Anyone been to Jerez recently

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21 Mar 2007 10:09 PM by EricaLock Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

We are also over arriving 9th through to 17th April - we will be staying block 13, 42 B1 first floor would like to meet up and attend meeting. We also own one other in block 15 ground floor.

Erica and Neil

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26 Mar 2007 11:18 PM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

Hi all concerned purchasers

I started  this thread and it seems that we should be able to get a number of purchasers together in April. I am proposing the 10th or11th April and hope to speak with 'EF' to get something organsied and contact you all individalluy to let you know exact location. I Appreciate that some of you will have returned to UK but if you would like to e mail me  your private concerns direct off this messgae board then we will try to address it with those attending and get back to you.    

Hopefully some people attending the meeting may have met up with those who have to return and  therefore I hope they will bring info and feedback to the meeting.

Please post any agenda items on this message board you would like bought up as key topics just to make sure we  are all sharing the same concerns etc. I hope to distribute minutes f the discussion on my return - hopefully I will get them all written down before I have a sip or 2 of wine 

Does any one have MIguel Angel's  tel number as I am not getting a response from him.

FYI - Official bank holiday in Spain is Thursday 5th & Friday 6th April  

Kind regards 


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