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We purchased in 2005, for phase 4 of the development and despite our solicior pushing for us to claim our deposit back we have not yet issued proceedings.
Today we received a call from 'Patricia' working for Penisa, informing us the house was ready for us to complete, albeit 5 years late.
We do think its better late than never (all along we hoped to complete). However, we are anxious know that the habitation licence and all other requirements have been issued. Despite Patricia assuring it was, you can imagine we would like to verify this information independently given the past history with Penisa.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks Carol
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We also purchased in 2005 on phase 1 and completed in July 2008 despite not having habitation licences although they were issued for phases 1-3 a couple of months later. We are still on builder electricity (not paying for it!!!) but since sept last year, we have been paying for the water which up until then we were also getting free. We have spent a lot of time in San Juan in the last few years and are lucky enough to spend up to 6 weeks there in the summer. The place is beautiful, all the people we have met, both locals and others on CDP, are very friendly and we have made some very good friends there. We don't regret it for a minute and I'm sure if you go ahead you will be very happy. I can understand you being a bit hesitant given all the doom and gloom merchants who post on here who don't seem to want the site to be finished and like to spread rumours and scare people but I think that the site is so near completion it would be incomprehensible for it not to be finished and all licences put in place. Peinsa have taken their time and we have been just as frustrated with them as everyone else in the past but they did do everything we asked of them as regards snagging so eventually we got the house we paid for. Good luck to you whatever you decide but at the end of the day only you can make the decision. You will no doubt get lots of replies telling you to get out while you can but I havent spoken to anyone who has signed up that regret it, only that it took so long. Lynn
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Hi Carol
Pam & I are on phase 4 and received our Habitation Liceince off Yolanda Last week, sorry I forgot to metion it to you JIm & Lynn. We are very very happy with CDP and it now looks more & more like the site will be complete this year they are even talking about the commercial centre in front of CDP again. The whole of our family have fallen in love with the place & the poeple on the site have made it easier for us to settle than we thought, we are out there the end of Feb again & if everything does go ahead this year we intend moving out Next year.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Carol,
I can only reitterate what others have said, we bought on PH 5 but changed to PH 3 as we wanted to complete on a house with a licence in place, albiet on the basis an adequate electricity supply is provided.
Pulpi I believe have a vested interested in the site being finished so it is, IMO inconceivable that things will not be totally complete in the very near future. Yes Peinsa have been late and unfortunatley some people have been treated very badly, but this is Spain after all said and done.
We just love the place and the people we`ve met, so are totally satisfied with our decision to complete and I would suggest if you are able and want to complete this would be the best option, at least you will own the place.
Hope all goes well and look forward to seeing you in the village sometime.
Roger & Stella
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I would only agree to complete if Peinsa give some sort of compensation, i.e. white goods free in recognition of the loss of enjoyment, rental income, interest on deposit etc. over the last 5 years. Others have done this. This message was last edited by cpunter on 26/01/2011.
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I would complete regardless of the license, subject to getting some compensation - at least you would then have a tangible asset to use and enjoy & there's little chance of getting the deposit back. This message was last edited by cpunter on 26/01/2011.
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The rate that the Spanish are moving in is quite amazing, it looks as if they have all been given the Habitation Licence & with them paying a small deposit. The site now looks as if it is getting into it's final stage of completion, I know we all have waited a long time & I am not going on about it anymore but !!!!! I dont think they would allow any more communities to be built if the Sub Station has not had the green light. Good times ahead we hope, Carol if you can get the white goods great I wish you all the best.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Carol,
We can only say go ahead ! We are in Terreros now ( mucho gracious to Mick n Pam again for letting us stay at their lovely house )and the site is looking better each time we visit. We went to see Patricia on monday and she said all hab'n licenses have been applied for, but unfortunately due to builder difficulties, ours hasn't on phase 6 :(
They have cleared most of the front areas and it is looking good. The site is almost complete, they only need to open up the fenced areas.
Tome cuidado y buena suerte, Ray n Ann
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Hi Carol
I'm just back and as I mentioned on another thread there has been frantic activity to get the place done in recent weeks. I'm on phase 5 and I got my habitation license last week in fact if you send me the numebr of your house I'll be able to tell you whether its on the same list as mine. I think they got licenses for about 70 additional properties.
I agre with all the other completers - go for it its reallly shaping up well and has been well worth the wait.
Good luck in your decision.
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