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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
24 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by sds Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Just returned from Casares del sol - or should that be rain!! We had arranged to move into our apartment last tuesday - when we arrived in the middle of the night electric was on no water - utilities had connected the wrong apartment - sorted out after various phone calls to solicitor - still had no water - problem with pump set in basement - eventually sorted - must say Cardiff is brilliant - it would have been a nightmare without him. Our furniture had already been installed - we have a great furniture/tv/lights/locks etc in Estopona - if you need his details let me know. Would suggest that anybody about to move in gets extra security on patio doors and windows and encloses the utility area   - washing machines have already been taken. We have connected our TV to the main SKY dish - we had an additional problem as we were first in the block that even though our apartment was connected, the pumps in the basement and the main sky dish are not connected to the mains and run off generators - at 7pm at night the pumps stopped working and the satellite stops as well. With regard to the overhaul picture of the gardens all I can say it is getting greener and once we take over the community of owners a little money from everybody will go a long way to transforming the gardens - we all need to work together on this.

Remember to take a torch if you are going over to see your apartment for the first time, and if you need any further info or the tel number and E mail of our man in Estepona drop us a line - sallie

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26 Oct 2006 5:54 PM by nicholas 1 Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Hi  Sallie

I will be going out in a couple of weeks for the 1st time I would very much appreciate the number or web site of your man in Estopona. Will take lots of pics so when back will put them on this site if i can work out how to do it.


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26 Oct 2006 7:05 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sallie

We completed a couple of months ago and are returning in early November to have a holiday at last.

I saw from earlier messages that you were very happy with the air-con installed, could you let me have some details regarding who you used for the installation as we will be looking into this whilst we are over.





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