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19 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by morgan7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone tell me the nearest Doctor to CDA please???

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19 Jul 2011 11:24 AM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

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There is a clinic in Alhama de Murcia - unfortunately they do not speak English.  There is also a private doctor in Alhama de Murcia and the nurse there speaks English



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19 Jul 2011 11:40 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Doctors surgery in Camposol A



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19 Jul 2011 11:45 AM by KATHYANDBOB Star rating. 294 forum posts Send private message

It depends on what you you need & your health care status in Spain. If you are retired & living in Spain you should register at the local Centro Salud & then you can see your GP. But if you are just on holiday & want to see a doctor you will need to visit A&E if it´s an emergency or a private doctor if it is non emergency. Alternativly the pharmacy´s here are very good & dole out drugs & pills quite happily.


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19 Jul 2011 9:40 PM by morgan7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Many Thanks, not for me elderley relatives are staying in my apartment this week and have text asking for nearest doctor, I knew there was a hospital on the main street in Alhama and a pharmacy in camposol but hadnt used either personally.


Thanks for replies

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19 Jul 2011 11:14 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

Hello I would just like to Clarify there is no Hospital in Alhama there is a medical centre there but they do not speak english and unless you take an interpreter the Doc wont treat you?

Also unless there is a Pharmacy in the newly opened Medical center in Camposol A (For Camposol and Mazarron residents) then the nearest is in El Pareton.

Condado comes under Alhama so we should use their medical Centre.

The Doc in Camposol B speaks english and is very good however he is only there a few hours Wednesday Lunchtime and  few hours on sat morning and he is private so expect to pay private rates.

The nearest A & E is at EL Palmer / Alcantrilla the Hospital is called Hospital Univeritario V.D.I Arrixaca phone 968 369 500

of course in Emergency there is always 112 or Emergency Ambulance 061




I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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20 Jul 2011 1:55 PM by welshwoman Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

I needed a doctor when I sprained both ankles falling off the patio step ! It was Maundy Thursday, the first day of the 4 day Easter holiday in Spain.

All the smaller clinics were closed - CampSol, Mazzaron and Puerto Mazzaron - so if it is out of hours I would suggest driving to the main hospital in Murcia. Make sure you have your European Health Card up to date. I was seen straight away, into X-ray, and then had a plaster cast put on my leg. The 2 doctors spoke English, but none of the other staff did. The treatment was excellent, and there was no payment.

If it is during " office hours " then I  would suggest going to CampSol.

Just seen the previous email which gives more details, plus addresses and phone numbers.




This message was last edited by welshwoman on 20/07/2011.

This message was last edited by welshwoman on 20/07/2011.

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20 Jul 2011 3:24 PM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

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You are right about the clinic in Alhama -non-one speaks English and unless your spanish is good or you take an interpreter with you they just look at you blankly.  As we wern't getting anywhere at the clinic we had to go to the private doctor in Alhama where the nurse speaks english (the doctor doesn't) and as another injection was required on a Sunday when the private surgery is closed they had to write a letter to the clinic in Alhama stating what was to be done.  As you say no cost at the clinic was invoived.




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22 Jul 2011 2:42 PM by valeros Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

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Just who the HELL do you people think you are?!!!!!!
You really take the biscuit!!!
The Medical Facilities in Spain are absolutely first class, puts the UK in the dark ages.
REMEMBER, you are living/visiting here, the Spanish do not have to learn English (although many do), YOU have to learn their language.
Most of you will not know the history of the Polaris/Condado scenario; they were ultimately allowed to build if they provided a realistic infrastructure to support the development, i.e., Medical etc, not to overload existing local services.
None of this has, or is likely to happen!
I suggest that instead of moaning/bitching about the insignificant things happening on a rather second rate urbanisation you get your “Presidents” to do something useful and  provide inhabitants with useful emergency contacts, directions, how it works etc information.

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22 Jul 2011 3:52 PM by lindaw164 Star rating in Glasgow and Jardins .... 253 forum posts Send private message

lindaw164´s avatar

Further to your rant.  I don't think anyone on this post was criticising the Spanish Health Service, in fact our experience of the service was good but as we don't speak Spanish the Clinic in Alhama didn't know what the problem was so that is why we had to go to the private doctor. That was our problem not theirs!  We were only pointing out that you would have to take a Spanish speaking person with you if you want to go to the clinc.


End of story.  So get off your high horse.



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22 Jul 2011 5:18 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

Totally agree with you on this one Linda, you go girl!


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23 Jul 2011 2:09 PM by glesgasteve Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message


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02 Nov 2013 10:55 AM by mappam Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

I understand there is an english speaking doctor in Alhama de Murcia.  Does anyone know any details ie name, telephone number, address?

Really appreciate any info thanks

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02 Nov 2013 11:42 AM by shirley13 Star rating in I live in West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message

My husband took someone to alhama last year to see a doctor. He said it is in the centre of alhama and is signposted in the town as emergencies with a cross on the sign?? It is a bit like an A and E he said. They speak little English but understood a nose problem and a reaction to a wasp sting. Sorry cant be of more help but you will be able to see someone and get a prescription. Don't forget your EHIC card though.


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02 Nov 2013 11:42 AM by shirley13 Star rating in I live in West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message

My husband took someone to alhama last year to see a doctor. He said it is in the centre of alhama and is signposted in the town as emergencies with a cross on the sign?? It is a bit like an A and E he said. They speak little English but understood a nose problem and a reaction to a wasp sting. Sorry cant be of more help but you will be able to see someone and get a prescription. Don't forget your EHIC card though.


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02 Nov 2013 1:01 PM by Redrose Star rating in Norwich. 233 forum posts Send private message

Valeros, you really will have a stroke if you keep on like that!!

The Spanish health service is way superior to our own...and you dont have malingerers like we do. Us brits problem is that some of us need to take the time and learn the language...we are at fault not your health service....

When i first went to a spanish Dr..i used minimal Spanish and sign language and we got on Spanish has improved incredibly since then.....

To any of you needing to go to a Dr...advertise your needs on facebook and someone will go with you!,

To those who think you cant learn Spanish...just try a is such a beautiful language and the Murcian people will love you for trying.....

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02 Nov 2013 7:42 PM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message


Valeros - heart attack - not possible - far to laid back and logical....

Good to see positive comments regarding the Spanish health system, and you are absolutly correct when you say a little "idiomas" and sign language goes a long way. !!

Have you learnt Spanish or Murciano?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



When people say they "turn you away" if you do not speak Spanish is ridiculous; if niether party understands what the other is saying, what is the point of continuing the conversation - learn some basic words, take a dictionary and you will see just how patient and understanding these people are.

There are many Farmacia's in Alhama - they work on a rotor system - they appear to be closed but you go to the box adjacent to the shutters/doors - press the button and "hey presto" your medication appears.



This message was last edited by elarado on 02/11/2013.

This message was last edited by elarado on 02/11/2013.

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