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Hacienda San Cayetano forum threads
The Comments
20 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by CathyL Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

We have bought Plot 9 Block 5 through Ultra Villas.  Has anyone else bought through this company?  If so have they had any feedback or info on progress?  Is anyone going out to site soon who could feed back to us on how this part of the development is looking - a photo would be great.  Thanks

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20 Feb 2007 7:15 PM by alex875 Star rating. 209 forum posts Send private message

alex875´s avatar

Hi Cathy

im going out there on monday will take some pics but there is plenty of pics on here under shared photos.

i have never heard of ultra villas so cant coment.

the latest photo on here is block 5 in the distance

Iain & Wendy



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20 Feb 2007 8:19 PM by cazb Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hello Cathy

Have you purchased a bungalow or penthouse on Block 5 Manzana 6 due Dec 07?

If so, you can see the block on the 1st set of photos of 12 Feb nos 43377, very kindly taken by Ken.

Is there anyone else out there who has also bought on this block?  Please get in touch.

Carol & Peter


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21 Feb 2007 7:11 PM by trudi170552 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi Carol and Peter

My name is Trudi and my mother and I have bought a penthouse in that block.  We are planning to move to Spain permanently early next year so it would be good to make contact with people who are buying in the same block. Perhaps we can keep in touch to share any problems/ news etc.







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22 Feb 2007 10:42 AM by juner Star rating in San Cayetano. 58 forum posts Send private message

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Hi my name is June and, along with my husband Kim , we are moving our to Spain next year. We have purchased a quad villa on Manzana 5, and on the plan we are number 49.

It would be lovely to hear from anyone else who be our neighbours.



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24 Feb 2007 4:44 PM by cazb Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hi Trudi

We have purchased a bungalow facing the site and village due. Dec 07.

Are you on the same side?

We must keep in touch to discuss the developments.

Looking forward to meeting you in the future.

Carol and Peter


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25 Feb 2007 2:23 PM by trudi170552 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi Carol and Peter

Our penthouse is number 27 block 5 and we face inwards. We are going over for 2 weeks at the end of April and will let you know how things are.

Looking forward to meeting all our new neighbours


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04 Mar 2007 5:35 PM by alan/yvonne Star rating in Edinburgh. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi  All.

We are Alan,Yvonne,Sarah+Daniel. We are moving to No 25 block 5 manzana 6,ready Dec 07.Have been looking at this site for a while now

and thought it was time to have a go ourselves. Yvonne and I are going out for a few days in May to enrol kids in schools, and we will all be out

first week in July for a short holiday. We look forward to meeting everyone in the near future.




Alan,Yvonne, Sarah + Daniel

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04 Mar 2007 5:41 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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How old are you kids? Our kids will enrol in the local school, age 2 and 4. im on a mission at the moment trawling thru the net trying to find a ballet school and swimming club.

When are you moving out?




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04 Mar 2007 5:54 PM by 8yewtree Star rating in San Cayetano, Murcia.... 316 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Alan, Yvonne, Sarah & Daniel

We are Manzana 5 number 26 due to complete Mar '08. Our son Charlie now 4 will also be going to the local school. Its great that there are so many families going to live in San Cayetano.


Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees

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04 Mar 2007 11:50 PM by Hallam Star rating in San Cayetano . 109 forum posts Send private message

Hi Eveyone,

We are going out on Saturday 10th March for a week, to see how things are going. We intend to make our first site visit on Sunday 11th, as we understand from other members access on to the site is better on a Sunday when the builders are not there. If any of our future neighbours are around on that Sunday or later in the week we would be very pleased to meet them.


David & Janet

Quad 22 Block 5


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05 Mar 2007 5:34 PM by alan/yvonne Star rating in Edinburgh. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

We plan to move out 2nd week of January 2008,all going well. On our first posting we forgot to mention we also have 2 dogs

coming with us as well as the kids,[we must be mad] . Sarah will be nearly 13 when we get there, and Daniel will be 7 years old.

                                                                                   Speak soon.

                                                                         Alan, Yvonne, Sarah + Daniel

Alan,Yvonne, Sarah + Daniel

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18 Mar 2007 11:32 PM by Hallam Star rating in San Cayetano . 109 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone,

We were out at San Cayetano last week and were pleased to meet up with some of our future neighbours.

Have posted some new photo's of block 5 taken last week, the first phase seems to be coming on well.

Photo 1 Taken down the centre of Block 5 from the lowest number end.

Photo 2 Taken from the opposite end of block 5 looking the other way

Photo 3 Second phase of block 5 taken from end numbered 55/56 - 76/75. This phase is delayed because of an overhead power line that has to be removed before they can get the crane on site.

Photo 4 Seems like one of the finished quads has had a TV aerial erected. Thought we had read somewhere that this would not be permitted.

Photo 5  One of the shrubs in the finished walkway just coming into flower. These will look very nice when fully grown and they smell gorgeous.


Janet & David


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19 Mar 2007 9:08 AM by davidg Star rating. 247 forum posts Send private message

Hi David & Janet

The photos are great. They have certainly got on with the building since we were there in January

Wherebaouts is the TV aerial on the quad - we're hoping it's not near to ours, which we hope to complete on anyday now? We were told that there would be no aerials/ dishes allowed as they have community satellite dishes & then it is up to residents to purchase their digi boxes & whichever package of channels they require.

If anybody is over this week, could they ask on site about the community satellite dishes? It seems pretty pointless having these if ther are going to be aerials/ dishes all over the site!

Kind Regards Sue & David

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19 Mar 2007 11:40 AM by kennym Star rating. 77 forum posts Send private message

Hi David, Janet, David & Sue,

It's great to see the progress thats been made in just over a month, thanks to David and Janet for the update.

As regards the aerial. We too were under the impression that no aerials were to be allowed and that the tv signal was going to be provided via the community dish. I suppose however that until there is a "community" to agree upon community decisions such as this, people who have completed may feel justified into taking matters into their own hands. When we were over in Feb , we spoke to a couple who had moved in to the Balsicas site. They had erected a dish to provide them with t.v as the community signal had not been switched on yet. I remember them telling us that a  man from Taray  had appeared at their door and demanded that they take it down as it did not comply with Tarays policy of a communal dish. They were also told that, because they had drilled through the wall to install the cabling for the dish, they were in fact jeopardising the  building warranty for their property. The couple refused to remove their dish as it was the only way they could get t.v. until the main dish was activated. Is it possible I wonder for Taray to switch on our community signal at a cost to those who wish it now and to provide a basic package . I realise that this will not help those amongst us who want a more complete package, unless adding a  digi box would help, but surely if it would provide a service without the need of extra aerials/ dishes etc., in the short term until the "community" is set up. I just would not like to see animosity in the future between those who have, at their own expense, made their own t.v. arrangements and people who move in when the signal is being activated because if it is correct that aerials / dishes are not allowed then the "community " will probably vote to have them removed (more expense). Personally I would be disappointed if aerials/ dishes popped up all over the place as it would not look very good, bearing in mind that on the quads we could have all four owners setting up their own systems. I cannot imagine how it would look on the apartments, would the poor soul with the end property have all the aerials attatched to their outside wall to pick up the best signal - I would hope not!  

If anyone finds anthing out please let us know.


Elaine  & Ken

This message was last edited by kennym on 3/19/2007.

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19 Mar 2007 8:27 PM by Hallam Star rating in San Cayetano . 109 forum posts Send private message

Hi again,

Sue & David, you asked where the aerial was situated, as I recall it was on the inner walkway that is finished, walking away from the inner show house, it is the first quad past the car park halfway up on the left hand side.

Elain & Ken, you mentioned about the Taray Balsicas site just up the road from us, we went and took a look at that last week whilst we were there, all I can say is I'm glad we chose to reside in San Cayatano. I'ts not a patch on ours, no where near as attractive, and that flyover that is growing up the side is going to be a monster.

Viva San Cayetano!

Kind Regards

David & Janet

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19 Mar 2007 8:30 PM by 8yewtree Star rating in San Cayetano, Murcia.... 316 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Janet & David

Thanks for the photos I'm getting all giddy again! Especially as they are of block 5. It makes it more real somehow.

Thanks again


Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees

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19 Mar 2007 8:36 PM by davidg Star rating. 247 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

David & Janet -Thanks for the info re the aerial

Ken & Elaine - where do you think it is in relation to your house, we can't quite work out how many blocks there are on the left hand side of the inner quad show house??

Kind Regards Sue & David

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20 Mar 2007 10:45 AM by kennym Star rating. 77 forum posts Send private message

hi sue & david / janet & david,

regards the aerial, not quite sure which car park you mean ? is it the one in front of our house (5f) or is it the one further down the walkway on the left ? if it's the latter then the quad with the aerial sounds like the quad after this car park which was our old house (next to the power box and aerial) which was, under the old numbers, no:16.

if you mean the car park in front of our house then the aerial is on the quad block further down the walkway from ours on the left side. either way it will be noticed.


elaine & ken. 

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20 Mar 2007 4:53 PM by volfen Star rating in San Cayetano. 97 forum posts Send private message

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the ariels in question are in quad number 14 on the inner block   which is the one that  Kenny and Elaine were going to have  now owned by Elizabeth and Vincent   and the other one is the one on the outside facing the  penthouses   at the very end   they i think are the only two quads that are occupied   up to now   hope this answers  the questions   for you


Sheila and Alan

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