Well folks, it's that time again when I pester all the owners who can't attend the AGM for their proxy votes!
It is extremely important that you pass someone your vote as we are finally getting somewhere with the running of the urbanisation. Last meeting I held about 40 votes and this one needs the same to make sure we have a chance of getting things done on DV.
If you are on my mailing list I have already explained how to pass your proxy, but here it is again for those who aren't.
1. You can pass your proxy to someone via the AEA run community portal. If you want me to be the proxy then email me at duquesavillage@hotmail.co.uk and I will provide my apt number and full name. (If you want access you need to contact AEA and they will send you a username and password.)
2. If you don't have access to the portal then just email me at same address with your name and apartment number stating that you want me to be your proxy and I will send you a proforma to fill in so that it can be passed to AEA.
For any owner who wants to join the Facebook site for owners please look for Daniela DV on Facebook and in your friend request please provide your apartment number. I post my minutes of the meeting usually on the same day as the meetings and I also provide links to messages that AEA send via the portal. It's also a great way to get to know other owners as well as here on EOS.
Your urbanisation needs your vote! Lol