Anyone been to Jerez recently

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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
02 Mar 2007 12:00 AM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message


We are visiting from 6th -15th April would like to meet up with as many people as possible to get communications going about site improvements, grass areas, swimmingpols, dealing with Interlarken,  Amex , snagging , the list is endless but also to include friendly social chit chat  maybe over the odd glass of wine.

,Anyone up for it ????   

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03 Mar 2007 8:53 AM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

We'll be there from 9 to 20 April.

This message was last edited by ef on 3/7/2007.

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04 Mar 2007 6:34 PM by andrewjfs Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

We'll be there from 4th to 12th; would be good to meet up.



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05 Mar 2007 2:00 PM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 forum posts Send private message

we will be there from 01/04/07 - 26/04/07 anything that I can do to assist please contact me.

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06 Mar 2007 12:59 PM by pepsi Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

I will be there from 1-4-07 to 14-4-07 & would love to meet with other owners-agenda?

By the way anyone else have odd matching kitchen drawers-the upper two are wooden the lower white plastic-is this a usual feature?

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06 Mar 2007 3:08 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

Yes, to the odd kitchen combination, most apartments I have seen have them - seems to be a Spanish thing to have two colours in the kitchen! I have seen one apartment photo somewhere with a proper integrated kitchen, all one colour, but can't remember where!

This message was last edited by ef on 3/6/2007.

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06 Mar 2007 7:05 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

The picture you are talking about was on the MLH site update dated April 2005.

They then decided this wasnt any good and changed the doors to the cheap white and beech look and done away with the integrated fridge freezer.

Someone actually uses this photo on their advert for the apt.

Ive changed my white fronts to match the beech ones but couldnt do anything with the stand alone fridge/freezer.

By the way were out 1st - 5th April and 28th April - 3rd May.


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06 Mar 2007 9:03 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

We will hopefully be out 31st March to 7th April. Seems like a good number will be out around then.

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06 Mar 2007 11:38 PM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

I have had quit e a few people contact me to say they are around in April. I will try to coordinate a date to get max number together so please keep the dates and contact numbers coming in. I'll set a date for gathering on site and let everyone know and post it on this site at end of March so people can keep the time free, and see who  turns up !!

May be we will have to go with each community having a president that sits on an overall site committee who make joint site decision to ensure that each area is maintened to the same standard. I dont like the fact that all four areas have a different date for general meeting and elections and wonder if this a divide and conquer strategy by Ammex making it very difficult for the whole site to take full control. Will each area election date and financial year run from different dates and election of committee all happen at different times  seems a bit of a mine field.  Perhaps we can explore possibility of  one overall president and committee with each area having a small sub committee.

Please keep sending in your availability to get together in April just to let you know we are out from 6th - 15th April.




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07 Mar 2007 9:58 PM by Sooty2 Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

We too will be out between the 5th and 16th April and would be glad to meet up with fellow owners to try and agree the best way forward.



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08 Mar 2007 9:08 PM by JayGee Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

We will be on the site from 26 March for a while and would like to meet with our new neighbours.


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09 Mar 2007 10:01 AM by RMHP Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

We will be around from 29th March - 1st April 2007.  We would look forward to meeting anyone there at this time to exchange views and ideas etc.

Richard and Jacquie.


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12 Mar 2007 9:28 AM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

i will be about 26-28th, staying nearby , over to finally inspect.

would be happy to meet up for chat/drink abnd discuss pros and cons


nick lane

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19 Mar 2007 7:01 PM by andrew60 Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

We hope to be at CDS from 9th to 15th April.  We would love to meet and talk. 

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19 Mar 2007 7:17 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

It seems as if most people are there either the week before Easter or the week after, so may end up being two different meet ups. I'm happy to host a meet while we are there 9-20 April, do people prefer day or evening? I think my preference would be evening, as I will have lots to do during the day and also hoping to get in a  bit of sight seeing / touristy stuff. If everyone who coincides with these dates can post their preferences for date and time, I will choose a majority-favoured option, in conjunction with whoever started the thread, we can all then plan our other commitments around that, I'm getting to the stage where I have tentative plans for most days, so could do with setting a date. Or if anyone has any better plans........


This message was last edited by ef on 3/19/2007.

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19 Mar 2007 7:22 PM by andrew60 Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for your offer of hospitality Emma.  The evenings of 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th April would suit us. 

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20 Mar 2007 2:54 AM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

To All

I have found out Ana Larios is the president of PM2 and possibly the other 3 communities also. She is a lawyer who works for Interlaken.

Any action you want Ammex to take has to come from Ana Larios as she is the temporary president.

I have sent her an e mail requesting:

1  More gardeners to be used to improve the landscaped areas.

2  Security guards and hut to be put in place as per Interlakens statement of 23rd June 2006.

3  If life guards are required at the pools at all times of use, this should start on 1st April 2007 till 30 Sept 2007. (currently the start time is 1st June to 31st august) This extra period spread accross the community is of very little cost and is something that has been mentioned by quite a few purchasers.

This is to set the ball rolling so to speak and I'll post her response. Her e-mail address is:

Should a few of us request the same we may get some action. With the amount of people going over for Easter it may well be a good time to start pushing for these requests and maybe following up on our visits and to be honest we might want to use the pools, after all they are ours!



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21 Mar 2007 2:53 PM by andrewjfs Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

An evening meeting would suit best for the same reasons as Emma. We're out 4th to 11th April; will go with the flow.

The info on the temp president is very useful - will email today.


andrew & jane

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21 Mar 2007 5:10 PM by pepsi Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

Regarding the arrangement for owners to meet up sometime over the holiday. People who are over for Easter, if they have children, they may have to be back at school for the 16th of April.  So it may be best to meet up up time before 13th of April to get best numbers & before owners have to fly back-well be best for me anyway

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21 Mar 2007 6:32 PM by hampos Star rating in Northamptonshire. 25 forum posts Send private message

We're out there 2nd to 7th April (fly back on evening of 7th) and will be pleased to meet up with other owners. Since there will be no builders to harass and probably no shops open on Friday 6th (Easter) would that be a good day ?

Keith & Wendy

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