone shop in the Dos Mares complex. The opening deal seemed to be a week unlimited or 1 Gb - I've just got home following the ash episode and had just about used the 1 Gb (lots of flight searching!!) but all in all it lasted nearly a fortnight & I was very happy with it.

Like Ray, I shall probably top up in the shopping centre.

Best wishes




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27 Apr 2010 11:31 AM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Hello Andrew,

                        I'm not very good with the latest technology does this mean that I can top up, only when I want to use it in Spain ?

Regards Margaret


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27 Apr 2010 8:22 PM by Rayoconnor Star rating in Dublin. 123 forum posts Send private message

Hi Margaret,


Yes and you top up just like a mobile phone. Some words of caution, if your not in a penthouse, I hear the coverage many be dodgy.



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