apartment painting

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23 Jul 2012 11:34 AM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

 The rules for painting the outside of the apartments state that it should be down every 5 years. The jardines were finished in 2008 so next year the painting should be done.

I have noticed some spanish painters already doing individual work and they are charging circa 300e

I spoke to milenium and they say wait as all the apartments will bo done. The problem is that not everyone is paying their community fees( by the way if you havent you will be in court soon as legal proceedings have started).A community team is sorting out how the budget will work but now i know the cost is 300 e for individual properties any price lower than this i will be happy.








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23 Jul 2012 12:06 PM by xqi42f Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

I am glad that you have brought this topic up.Whoever has the mamouth task of painting the outside of our apartments will be kepy very busy.I have just came back from Condado and i noticed that some of the apartments are looking very shabby on the outside with paint flaking and cracks appearing at the joints.As you say there are some owners not paying their community fees and they should quite righly be made to do so.If due to those not paying their community fees our apartments do not get painted. Then we should be advise d accordingly and our community fees reduced as thisalong with other things is what we pay them for.Lets wait and see what happens.




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23 Jul 2012 8:55 PM by thesimpsons Star rating in Folkestone. 298 forum posts Send private message



The idea of reducing fees as people are not paying will only make things worse.

So we reduce the fees as apartments are not painted due to reduce funds from non payers

So we have less monay so we stop cutting grass and as a result we reduce fees again so we have less then we have to stop maintaining pools and so on and so on.

Having no money to paint the apartments due to non payment is a pain but reducing fees is the last answer.

I for one would have no problem paying a whole 5euros a month extra to ensure the resort is kept up to standards.



Neil Simpson

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23 Jul 2012 9:09 PM by nick&linda Star rating. 68 forum posts Send private message

 thanks for this thread i to was wondering when the painting would start i have a place in the naranhos 8 so will probably be a couple of years, i was going to do some tidyng up in september when i come out, the trouble is once you start you will need to do the whole property, did not help when next door was sold and it got a lick of paint made mine look even worse.

Agree this will be like the forth rail bridge painting on condado,  i also agree chase the non payers it is a absolut liberty thinking you could buy then get all the services for nothing, my guests a couple of weeks ago commented on how tidy the place is and the cleanliness of the pool.





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23 Jul 2012 9:25 PM by xqi42f Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

Hi Neil.

               Your quite right of course and i see where your coming from. However i wonder how long we will have to wait before they start the painting project.It will be a never ending job whoever stars it.I agree with you about the idea of increased fees to keep the resort in top condition.


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23 Jul 2012 11:31 PM by Anthony100 Star rating in UK. 130 forum posts Send private message

I painted both my places this year and will be doing the same next March or April


i will do yours for a small fee - if it speeds me up for living on the resort i would do them all at arate of three apartments a week

wonder how long it would take to do the lot?

if i got enough requests i may be serious too



Owner on condado de alhama in Garden 3 and block 10

Love being in Spain

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23 Jul 2012 11:34 PM by taffswell Star rating. 52 forum posts Send private message

 You're.  YOU'RE ffs

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23 Jul 2012 11:46 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Could use EWES apartment or YOUS!!!

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24 Jul 2012 9:34 AM by chris 2477 Star rating. 62 forum posts Send private message

Mar Menor Golf Resort statutes are similar to yours. Ours also states that the properties will be painted every 5 years. The resort was finished in 2005 but painting only started September 2011 and will not be finished until  sometime in 2013. There are 5 companies doing the painting. Every property requires a licence to do the work from the local council before work can commence. This is a legal requirement and can result in fines if not applied for. Fortunately the majority of our properties are detached so all owners that are not up to date on their community fees will get their property painted at the end of the project, as we can not legally deny them this service.

When the community was formed and community fees set ( including paying into a painting fund) I dont think the administrator or committtee looked at how much it would actually cost to paint the properties. When the 5 years was nearly up and the committee started to investigate the costs they discovered that even after 5 years of saving there was not enough in the fund to do the job. Painting properties every 5 years is unrealistic, and requires a statute change and a unanimous vote to change.

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24 Jul 2012 10:45 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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So is our apartment painting included in the community fees we pay or not? Before I bought I was told it was included so I hope I am not getting another bill for this!



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24 Jul 2012 11:06 PM by Dave & Carol Star rating in Stockport & Penthou.... 112 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

We have a painting committee on condado and have been recieving estimates from contractors for a while now so we can establish the costing of the painting, the first thing that will be painted is the perimiter fencing , it has started to corrode and must be painted otherwise we will be left with an enormous bill to replace it , this will be starting around October.  Regarding the apartments, as mentioned in an earlier thread, we have a great deal of flaking paint around the resort and before we can make any decision on painting we have arranged for an architects report, one thing we do not want to do is waste community money, any painting that is undertaken must be guaranteed not to flake off again in the near future. As to an increase in community fees we are unable to answer that at the moment.


  Dave & Carol    

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25 Jul 2012 12:19 AM by faulky444 Star rating in Rossendale, Lancashi.... 399 forum posts Send private message

The point here is that the buildings have weathered very well and are in pretty good nick by Spanish standards. However, when you look closer there are some minor Settelement cracks that need repair and then a paint job, but really we have done quite well in terms of wear and tear.

When out in July I was only thinking how well the place looked after 4 or 5 years and is testament to the high maintenance standards of milenuin. However, we are nearing the time that some serious refurb is required and if necessary for the greater good we need to fund it.

It's a bit like heating the pools. If we want an improvement and additional faciliies' then we need to put our hands in our pockets. No one can say our maintenance fees are expensive as they are not.

Keep CDA tidy is my moto. Jon Faulkner

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25 Jul 2012 7:35 PM by welshwizard Star rating in Lincolnshire & Jardi.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Fair play John, you're a brave man even suggesting an increase in the community charge when there are a lot of owners not paying what they already owe. Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of what you said in your reply, but I for one would really resent paying more every month when some owners are reaping the rewards while ignoring the rules.


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