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19 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by Terry957 Star rating in Gosport, Hampshire. 78 forum posts Send private message

Does anyone have any useful advice on buying/transferring euro?  I was offered 1.4717 today by Currencies Direct (incidentally, Michelle of CD /ex BMS seemed to think we would need the money within the next 2 weeks!) but I am not sure if it is wise to buy now or not.  What are other people doing? I noted that there was a sharp rise up to 1.52 a little while back, swiftly followed by a fall back.  Can anyone advise on the possible activity of the euro in the short term future?   I am just aware that with the amount of money we will all be transferring, even a small change in the rate could mean the difference of many £'s.

Terry 19b

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19 Feb 2007 3:04 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 forum posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Take a look at the thread on the general forum.  There's been a big discussion about this there:

Transferring money to Spain


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19 Feb 2007 4:04 PM by DaveAilsa Star rating in Tallentire, UK, Los .... 101 forum posts Send private message


The Euro rate has dropped significantly in the last few days : see .......


It was, as you say, up to about 1.52 briefly when the BOE raised interest rates - that would have been a good time to exchange !!  Unfortunately we set up a forward contract last November when the rate was 1.48 and the rate offered was just under 1.47 (you always get less for a forward contract). Timing is everything - and foresight even better....
I hope you're not right when you say that Michelle said you'd need the money within the next 2 weeks - when the builders have released the properties to the agents then you normally (well, with Atlas anyway) have upto 6 weeks - after the snagging inspection is complete - to complete the purchase.
Even if they released today, that still means you ought to have upto until mid April ..... i.e. 9 weeks..... but if they don't release until end Feb then that extends to end April - when the Euro rate might be better (or maybe worse !!).

Dave (and Ailsa) 2A


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