The Comments |
Hi All,
going out Dec 1st - Mon 6th. Is anyone there ? Fancy a drink in Pepas on Fri 3rd , 2000 hrs, or wherever open ?
Does the bush need trimming ?
Marilyn & Rik

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Help please !
If we buy a Spanish DVD player, will we be able to play imported DVDs on it ? (i.e. stuff we take).
If we buy a Spanish DVD player and buy their DVDs, do we always have the option to view them in English ?
Just came back from Morocco, got CHECK REGIONAL CODE all the time !
Any hints, tips, etc, very much appreciated.
Marilyn & Rik
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Easy answer yes you wll be able to play DVD´s from th UK and Europe in a system bought in Spain
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
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Hi Marilyn,
Wish we were going out but unfortunately it will be in the New Year now! It was very quiet when we were there 2 weeks ago but lovely all the same.
We bought our dvd player in Spain and we haven't had any trouble playing any of ours, even copies!
Have a great time and we hope to see you there one day.
p.s Sean's bush was fine when we were there but it might be worth giving it the once over!!!!!!
Lynn x
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Now there's a first Lynn, a scouser with dodgy DVD's I hope you just borrowed them off a dodgy Brummy.
We are not over until the end of Feb (maybe) wish it could be sooner but one has to earn a living to pay off one's home in the sun.
20 months and counting before we have to make the decision to move, I suppose the euro will have a big say as well as Peinsa.
Anyway Marilyn hope you & Rik have a great time in San juan, we look forward to meeting you in the near future. As for the Bush, Stuart & Denise say it is fine but give it a once over for Sean & Margot anyway.
Mick & Pam 
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