Sucina-Riquelme rail station update

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26 Apr 2012 1:23 PM by hertssteve Star rating in Herts and H.Riquelme. 57 forum posts Send private message

Thanks to Hilary for the update below. Sounds like the `get station to re-open` project is still alive!   (What do you mean "what station" !)

Hi Steve
To cut a long story short, I collected a petition of 1000 signatures after visits to goverment offices in 2010, calls and copies of the petition went to RENFE and ADIF and then there was a change of government from the PSOE to the PP in 2011.

When the new PP representatives came to Avileses last year, I went with Michael Corke and Antonio Escalera. We met with the new reps again and I then passed the petition to Antonio Escalera who met with the PP Representative again and we have a yes in principle for the Train Station. However, as the goverment have little funding a lot of these approved projects seem to sit and wait until we don´t know when. It is very frustrating.
I have just spoken to Antonio Escalera, he is going to go to Murcia tomorrow to outline to the department of works that it will not cost much to convert the station, we just want the trains to stop! We may need a wooden platform to raise the platform higher, but we do not need a footbridge which would cost a lot of money.
And so, between myself and Antonio we keep pushing until we finally get an opening date.
I will keep you posted and by all means do post the update on the forum.

Best regards






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29 Apr 2012 5:35 PM by hertssteve Star rating in Herts and H.Riquelme. 57 forum posts Send private message

A further update 28/4/12. Antonio Escalera went to Murcia last Friday and met with the Manager of Renfe, and pointed out that it will not cost much to convert the station. He has asked to simply let the trains stop without any changes to the station (it is thought that if we ask for any works initially it will take time as it will require funding).
There will be a change in the timetable for the trains in June and the Renfe Manager is going to try to get the trains to stop from mid June to see what the traffic will be for the Summer. This is not yet confirmed so it might not happen.

Antonio and Hilary will keep pushing our case and will let us know when anything new is known


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