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Has anyone actually received formal notification of a date for completion of their property.
I sent an email to MASA last week & was told very very soon, but no actual date. Also I heard that some completions are taking place mid April.........
Watch this space.....................
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Stella and Nigel are presently on hols in the area for a week and will be checking out latest info. They are due back about 8Mar and will let us all know latest update shortly after , subject to Jet-lag
Roger and Fran
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So, from the lack of responses & actual dates, we are still non the wiser as to when exactly we will be completing. We may pop over to SG this weekend - if we learn anything new we´ll post a new link.
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Hi Kathy
Seen that you might be planning to go over and I would appreciate photos of m16 20 and the road. I have seen a couple of photos showing a couple of furniture vans outside my house but couldnt see fully the state the road was in. I know you be be limited to time and are really interested in your house but any information you could get would be great.
sandra m16/20
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We have booked to go out on 20th March. This time we are taking it as a few days holiday with a view to looking at the house. In the past we have gone specifically to look at the sight and then been so dissapointed that it's ruined our time there, and I said I wouldn't go again until I had to. However I have been sent some great photo's from those of you that have been so I'm risking going back because I can't resist seeing it for myself.
If anyone wants me to take any pictures let me know your nos and I will be pleased to return the favour from others.
Sue & Ray
Albatros 53.21
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Hi Sue
Thanks for taken the time to answer on my last thread re: trimester. I understand what you are saying but dont understand 31st. Surely there arent that many................... I spoke to agents today who are convinced and firmly telling me it is 31st march 2007 that the buikde has agreed to. They will carry out final inspection at this time and arrange for us to go over to complete.
Can I tak you up on your offer of photos. Any snaps appreciated including the road outside as the Spanish release when access to property is suitable not like here wereyou could live on a building site for months .
Thanks again and hope to hear from you
sandra M16 20 Eagle
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Hi Sandra,
Yes certainly I'll get the photo's you'll need to send me a private message so that I have your e-mail address to send them to you.
I also typed the wrong number re trimester, trimester is 3 months and pregnancy 3 trimesters not 4 as I typed! I am starting to look forward to it again now, whats a couple of months when I've already waited over 2 1/2 years??
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Thanks Sue.
will send you my email shortly.
Ihavent waited as long as yourself and most others but I know looking forward to something is worse than when youve got it and looking back. I think at this stage we all need to keep eachothers spirits up and mention all the good things we will be able to do rather than all the negative things that has been happening, it only gets you irritated frustrated and does your head in. im looking forward to sitting with my wee glass on the roof, balcony, garden anywhere enjoying the sunshine and meeting new friends and doing new things as a family as we are very busy at home. we dont seem to get much time together. this is our wee retreat when the going gets tough.
well lookforwrd to seeing photos and maybe meeting you in the summer.
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Its Steve and Rosa
first time been on the message page
We have Albatross 14.43 Has anyone taken out their NIE registration yet , if so what does that involve how long does it take ?
Has anyone had motgage details from BBVA or are there any better deals out there
steveand rosa
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Welcome Steve and Rosa
NIE Number; I have been told at the moment its quite fast 24hrs according to my agent. If you give yourselves a week at least in spain or 10 days if taking a mortgage this is plenty of time. You need to go to Alicante. Sam and Jackie went out on Monday to get theirs, i think they should be back soon and are going to let me know all details so i will forward this to you if they dont put on this thread. They may email us privately. Your agent should point you in the right direction. I hope this is help to you.
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Hi All
Emailed our agents Mercers, the other day, with regard to the many & varied dates being put around regarding completion etc. They have responded saying that GrupoMasa are adamant they will begin the handover process at the end of this month, and that we should have possession in April.
Fact or Fiction?? Lets wait & see.
John & Mary B.
This message was last edited by hillwood on 3/9/2007.

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Hi All,
Re. NIE numbers, we went to Spain in Jan and used a lawyers based in Torrevieja, they charged us 75 euros per number and I would recommend them.
However the saga was not without incident. If you need your numbers in a hurry then they take you to a Police Station in Orihuela. We were told to be there at 4 pm but when we arrived the queue was out the door! We were told that the office closed at 7pm but that 3 hours should be time enough to get to the front. Some chance! at 7pm on the dot and still 20 people from the front the official got up from his desk said something in Spanish then ushered us all out of the station!!
The next day we went to another office this time in Torrevieja, we waited for about 40 mins and were dealt with. The down side of this method is that the documentation takes up to two weeks so we had to authorise the lawyer to collect the numbers on our behalf.
The moral of my story is if you need your NIE numbers there and then you have to queue up at the police station get there early, you need someone with you who speaks Spanish as they wont talk to you in English and then hope the queue is not too long and you get seen before 7pm.
Good luck!!
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We got our NIE's when we visited last May , when everyone thought we would get completion in Oct.06.
We got them through our solicitor , who had arranged all the paper work + photocopies etc. ; then all we needed to do was to meet up with her at the Police Station in Cartagena. We completed all the formal stuff in about 2 minutes flat. We did'nt actually receive our NIE's at that time because it takes about 2 weeks for the Police to send them on - at present they are with our solicitor awaiting the next time we see her.
Hope this answers all your NIE queries.
Roger and Fran ( Res ) Open 15.54
PS. Have typed it this colour because that is what colour the water should be in the Mar Menor at this time ---- if only we could get there.
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Just heard from a couple who were out in spain at the weekend to get their nie . They went to office in Alicante at 11 am and were all done and dusted back at hotel for 2pm. They were on our site on 11-3-07 (thankfully they didnt see your security guard stella) The roads outside up to M16 is tarmaced and they have taken the gates off gardens to paint the walls. This looks like they are finishing touches so lets hope we will all be getting sorted pretty soon. Dunno bout you lot but my suitcase is starting to get a bit fidgety.
Take care Meet soon
sandra m16 20
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Hi Eric ,
Wow !!!
You're only 2doors away from us - If we move in before you what should we put in our fridge ready to slake your thirst ??
We have been living in rented accommodatoin for 2 1/2 years and are fed-up with paying out for the rent . Mind you , it should'nt take us long to pack because we had a massive clear-out before moving here .
See you hopefully very soon ,
Roger and Fran (Res) Open 15.54
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