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08 Mar 2007 12:00 AM by aysha Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone help??  We have just chosen our furniture for our ground floor, 2 bed 2 bath apartment and have been asked for the plans of the apartment (other than the one that is on the website which is all we have!) so that we can have a CAD drawing done.  I have spoken to Mandy who kindly gave me the measurements, and says that is all they have!? ... Has anyone got any other plans, which I could have a copy of?  Would be very helpful.

Many thanks


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12 Mar 2007 9:42 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

You should have plans attached to your contract, we did. There are quite a few plans attached, you just need to work out which one relates to your apartment!! I have our plans with measurements, but not sure if the apartment is same size / layout as yours. Ours is a 2 bed 2 bath, upper penthouse in block 2. If you think it would be useful, I'm more than happy to send copies by post. You do need to be sure that the plans are the correct ones if your furniture and set up is going to be based on what you provide - otherwise you could end up with an expensives mistake! Let me know if you think ours would be useful.

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