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23 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

When we last visted our apartment when we're on our balcony we over-looked a row of bins! We are visiting next week so I've just phoned the office to ask if these are still there. The answer was yes of 'course and I explained that we would like them moved.  The girl Amanda was very helpfull and said that a director was there so she made enquiries for me and said that they were holding a meeting in a few days and one of the items on the agenda was the 'bins'!  She said that eventually they might be building huts in which the bins will be put in to.  She also said that normally the bins would be underground somewhere but not here of 'course.  She gave me a telephone and e-mail address of the person in charge of the community of owners (I haven't been able to get in touch via the telephone yet) but I shall send her an e-mail and maybe she'll be able to enlighten me.   I'll let you know how I get on.

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27 Oct 2006 3:40 PM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

Just thought I'd let you know that I did get a very prompt reply to my e mail with regard to waste bins.  I was assured that clientes ammex were doing everything to improve situation. I am visiting from Sunday 29th so I'll let you know of any news.

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05 Nov 2006 3:56 PM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

HHHaveHeHave visitedllo Mrs. Makaruk,
I am Fran Orellana, the supervisor of comunities from AMMEX, who was talking with you this afternoon. I have been talking with the Administrator, Marjoleine Miranda, about the problem you have with the waste bins and she has told me is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN to move them, because the Town Hall will not collect the rubbish of this place.
The Administrator told me if you want to change them off this place, you need to send a claim form to the town hall, and wait for their anwer in this matter.
On the other hand, I think good idea to build those huts, but I inform you that this business must be proposed on the next AGM to be approved, if appropiate, for the rest of the owners.
For further information, please do not be hesitate to contact us,
Yours sincerely,
Fran Orellana
Secretaries - Administrators
Community of Owners
Casares del Sol
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05 Nov 2006 3:58 PM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

I will be in touch with my solicitor in the next few days with regard to this matter.  Anyone else not pleased with the bins?

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