Purchasing property in the Spanish Countryside between Alicante and Murcia

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17 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

Are many of you going out over the Christmas period as it would be good meeting up with other 'owners'.


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19 Nov 2006 1:07 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

We are over for the xmas week and like to meet up with any other owners that will be there.

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19 Nov 2006 11:13 PM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

We will be in spain for 10 days over the xmas period, have requested a meeting with Amex for either 2nd, 3rd or 4th January 2007 to review community accounts and understand when the community of owners will be set-up etc...... if anyone would like to attend as a group of owners please let me know ........... not sure if any charges are made by the administrators for this type of apointment therefore may be prudent to attend as a group ????????????????????????? Please note that Iam not putting myself forward as any type of leader ...... I would just like to understand where the community funds are being spent i.e. lack of security which I believe is a concern for all purchasers especially those who have completed and furnished their apartments :-)

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29 Nov 2006 9:32 PM by Murphy Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

We are in spain from 20th to 23rd Dec  but probably not in our apartment as there is no real way of knowing when it might be properly finished

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30 Nov 2006 6:45 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

From our understanding the community of owners has already been set up with Ammex running the show in cahoots with Interlaken. We were completely unaware of this until we happen to speak to other owners on site and this is why we felt it would be a good idea for the owners to get together in the near future because I for one do not believe that my 800 + euros community fees have been well invested and feel that the we as owners should be consulted on who is to be apppointednext time round. I would like to see our monies being spent and accounted for by the owners so that the services and areas that need to be addressed can be in due course without the time wasting and complete lack of labour on site that is going on at the moment. It would appear that Ammex must be rubbing their hands together at the windfall that has come their way via MLH.

I am not putting myself forward for any committee as my business in the UK takes up most of my time but I do feel strongly that it should be others owners with equal interests in the site and the future of the complex that must be used to look after all our interests. I am sure that when we can arrange a get together of owners probably in the UK as this would be the most cost effective way to progress.

If anyone has any ideas on this please make suggestions so that in the new year we can start the ball rolling because the longer we leave it the more money will be wasted via Ammex.


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30 Nov 2006 10:31 PM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Kevin H

As a community of owners we will still need to employ a company as the administrators ...... they need to be local and with a legal background. I am not really sure at this stage whether Amex is doing a good job or not, as I am not aware of the funds coming into the community account and/or the current expenditure going out.............. I  feel uneasy about what is going on, mainly the lack of communication from Amex after all they are spending our money and making decisions based on information they are aware of etc............ As already mentioned I will be attending their offices at the begining of January 2007 in an attempt to understand the process of setting up the community of owners, check the community account balance etc.........

Again if anyother owners wish to attend this meeting then please let me know.

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01 Dec 2006 2:36 PM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Am I correct in believing that these cahrges become due on or about the date of handover.

If so would it not be a good idea to have a recent (monthly) report of activities, issues, future plans and budgets sent to all existing owners and new owners due to complete within 2 - 3 months.

This would inform our opinions regarding the effectiveness and value for money of the community management.

We must stress the remoteness of most owners which requires greater rather than less transparancy on the part of Ammex.

I am an accountant and would happily review any set of financial figures reported in English.










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01 Dec 2006 7:11 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

These charges are part of the final payment that is made to MLH on completion hence why nobody was made aware of the situation regarding Ammex and no consultation with any owners was undertaken by MLH. It was just anther shambolic example of the company and the contempt in which it has for all the investors on this project.

It would be a good idea in the future if an accountant was involved in the business of running the community to at least give us a chance of starting of with a sensible business plan for the site.  

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