My apolgies if anything I wrote caused offense- I was merely saying that if people are thinking that renting to workers on the proposed Paramount Theme Park they need to think through it very carefully and not assume it will resolve all their problems. I also tried to include a few of the actions I would take as they may not have been considered by someone new to renting. I'm fully aware of how bitter that feeling of being duped can be and I understand that many people feel very bitter that they have been put into a terrible position by PW and so it's hard for them to think outside the box and I've been in that position myself. I do see that I may have exaggerated what the situation may be as another poster pointed out 2011 is not what the early 2000's were in relation to local employment and there may well be less need to local accomodation as in the past.
As ABC news reported ,this week ,that building will start before the end of the year we can only wait and see and hope the whole process is not a red herring that the local govt hope will help them win the forthcoming elections. However, if its all a smokescreen they've put a tremendous amount of effort into it. There are many rumours about the investment that the project is apparently successfully procuring but until the first piece of ground is dug over we just wont know that the reality is to be.
I dont like to think of someone sitting at their pc bitter and churned up to the point of being offensive when replying to a post and so if henry 14 has a genuine reason for his despair then he has my sympathies.