The Comments |
We have received a letter from Pentagono mutliservicios regarding ameeting on the 14th December at Pepes. I presume you mean this. Ive spoke to a couple of residents of Calas del Pinar who have received nothing. Can anyone enlighten us a bit more?
Sue and George Phase 3
This message was last edited by suengeorge on 06/12/2011.
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Coming over for what AGM Richard. Pentagono mutliservicios please Richard explain a little more as Sue & George are saying.
This message was last edited by miguelcarr on 06/12/2011.
Mick & Pam 
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I was told that CDP was not a community run urbanisation, as it is run by the council at Pulpi. Only the pools incurred a community charge. The Terreros residents association is the overall community organisation ?
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I have just trawled through some old threads and one is called "Community Charges" and even the posts on there by Arsenal & Ray seem to tend on there is no Community. Obviously by your Post Richard you have heard or read something about this meeting, you may be the only one there and you dont even live there Ha you have a wonderful Villa, looking forward to your reply.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi All
I've seen this letter.
First of all it applies to phases 1 to 3 only (at the moment)
If it were me I would have a number of issuesw:
1 Who are these people and who appointed them??
2 I would insist that the committee (to be elected at the meeting in Pepas) give a contract for no more than 6 months and then go and get at least two further quotes from property management companies.
3 Some of the prices they included look to be very expensive and I am in no doubt that there is plenty of "fat" built into thier pricing to ensure Peinsa dont have to pay for the empty houses
4 There is an issue as to whether the roads are private or are public - I believe there are both in the development therefore there should be no charge for the public ones.
For your info they are looking for 400 euro per house per annum which as I say is very expensive.
Further points I would make are:
A The "rules" they have drafted are ludricous and obviously have been cut and pasted from some other development - as an example " parking on the street is prohibited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can use the pool (which will be open all year) in silence??? between 1 and 3 in the afternoon.
B While they say some of the charges are for maintenance of pools, public areas etc there are no indications as to what "maintenace" means - therefore any committee worth its salt will have to ensure there are service level agreements in place to ensure that these people actually do provide services to an appropriate standard.
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I live on Calas on a permanent basis and have not received a letter but one has been forwarded to me from one of my neighbours on Phase 1. The letter contains the agenda of the meeting, the budget for 2012, and the rules of the communidad. It also contained a Proxy form for those who cannot attend. Obviously not being informed or receiving information sort of prevents you either attending or sending a Proxy vote. The community charge for Phases 1, 2 & 3 are 400 euros per year payable 6 monthly 200 for each period.
I am curious how the company Pentagono Multiservicios have received our details, there is a Data Protection Act in Spain. I assume Peinsa have employed this company on our behalf.
At the AGM we are supposed to appoint our management committee, rather short notice and this assumes there will be enough people there to make the meeting viable.
I would have thought that it is up to us to appoint the management company after receiving tenders for the position, obviously not so at least for 2012.
Pentagono Multiservicios may be a very good company I have no idea, their web site reads very well:
This company is based in Alicante, not really handy for CDP.
I will attend the meeting on Wednesday 14th at 10.30hrs at Meson Pepa regardless of receiving an invitation. I intend to ask Patri in the office why I and other have not received notification and why it is at such short notice. As most of the purchasers at CDP live in the UK or Madrid and Lorca and the meeting is being held during working hours I would have thought the attendance will be extremely limited.
The budgeted fees are by no way expensive compared with other communidads but we need to clear up what the fees cover, ie repainting the external of our properties ect....
The Terreros Residents Association has no standing at CDP it is joined on a voluntary basis., also the council in Pulpi do not run the site, it is and will be a communidad that has always been so. The reason it has taken so long is that the promoter needs to have sold approx 75% of properties to make a communidad viable. The promoter is still responsible for paying into the communidad for all properties not sold.
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We agree with all the concerns expressed already. It appears like this is being steam-rollered through before we can organise ourselves and obtain at least 2 other quotes for comparison. The fees do appear high and I would like to see some evidence that the budget is realistic and that we are not subsidising empty properties, so that Peinsa can sign off.
It is too short notice to vote in a Committee - at the moment there isn't sufficient information to make an informed decision. We will be voting 'no' until we are satisfied that we are getting value for money.
Other views welcome!
Keith & Pauline
Phase 1
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We too will be voting no until we have much more detail about the costs and terms of the contract.The administration costs of 17,700 euros are not broken down sufficiently - what are the other expenses?
What control would we have over future costs?
How has the company obtained our confidential details and why have they been given to this company rather than another one? What is the relationship between this company and Peinsa? This needs to be declared.
The rules are unreasonable e.g. the proposed opening hours of the pool - certainly not designed to accommodate British residents!
Where are we meant to park if not on the street?
There are so many unanswered questions that it would be unwise to agree to anything at the moment!
Ron and Barbara
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We haven't received anything but then we are in Scotland. Can someone scan the letter and let us all see it? I can't see many people attending in mid December.
Jo and Jim
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I have the letters and proxy voting slip. which i can post on here so everyone can read. just let me get permission from the owner.
Its generic info which you should have all received but id better wait.
Im vice president at Las Mimosas (because I still own a flat there) so I kind of know the ins and outs but cant get involved too much with CDP as Im not an owner. But happy to pass on my 2p worth if needed.
Ill come back on later.
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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Hi All
This seems to be the most important Thread we have had on our community, would it be good to get
MARIA L DE CASTRO involved in this matter, she seems to be a good Lawyer. It all seems to be getting pushed through far to Quick for me, like everyone says who chose this company, the venue & the date of the AGM !!
Mick & Pam 
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We have not received a letter as yet, but have been informed by friends and have seen a copy.
Who appointed these people.
40+% of the work cost as management / Office expenses is unacceptable.!
Parking, Pool times,
Use local people not someone in Alicante.
etc etc etc
We all appear to have similar concerns, and we agree with those already put forward. We are voting NO by proxy untill we have more information and clarifications.
We will be forwarding our concerns to the Pentagono toda y.
Julie & Derek
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Ok heres the general letter that was sent out
you can download the 4 pages from my website.
obviously you need the www. in front but if i put that i think the eos server kicks off.
Hope this helps.
This message was last edited by richclarkee on 07/12/2011.
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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Cheers Richard, god it's worse than I thought. Where did they get these rules from & like Julie & Derek said Quote;
40+% of the work cost as management / Office expenses is unacceptable.!
Parking, Pool times & it is not allowed to play in the pool area (what the hell is it for then)
We bought this property to live in and enjoy San Juan, we do not want someone patrolling the streets telling us we can't do this we can't do that aaaaahhhhhhhh. I can now accept that we are a community but WE as a community should vote on who WE want to service our urbanisation.
PS. If it had been April the 1st I would have had a good laugh at this document, but this is no joke eh !!!!!!!!
This message was last edited by miguelcarr on 07/12/2011.
Mick & Pam 
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Thanks for the Info Sue, it just gets better & better. I just wonder who will be speaking at the meeting & what a strange venue to have it.
Fernandez Daniel Palazon
This message was last edited by miguelcarr on 07/12/2011.
Mick & Pam 
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Wish we could be there. Does anyone know of a "Spanish" forum for CDP. It'd be interesting to know what the Spanish owners make of it.
Jo and Jim
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