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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
14 Jan 2007 12:00 AM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

We had a meeting with Ammex in early Jan 2007 and met with Marjoleine Miranda the person responsible for the CDS admin duties. 

There are currently four communities set-up for the CDS complex, the aparthotel will form the fifth community. Currently Interlaken is the president for each community as they are currently the majority owner in each community. The four communities were set-up on different dates, the president i.e. Interlaken will remain in place for a 1 year term or until they lose their majority and at which stage the other owners i.e. us can request via Ammex to call an early Annual General Meeting to elect a new president. Please note that this re-election for an alternative president will only be successful if all owners within the community vote i.e. turn up in person or register a proxy vote with another owner.

We requested that Ammex provide the current ownership status, (51% of owners in each community is required to gain the majority)  within the next couple of weeks, this should then allow us to estimate when we will be in a position to call a meeting and hopefully vote for alternative presidents within the communities asap. We can then start to control how the community finances are spent etc......

Please also note that AMMEX requested that all owners make contact with them to register their details. Marjoleine stated that communication was a problem for them as they had not received the required contact details from alot of solicitors who represented CDS purchasers.

Could I therefore ask everyone to provide their, contact details to AMMEX i.e. Name, home address, telephone, Email and CDS apartment details etc... send to infor@ammex.org. I believe this will improve communication Please also ask Ammex to confirm which community you are located in and ask them to provide you with an 'owners code' , this will provide you with online access on their website to check proposed dates for Annual General Meeting etc..... www.ammex.org

We also found out that a micro community would need to be set-up once the aparthotel community was up and running. The micro community is required to oversee management of the roads, street lighting and security of the CDS complex.......now you may need to sit down when reading the next section :-)

The Town hall in Casares is not responsible for maintaining roads or lighting within any complex within Casares........ the owners ARE....... the micro community will need to collect an additional community fee from all owners to pay for the road/pavement surface up-keep and pay for lighting etc..... The Casares town hall will probably contribute some funds, but we have the majority share etc...... The micro community will be made up of the five presidents from each community.

We also spoke in some detail concerning the lack of security and street lighting. Marjoleine stated that she was fighting with Interlaken concerning both issues. She believed that  as the micro community had not been set-up that Interlaken should ensure street lighting was on and that some form of security should be present and paid for by Interlaken.....

Anyway we asked (please note that 3 apartment owners were present at this meeting) Ammex to obtain some quotes from security companies to provide a security presence onsite covering 24 hour security at weekends and 19:00 - 07:00 am cover for week days. She stated that this would cost approx 60,000 euro per year (based on previous experience). She stated that there were sufficient funds available to pay for this but the president i.e. interlaken had not requested this service......... please note that normally this would be set-up once the micro community was established - but we stated that this timeframe was not acceptable. Breakins were happening now and therefere a security presence was a priority for all owners

Please also be advised that Interlaken are paying 140 euros per month for all properties which have not completed. We asked to review the accounts but this was not possible as Ammex were still awaiting information from Interlaken ?????? When we visit again in April we will again request this information.

Ammex stated that Interlaken's community payments were regularly checked. Other items were discussed, but I will probably post these on the CDS owners website.

IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS OVER THE CURRENT LACK OF SECURITY PRESENCE ONSITE @CDS PLEASE EMAIL YOUR CONCERNS  AND APPROVAL FOR AMMEX TO OBTAIN AND PRESENT THE SECURITY QUOTES TO THE PRESIDENTS i.e. Interlaken...... Okay we will be paying the cost but it only works out approx 2 euro per week per property and this cost will be covered by our current community fees :-)


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15 Jan 2007 3:40 PM by bkavana Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message






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17 Jan 2007 9:19 PM by holhome7980 Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

I share your concerns re the management of the development. Certainly feels to me as if we are all paying fees but not getting the core services you would expect, security, lighting, use of the pool earlier this year etc etc. I sent my details to Ammex about a week ago and received a reply today saying that my name and address had been noted in their records but at present the codes to access the owners website were not available. I will give them a short time to produce but would encourage everyone to register, it only takes about 5 mins and we are going to need every vote to get control of our own development in the months to come.

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19 Jan 2007 8:00 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

I registered on the 12th Jan and recieved the password today.

I agree we must act asap with regard to sorting out security and all other issues.


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