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hey everyone ,
bit stuck on what to do so come on here to ask for some advice , my mum and dad own an apartment on garden 4 naranjos , and im a bit dissapointed in the upkeeping off the football pitches , compared to what they where a few years ago , they are now un-playable on as the weeds on the pitches are now upto my hip. For the amount of kids as well as adults who use the football pitches during the holiday's you would think millenium levante , or the banks or whoever owns them would atleast cut them for us. does anyone know how i go about complaining or doing something for them to atleast be cut??
over at condado at the minute , weather is hot hot hot , having a ball :)).
thanks , Edward.
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Hi Edward,
I know at Easter, Milleniun had arranged for the gardeners to cut the grass on one of the pitches.
You may want to ask in the office at Al Kasar.
_______________________ Steve & Ann-Marie
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thanks steve
will go now and see what they say , will be a real shame if they dont cut them in time for when the site will be at it's bussiest , had a great time playing on there last year.
Edward :)
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Was over end of June and the football pitches are devoid of grass just 3 foot weeds on all of them! Its outrageous that they have been allowed to fall into such disrepair, you look across the road at the grass on the golf side and cant compare their rough to the pitches as the rough is far better maintained!!
Come on ML lets get them back and running instead of this eyesore and waste of space that they are now
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Assuming the pitches are sorted out, are there any kick abouts organised or is it just a matter of getting some bodies together? We're out for 3 weeks at the begining of August and I 'd love to be able to have a game whilst we're there. Do you think i'd get away with teling my mates i was at a 5* Summer taining camp!?
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there is a 6 day fiesta on condado , so providing the pitches are cut , theyre will be tournaments held over here for kids and adults .. last year was a great success :)
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Edwardmiller1 says there will be a tournament coming up on the football pitches...
Let me tell you I have played football at a good level and I can say that I would not let a dog kick a ball on those pitches its like playing on gravel or the Red rec!!!
The pitches are devoid of grass and are over run with weeds, IMO they are unplayable as a soccer pitch, the only playable part are the goal frames and nets END OF!!!
Sent email to ML Mark but not holding my breath..
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Seems crazy to me. We all want quality facilities. We get quality football pitches, and then don't maintain them, and let them get to a state of being unusable. They are an embarrasment to the place.
_______________________ Mark + Sandra
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I want an apartment in "EdwardMiller1's Condado", first he says there is a Sports Bar opening in 2 weeks, now he is saying our weed riddled pitches are going to host a football Tournement during the 6 day Condado Fiesta!
Edward, the Half Full Brigade are going to love you!....
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Wondered how long Edward's bout of optimism would go unanswered.
To be fair it was longer than I thought.
Don't worry Edward some people couldn't enjoy themselves if they got locked in a brewery.
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SMV open your eyes its not about doubt its about FACTS!!
I have seen the pitches last week and they are NOT playable unless a lot of work is done SOON! This is not bashing the resort because I love it its about people not telling the truth thats all...
If it happens I will be the 1st to apologise on here in public.. I trust if it doesnt happen you will do the same????
Dont believe everything you read SMV or in the News of The World
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Well said Chaddy! Indianna Jones couldnt cross those pitches at the moment! Nevermind a childrens football tournement!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Chaddyowl, I'll do you one better and apologise in advance.
You may be right about the pitches. I hope the work required is done soon and the pitches are playable as you mentioned.
I thought the replies were maybe overly negative but then I might be wrong. Certainly would hope that no one was posting what they knew was untrue, as I agree totally with you on that score.
And I'm hoping Edward is right about the Sports Bar re-opening...I know a few have posted that there is no way that bar will ever re-open but I'd rather err on the side of optimisim. Might even see you in there Darren.
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Another beer ............... i think i'll visit the football pitches on my way to the PW Car Park .............. Gawd how they've fallen, how long before they erect barriers and start charging for use of the car park ............... and not wishing to have a go here, but i guess ML are not responsbile for the football pitches and maybe they could be subject to a legal challenge if hey divert funds to clear them.
Perhaps a group of like minded owners could hire a brush clearer (big strimmer) and a sit on mower - be done in a day, probably need a group to get together and sort it ................ not unlike the golf society ............... make it a social thing .............. i'd chip in time (when I'm here) and some cash as the girlfriend's daughter went up there at 6 every night when we were here last summer and had a good kick around for a couple of hours ................. probably need a resident to front it
Then again maybe H&S rules would scupper it, or we could even by sued for damaging the weeds !
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sorry guys i didnt mean to stir up any arguements ... there is a planned fiesta on condado for 6 days ,3 days in july and 3 days in august ,
there will be a football tournament held within the fiesta , providing the football pitches are sorted out
as for the sports bar opening ... there is an englishman buying it and he hopefully will be opening it in time for the peak off the summer.
can i also add that the restaurant has its chairs outside again in al kasar so hopefully that should be opening within the next few days ,
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