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11 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by Louise Mattinson Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

We're one of the last blocks to complete and wondered if anyone could give us advice on the snagging process and the best way to do it to achieve the best results.

The agent who sold us the apartment has said that they will do it for us if we wish but informed us that only one snag list is allowed i.e. if we subsequently find any additional faults, the developer will not add other 'snags' found to the list unless they have appeared since the initial snag was undertaken.

Given all the problems and the significant and worrying comments posted on this site you'll appreciate our concern.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


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12 Oct 2006 8:30 AM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

Just been contacted by Mediteranean Luxury Homes to af=dvise that we are to complete around the 30th of November. I have confirmed that I will use Cardiff's services. Does that mean that any matters which I regard as defects , but Cardiff didn't, will not be made good.

Can anyone, based on their experiences, provide a step by step approach to minimise risk and annoyance. Any help greatly appreciated.




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12 Oct 2006 11:38 AM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

We did our own snagging but Manuel was already aware of most of the small problems.  OK it did take us a couple of visits to get everything sorted as they didn't have the man power or anyone to oversee such things. We were also eager to get  the place ready for my sisters' visit in July.  Once Cardiff was involved things really started moving and we did find a couple of other things after that we had missed and they were soon put right.  We were also assured that any other problems would be put right as the 'snagging' workmen were always on site and would be for some time to come - can't understand why you've been told that you are allowed only one list because sometimes you have to actually move in to a place to find niggly things don't you? I would agree to them doing it only on the understanding that you would expect any further problems to be dealt with and I'm sure they will be.  Good job Cardiff's there isn't it?

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13 Oct 2006 7:50 PM by Louise Mattinson Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Can someone tell me who Cardiff is and how we can get hold of him to do our snagging?

I had thought from the information on this site that he was an employee of Interlaken or MLH - can someone please advise?



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13 Oct 2006 8:43 PM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

Cardiff has been employed by MLH to oversee snagging on the site and you will be able to contact him in the general office.  He is very often on site when you call so leave a number for him to contact you or ask for his e mail add and leave a message for him.   

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23 Oct 2006 2:57 PM by Sol_james Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

Louise Mattinson wrote

"I had thought from the information on this site that he was an employee of Interlaken or MLH"


Yes that has been my understanding as well - but for some reason I still cannot fathom - people on this site do not seem in the least bit concerned by this obvious conflict of interest.


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24 Oct 2006 2:33 PM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

Juast been advised that Mandy will meet me to go through the snagging prior to signing. Is it possible to have Cardiff there? Any advice on things to be wary of?

Should I be involving my legal advisors?




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24 Oct 2006 6:13 PM by holhome7980 Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Don't know who Mandy is but I would insist on Cardiff. He seems to be able to get things done and has a wealth of experience. He wrote to me recently advising he might not be involved in Block 18 snagging and I have writen in strong measure to MLH insisting he is!! We need to stand strong on this one as a group as once again it may be the case that Interlaken are trying to move the goalposts.

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25 Oct 2006 9:00 PM by bigrocks Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Advise take pen,  paper, camera and tourch ( no electricity or lighting so bathrooms very dark ) and list everything you are not happy with . We did our own and it took 3 hours to list everying Cardiff had been there before us and snagged it but we found much more  -

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08 Nov 2006 9:22 AM by ec31551 Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Having stayed at Casares several times I think I have found a positive way to deal with snagging.

Bringing in lawyers and agents isnt the answer, clearly it is best to be there.

Both Miguel and Cardiff give out their cell numbers for you to contact them directly and they will arrange to meet you at your dwelling to look at defects.

Most snagging items are usually relatively minor and many of these are attended to fairly quickly. It takes not much more than a smile !

There is no conspiracy to evade snagging, I believe the problems will all be taken care of in due course, so my best advice is "Get down there as soon as is convenient, be firm but reasonable and help it happen"


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