Hello Barry and Sue,
I am assuming you are talking about us when you mention someone winning their case, if I am wrong then I apologise.
We recently won our case against the bank BBVA using law 57/68, non provision of guarantee, using Maria.
Our original spanish solicitor thought we had no chance of winning using this route but Maria though otherwise.
It was a bit of a gamble as we were not guaranteed a win.
We were fortunate enough to be able to afford the additional legal fees and thought it was worth a try and we won our case just before Christmas 2011 and have had our deposit returned, this week we have also received our costs and interest.
From starting the lawsuit to where we received our costs has taken approx 18 months.
The only advice I can give is, if you can afford the extra cost without causing hardship it must be worth trying, however make sure your purchase contract shows the bank account number and bank address where you paid your deposit to and that you paid your deposit directly to the bank without going through a third party, this is what we did, you will then have used exactly the same path as us.
Maria has told us that anyone who has followed this path will get the same outcome, her exact response was as follows:
Your case is not unique, any purchaser under your same circumstances will receive same answer from Courts.
I hope this helps in your decision and also helps anyone else thinking of trying this path.
Best Wishes to everyone
Chris & Julie Wakeman