Heated Pools

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20 Jul 2012 3:11 PM by wanderingwoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message

I have produced an e petition to try and gain support for heating some of pools on the resort:

The pools in CdA are a great asset but are only usable for a maximum of 4 months a year. For permenant tenants, those that holiday during 'off season', and the sports groups (aqua aerobics) having heated pools on the resort would be great (even if it is just a couple).

It would also extend rental season which in turn would create business within the resort resulting in increased custom for the onsite keyholding services, bars, restaurants, sports coaching, golfing etc.

Ideally - we could start by retro fitting two/three pools that are strategically located throughout the resort (perhaps, on Jardines who have the most responders to this petition?). SPREAD THE WORD :)



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20 Jul 2012 4:46 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

This has come up several times and I think the end result was always that it is too expensive.

I think having heated pools would be a huge assett and there are different systems that would minimise the cost.

As I remember these are some points put forward last time around:

1. If the pools need covers to maintain the heat then who does this on/ off job? Safety is also a factor for pools with covers and our pools dont lend themselves neatly to covers. I think there is a liquid/gel that can be used but I'm not sure how that is maintained

2 Outdoor heated pools are only marginally warmer- would this justify the expense.

3. The Jardins with pools would be able to rent their apartments more easily and may see a slightly better value on their properties.

4. These Jardins may see an increase in the number of people who use their pool- would all owners be happy with that?

5. Some systems require a fenced area for the mechanics of the system to be safely located in- not always necessarily within the fenced areas of the pools

6. Cost.




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20 Jul 2012 5:21 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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That's the end of that then!

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20 Jul 2012 6:31 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Maybe, If everybody who makes a cup of tea, could simply throw their unused boiled water into the pool, this could help!


This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 20/07/2012.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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20 Jul 2012 7:11 PM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message

I would be more than happy to add my name to the petition. I looked at all the options for la Isla when we decided that we wanted heated pools.
You should only consider heating to extend the time you can use the pools as they will never be heated for all year. So your optimistic 4 months ( I think maybe 3) will be a good six and maybe 8 months of use. This is without a cover. Do not bother as you can not control the cover usage. You can use a liquid cover ( which will extend the use) and the cost of having the liquid and injection system is relatively cheap ( £500 for equipment and then just £200 for the liquid per year, if it is just used at the coldest times).
The main cost is the initial outlay for he heaters, although I may have found a company that would rent them?

With the argument of heating a pool would attract more people to one pool than another, this would be true in the colder months when the heating is on and you would not want to use the other pools or being too cold, but at that point in time it will be off season and low amount of people anyway.

Surely the best way would be to have one pool in each area as a trial! For one year. If it works roll it out for other pools. If it doesn't hand them back to the rental co? Or accept the loss, although I am sure they I'll work and the I'm I was trying to go for we Easter to end of October this covers he main school holidays.

I know many will disagree etc and have a downer on the idea but I do believe the amount of collateral investment that we have in the pools is wasted by the use just 12 weeks a year.


This message was last edited by neil2610 on 20/07/2012.

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20 Jul 2012 7:59 PM by wanderingwoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message

Neil, I am with you - this is to try and gauge interest, nothing more! I expect it to take years not months to establish something. Sign the petition and put your name to it, that's all we can do at the moment!

I do not usually visit in July and August and would definitely be moved to visit more if heated pools were available. It is just with all the developments on site, it would be a shame for winters to become so dead again!


Darren, I am opposite the pool so could try out your eco friendly suggestion ;)


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20 Jul 2012 10:27 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

It sounds good but having rented a property with a heated pool it is not that easy to maintain with or without a cover. The "pool Boy" had to come round every day to test the water in case the little one (or the "oldies"} chose to wee in the pool rather than to get out. This is because of the chemicals used to stop creatures enjoying the warm water too. I am not sure that everyone would be willing to cover the cost of the daily maintenance.

The idea of just two or three pools to start with is not a bad idea but I think you would soon receive complaints from the owners of those gardens that suddenly find their pool invaded and those who live in crawling distance of their pool may not agree with the additional noise level

Whoops it sounds as if on this subject at least I havr joined Darrens group. But only on this occasion



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 20/07/2012.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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21 Jul 2012 11:10 AM by neil2610 Star rating in we're from west midl.... 142 forum posts Send private message


Sorry I beg to differ. I have had many villas with heated pools and the pools only need to be cheacked every week. I do not see why it has to be checked every day, however the pool people are on site and could monitor the pools closer at forst I am sure.

With regards to the amount of people,

In July / August most UK and other countries will be visiting and all the pools will be busy, and the heating will be off as it wil not be required to heat them at this time of year, so no change as to now.

The only time it does affect us is when it is colder and the heating on the pool is active, then yes people will come to thefirst pool; however if the pool is very active and lots of people are using it; doesn't this proove that we would need more pools heated?

The worst case would be that we pay for heating of a pool and it is not used! thats a waste of money.

So I understand a little bit of negativity but surely the outcome would far outway the little bit of noise?



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21 Jul 2012 12:26 PM by wanderingwoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message

Neil, wish there was a 'like' button on here :)




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21 Jul 2012 5:54 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hi Neil

We did rent during the Boar War. Seriously it was about 10 years ago and thankfully it sounds as if there are great improvement.

I still think there will be a greater maintainace cost  and as long as it is not a drastic amount and if the majority want it they can have my vote .

As we very rarely visit during the colder months I dont think it would make any difference to us and I have to agree reluctantly (I hate to be proven wrong as in this case) that it may improve the amount of rental time



West Mids & Jardin 5

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21 Jul 2012 6:13 PM by spanishflee Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

With all these pro and cons can be argued one way or another but what I would object to is that I have a penthouse why should I pay for heating of a jardines pool around the other side of the resort

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21 Jul 2012 9:37 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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 This is a bit like the internet provision to everyone at a very cheap price if it is delivered to all via a small increase in community charge.

I'm 45, i've no interest in renting my apartment out, i get 5 weeks hols a year and take them all between April and early Oct during which time i find the pools usable. For me then no i don't want heated pools right now as i'd be paying for something i wouldn't use, however if it received a majority vote by our voted in representatives/parliament (our presidents) then i'd go along with it, as i would the internet for all via the community charge, and probably a few other things.

Maybe the question needs to be. ''If we increased community charge by €10 a month then here are 10 things you could have, but you can only have 3 of them so please state which 3'' ........................



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