The Comments |
Just got an email from Milleniun stating that the former Sales Office for Polaris will be moved to the Golf Course. This is due in December 2011. Really god news for all of us!
_______________________ Nils
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Surely it would be cheaper to erect a new, if small, club house and much more fitting for the site than the old sales office structure! It is small, ugly, and not really a suitable building for a club house on a golf course!! Why can't those in charge see the difference a great club house would make to the resort?? It is essential................................and way overdue! Not really that good news!
This message was last edited by Carol P on 24/11/2011.
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Sorry to spoil your party but its not the old sales office, its the white portacabins next to the construction area on the inner ringroad.
"the provisional buildings that were used as Polaris Customer service point and later as Office of the Administration, are being moved into the Golf Course."
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Although I'll wait until I see the final outcome...I wonder if a few portacabins is that much of a step up.
If they move the pro shop to the course that would be good.
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........well that's even worse, what are they thinking??? It will just spoil the whole image and possibly delay any real clubhouse being built if they think everyone will be happy with a few converted 'containers'!
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Even the e-mail refers to them as 'huts'. As we all know, temporary structures often turn out to be more or less permanent. Has this move been discussed with the golf society? I'm not a golfer so not qualified to comment, but from a general point of view it seems to be a step in the wrong direction. What would Jack say!!!!
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The picture on Condado Services shows the original temporary building which was situated on the ring road in their daily news about the club house. Could this perhaps be the temporary clubhouse and not the portakabins?
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I think most of the guys are correct, it will be the white cabins. But, even if it's the old sales office - WRONG. Nice for golfers to have something, but this will definatelly delay building the proper one.
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When I was out recently, the local gossip was that it was the old Sales building (the one on Condado Services) which was being relocated. Nothing like as good as a new clubhouse but a small step in the right direction - especially if, as the email from Millenium says, the pro shop is moving there.
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I have managed to secure a photo of how our new clubhouse will look!

Does anybody know if they will be serving Tapas?
This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 24/11/2011. This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 24/11/2011.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Portacabins or sales Office why not wait and see without all this speculation, suppose something is better than nothing.
I'll do my usual and just wait, no point in speculating thats when everyone starts fighting.
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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I also received the email from Milenium, there is no mention of club temp club house, it says pro shop and changing rooms using porto cabins on outer ring road. They will aslo re-locate buggies.
Cath & Kevin
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I got the email from Mileniun. I emailed back pleading with them not to use those portacabins. They are a big enough eyesore where they are never mind humphed over to the resort to create a blot on the landscape there! Perhaps it will ne the glass building but I'm not about to sit on my hands and 'wait and see' what happens. I would, respectfully, ask others on this forum who feel the same way to take a few minutes to email Milenium before it's too late and they dump the abomination on us! Arlene.
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I don't think there is any doubt which 'buildings' (cabins) they are when you read the e-mail that describes what they were previously used as. It mentions the 'management company' - I am sure all of us who happened to visit these offices, and encountered the non-service of IRM, will remember exactly which buildings they are. Flat portacabin type of the style used by building contractors. Make what you will of that - is it a good thing to have some movement forward, however unpallatable that concept might be ?
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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The main thing golfers wanted was somewhere to have a drink and something to eat after their round.
Would be good to be able to pay green fees at the course and maybe have a shower and get changed but I'd say it was the social aspect of the clubhouse people wanted.
Maybe they could put deck chairs and umbrellas on the roofs and use a pulley system with buckets of beer!!
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Well said Arlene! Never mind "wait and see" and "something is better than nothing" - it is perfectly clear which "huts" or "portacabins" are being talked about here. It is an absolute disgrace that they are even contemplating moving a block of builder's portacabins to the golf course area to provide changing facilitiies, pro shop etc. All that this will achieve is reduce the star rating of Condado still further. What mentality do these individuals possess that they could possibly think it is a good idea to move these shacks to the golf course? Darren's photo is not that far off the mark!!
We appear to have taken several steps backwards in terms of facilities and improvements on Condado. I was really disappointed to read on this form recently that the Clover Bar has closed. Whilst pleased to hear of the success of the Condado Club, the resort needed this as an alternative venue - not a replacement! Whatever its faults, the Clover Bar was well fitted out with excellent furnishings that you would expect for a high quality resort.
There are obviously still people who see every development on Condado as positive, whatever it might be! We still love the time that we spend at Condado and still believe that the resort has true potential, but let's be realistic - this latest ludicrous idea is really taking the piss!
I have received a rental enquiry this week from a group of golfers looking at visiting Condado next April - I am frankly embarrassed at the thought of golfers arriving to find a tin shack next to the course instead of a Club House, temporary or otherwise.
Rant over - and please don't bother telling me that we should be patient and that it was always a ten year plan etc etc. I am well aware of all that but it is now over 3 years since we completed on our apartments and we now have less facilities, and poorer quality facilities, than we had two years ago.
Debbie and Paul 
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This is not good news at all. It will be a huge step back from having these facilities located at Al Kasar.
The most important thing is to keep Condado presentable for owners and visitors. I brought a friend to Condado 2 weeks ago, he is also interested in buying an apartment in Spain. He generally liked what he saw, but commented on some maintenance issues, like broken tiles. Especially around the Villa Janas. I'm happy to read that this is about to get fixed.
If we want to attract new buyers, we have to keep the resort in premium condition, moving "huts" on to the golf course is not the way to do it. We will scare potensial buyers away if we don't make the right decisions. Talking about the dream of Paramount won't move this place forward, keeping it attractive to potensial buyers will.
Best regards,
Stein V.
I'm going back to Condado for 4 days on Saturday, I will visit Mileniun at Al Kasar and let them know my opinion. Not that I think it will help.....
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With little positive news anywhere, I for one am pleased we will get a pro shop, buggies etc adjacent the course. Temporary club houses are the norm and which ever ex it the silver clad at the boottom or the porta cabins at the top I'm pleased things are moving forward.
We can all stamp our feet and say it ain't what we wanted or expected but it is a "pro shop" in moving in the right direction. (nearer the course) Not many companies are willing to invest at this time and pay back on a club house will be over many years. Also, not one company owns or runs the course so who is going to invest? PW have gone!!! I guess if one fine day (sorry year) Paramount finally gets off the ground someone may invest but for now I believe there is no chance of a permanent club house within the next year or two.
Just my opinion.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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