Discount Off Golf for Renters

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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
26 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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We went to say goodbye to our clients today to be told that he'd had a conversation with Pro Shop about getting discounted rounds of golf. Not that he wanted to play but was trying to suss it out for him and a group of his golfing buddies for the winter.

He was told that dicount was now only given on presentation of an owners card or a Calidona Temporary card - which Calidona are now only giving out their renters and not owners renters any more.

Has anyone else heard of a similar experience?

Cheers Pommers

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27 Jul 2011 12:38 AM by pmountney72 Star rating in Lichfield. 219 forum posts Send private message

Yes I sent clients and they were told they would not receive any discount, typical Calidona!  Whats wrong with an e-mail notifying owners of this change, obviously its very difficul to send an e-mail, must have got lost in cyber space with the notification of the Hotel e-mail!



Paul Mountney

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27 Jul 2011 5:47 PM by janejohn Star rating. 183 forum posts Send private message

If this is the case, it presumably has implications for those who rent out their properties and advertise these discounts in their  literature/websites.  However, so does the fact that there is now no transport (free or otherwise) to the beach club, or discount at the clubhouse/beachclub for renters, which have potentially been part of the contract.  Some advance notification would be the bare minimum owners could normally expect to receive, so that alterations to adverts etc. could be made ahead of the main holiday season, but we know not to expect anything approaching normal.   

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29 Jul 2011 3:27 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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I am so hacked off about this - as I know are many people.

It appears we as owners have no rights to anythging that we were promised when we bought.

The general public can get better discounts than we can - and the people with golfibng rights must be mightily hacked off at the treatment they are recieving.

Cheers Pommers

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29 Jul 2011 5:01 PM by MARGARET WILSON Star rating. 86 forum posts Send private message

Yes Pommers we are there must be something we can do.

There is an assocation of Golf Right's holders  who are attempting to get some of the things that we were promised when we paid our money. Is the discount now only for owners?


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29 Jul 2011 5:33 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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It is for owners AND renters who rent of Calidona.

Owners guests are no longer entitled to it.

Cheers Pommers

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03 Aug 2011 6:55 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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I wrote to the course manager and had the following response

"Good morning,
There will be no discounts for people renting apartments, unless they book through Calidona rentals. Only for guests playing with the owner.
Juan Fco. Martínez"

I also wrote to the President of the Entidad and Housing to ask for advice. Moira kindly contacted the solictors and they have responed as follows:

"Calidona/Roda must be doing this to promote their own rentals over the private rentals. He does not think that the discount, although heavily promoted by the sales people at the beginning, was enshrined in the contracts for the properties in his experience but if you have something in writing from Calidona which promises the discount on the food in the Clubhouse and the cost of green fees then this is something which could be challenged legally by your solicitor. 


If you can have a look through your Contract and let me know if you have anything showing a definitive discount"

I'm going to have a good look at our contract but don't hold out any hope.

If anyone else has something in writing it would be extremely useful. So get in touch via PM

Also how do people feel about setting up som sort of Owners Association? If in favour then PM me again.

Cheers Pommers

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04 Aug 2011 2:24 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Not that it is compensation for owners yet again losing out on something offered in the marketing of Roda but the way golf green fees work in Spain means that many visitors can obtain reduced green fees through one of the many agents dealing directly with the courses.


For example

Roda current green fee is 45 euros so renters would get 20% discount and pay 36 euros


Currently Roda themselves ar offering after 3.00 pm deals at 35 pp and the agents can get your guests deals on many other local courses including 39 at Roda


To check out agents deals, try these

Club Murcia
Mike Probert at has thread on
Costa Calida Golf tours
Great Golf Company
I personally feel Roda are shooting themselves in the foot as the 10% discount in the Clubhouse persuaded owners/renters to use it but probably more now will venture into town where it is generally cheaper.
Equally once more renters know they can play other courses at discounted fees many will be persuaded to move around rather than play and spend money at Roda
Market your apartments as an ideal base, close to airport,town,beach and numerous golf courses you could even negotiate better golf rates if you can guarantee numbers.

Is it surprising the Spanish Government in now paying close to 5% interest to finance their debts, when businesses chase their customers away to find better deals elsewhere in the world.


This message was last edited by hugh_man on 04/08/2011.

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06 Aug 2011 3:07 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Hughman


Totally agree - this is a typical Spanish response to a business crisis - withdraw special offers and put up the prices!   It make's one wonder where exactly they learned to do business because I thought the first rule of business was having first got your customer do what you reasonably can to keep them a customer.  Come on Roda Golf SL - this is not the right attitude! 

I have used Mike Probert's services for many of our guests at our apartment and he has provided excellent value making it unnecessary to book direct with Roda Golf. 



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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