Which Broker to use for transferring money?

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16 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

I know this has been discussed previously, but wondered what everybody was using for transferring money to Spain for their bills on a monthy basis.

I have been using CGEN, but only seem to be getting 1.12 to the pound, is this good or are there any good recommendations for companies to set up a direct debit with and what rate have you been getting?

Thanks in advance.


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16 Feb 2011 3:18 PM by Steeley1981 Star rating. 146 forum posts Send private message

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I have setup a regular (monthly) payment plan with Moneycorp.  Payment comes out of UK account on 1st of each month and usually hits Spanish account within 3 days.

Recent rates have been just above the 1.14 mark.  Eash transaction costs £4.

Hope this helps.



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16 Feb 2011 4:12 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

 i use www.currenciesdirect.com and was got 1.18 last week.






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16 Feb 2011 6:50 PM by Waddle Star rating in Chesterfield & Los N.... 210 forum posts Send private message

Waddle´s avatar

I use Caxtonfx.com and got 1.175 a couple of days ago

Always found them very efficient

Russ & Louise Salud !

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16 Feb 2011 7:38 PM by geoff359 Star rating in www.condado202.co.uk. 220 forum posts Send private message

geoff359´s avatar

 I discovered this recently, but haven't had the need to use it yet, but seems like it might be worth a try, here's the link for you to 'cut & paste' :-  




Good luck. Geoff.

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16 Feb 2011 7:47 PM by Nijinski Star rating in Manchester & La Isla. 117 forum posts Send private message

Nijinski´s avatar

I post a sterling cheque every month or two to Barclays Spain, it does take about 10 days to hit the account but no charges and always a good X rate.



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17 Feb 2011 12:12 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar

I use Smart Currency.

Book the amount/rate over the phone. send the sterling equivalent by same day free BACS from my online £ account, and they forward the equiv Euros on the day after, its in my CAM a/c within 3 working days from start to finish. Rate always close to the commercial buy rate which i follow daily. £5 charge for sending under £3k equiv, free if you send over £3k equiv.

I did use MoneyCorp for my purchase transfer as they offered the best rate on the day, and the best 12mth forward rate for a large amount.



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17 Feb 2011 9:16 AM by marit13 Star rating in fife scotland . 97 forum posts Send private message


I have used the post office transfer service twice now. Very easy to set up its linked to the Halifax, you can actually sit and watch the exchange rate going up and down on screen and you choose your rate.




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18 Feb 2011 12:39 PM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

I have tried many and all seem to be about the same rate offered (aprox 0.3 less than banking rate ) however Caxton FX is by far the easiest 



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18 Feb 2011 8:28 PM by carla/dave Star rating in Manchester and Penth.... 83 forum posts Send private message

We use HiFX.

No charge for the transaction.

We set up an 11 month contract with them so the rate is fixed whatever.

If your bank charge you they refund this back to you. Service is great and can also use to transfer money into our bank account if coming out to Spain for no charge rather than carrying cash around.


Carla and Dave


Carla and Dave.




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