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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
20 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by sds Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

We were broken into last week and various items taken - our 'man' on site has advised us that it will happen again and again to apartments on CDS if we don't take action now regarding proper security on site .People on the building site have every opportunity to survey the apartments during the day and take their pickings at night. With nobody checking vehicles in and out people can enter and leave the site at their leisure. We need to write to the management at Casares Del Sol and get them to put in 24 hour security with a barrier system, otherwise insurance companies will not insure properties at CDS if these break ins continue. Does anybody have the correct name and fax number/address of the best person to write to to have maximum impact?

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18 Dec 2006 10:22 AM by Flex Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi Guys

We have been very concerned at the lack of security on site at Casares del sol as we have been made aware of a growing number on incidents at the site.

As i have a much experience in security issues i wrote a proposal to Ammex to provide security for the owners property on site.

As you can guess they have said that the service is not required and have so far refused to meet with me to discuss my security concerns and the proposal, (I mean why should they, i am only an owner who pays for their service through my community fees).

As you will all be aware the marketing material stated 24 hour security and at the moment we as owners have absolutely none. The local criminals are aware of this fact and until this issue is sorted the number of breakins will only get worse. I will be attending the meeting with Ammex to discuss security on site and i will email copies of the proposal to you anyone interested upon request.

re the correct poeple to contact i have been told that it is Interlakens responsibilty to provide security at the moment and as lawyers and our community representitives the responsibilty of Ammex to ensure that this is provided.

I will update you as this issue unfolds

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18 Dec 2006 12:27 PM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

Hope you have a better experience with the so called  'Ammex' than I did.  After waiting very patiently in the office (OK my own fault I should have made an appointment but I was told that if I waited for about 30 mins that some man would be available to see me) I was asked to then go back in another half hour, then after waiting in their office I was just given a mans telephone number.  I contacted a person on that tel no and was then give yet another phone no.  I had to leave a message for someone to ring me.  Fair enough a man did ring me - when I asked if he could speak English he said 'a little'.  After a discussion about the bins being moved he said there was going to be a meeting and this was to be discussed.  Since then I have received from them an e mail saying I can't move them myself (my husband was so annoyed with the horrible mess outside our veranda that he'd been in to the office and threatened to physically remove them himself).  Our solicitor is now trying to sort this out for us but as for the wonderful 'Ammex' I have heard nothing at all from them since.  I really don't understand myself exactly what they are

getting paid for.  As you say it is Interlakens responsibility with regard to security and the responsibility of Ammex to do some fighting for us in every respect! Look forward to your update.

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