What painting? What cleaning?

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31 May 2013 8:58 AM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

carolinej´s avatar

Hello everyone. I'm out in DV now. We've been here since last weekend and have seen no evidence of any painting (or cleaning) in that time. I'm wondering what's happening with painting because when we were out in Feb one of the first white blocks was started and one of the others was having rendering repairs done. It would seem work has stopped completely though with said white block painted only on one side and no other blocks started at all. There is now no sign of the painters or their equipment and no one has been to clean our entrance or stairwell this week. Our neighbours next door have in fact been having to clean the entrance way themselves for some time. I wonder what we are paying for!

Good news however is that the pool opened officially in late May this year and the life guard is in place now. Oh and the sun is shining!

This message was last edited by carolinej on 31/05/2013.

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31 May 2013 10:03 PM by home Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message



We have just arrived back from Duquesa , the painters are working very hard Mon/Fr iday until 6.00pm . They are in fact working on Block 4 . the white building but it is going to be a long job. They are being very thorough and as helpful  as they can . 

With regards to the cleaners yes they are being very remiss and not keeping it as clean as was and I think it is up to us owners to keep and eye and report to AEA if not happy/

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31 May 2013 11:57 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

carolinej´s avatar
Thanks. I've reported the lack of cleaning to Aea today. Having walked all around the blocks today, including four, there was definitely no sign of painting though. I've not seen anyone since we've been here, though today (fri) was the first time I walked around the whole site.

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04 Jun 2013 3:58 PM by rockinrodders Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

I'm in block 3 and they have begun painting our block and block 4. They have done a lot of block 1 but they are doing it in stages, and not painting over the cracks. These need to be repaired before they paint over them. Looks like they are just doing the undamaged bits first. They have done the side of our block and the back, but not yet the front. Looks like the same in block 4. but there are some cracked planters in block 1 and 4 that have been left out.

They have also repaired the stairwells, rebuilt the stairwell walls and waterproofed and repainted all of the inside areas. There is only a couple of guys doing it but they are still around when I get home at 6ish. They are powerwashing all walls inside and out before painting to get rid of the old flaky paint.

On Friday they painted the downstairs area by the car park lift entrance in our block, so they were definitely around.

Agree about the cleaning though, they seemed to stop cleaning when the works begun and never really caught up.

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04 Jun 2013 8:12 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

carolinej´s avatar
Good to hear the painting repairs are so thorough. Thanks for the detail

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04 Jun 2013 9:33 PM by home Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

 It is not block 1 that has been started but block 2 then 3 and 4 . They are very thorough and will return to do the fronts of the above blocks before going to  the next set of blocks . Sign up to facebppk and Daniella  Cabellero has put minutes of AGM on there and it tells you how the schedule of painting being carried out .  

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08 Aug 2013 3:42 PM by rockinrodders Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

I'm a bit concerned at how long the painting is taking. For a million euro project there seems to be 2 blokes that work an hour or two a week at a pace that doesn't interfere with the amount of cigarettes they can smoke.

They started our block (block 3) in May and it is still not finished. They painted the inside communal area by the lifts and then eventually powerwashed the side and back of the block. The back has been painted but the front and sides are still waiting. 3 weeks ago they told us to empty our planters, which we did, but we're still waiting for them to do anything else. So we've spent the whole summer surrounded by dirt on the balcony staring at half painted, half peeling paint.

Are we all getting ripped off? I'm sure I read something in the minutes about an overspend or something, hence all the extra direct debits being taken out of our accounts, but the hundreds of euros spent by each apartment owner doesn't seem to be bringing a lot of action. I mentioned the lack of progress to AEA but they didn't respond. I know Spain is on 'summer hours' now, but for the millions that have been paid out to this company for painting, they should be doing some painting!


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08 Aug 2013 6:19 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

carolinej´s avatar
I totally agree Rockinrodders. Been watching them (2 painters all I've ever seen as well) do very little for about an hour at one of the apartments by the pool. They sand blasted a tiny bit of an internal balcony. Seemed to mainly make the fitted fabric shade of the penthouse apt dirty as the peeling paint remained!! It's going to take forever at this pace. Also, what happens if you don't empty your planters? We have established plants in ours but are only out a few times a year so could never predict when to empty them or be able to store our plants and keep them alive in the interim if we were not there. I am hoping they will paint with them in because our planters are fine anyway. They seem to have been painting around plants on the white blocks as far as I can tell.

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08 Aug 2013 8:48 PM by rockinrodders Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

We are in block 3 which is one of the white blocks by the smaller pool. AEA emailed us and said we should empty our planters or risk losing the plants.

I emptied them 3 weeks ago as we had some nice plants and didn't want to lose them, so we put them in pots, the guys came soon after and emptied the soil out, but it has remained like that since. They have made no attempt to 'fix' the planters (which weren't broken as far as I could see) and have not painted inside or out the balcony at the front. Looks like they empty all the soil out to check them and empty the soil over the side. I emailed AEA last week to ask if they had finished and if I could put the plants back in and also to query the slow work rate, but AEA too are on summer hours so have no time to respond to emails.


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08 Aug 2013 9:12 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

09 Aug 2013 10:47 AM by dave tweedie Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

I am in Block 2. Needed organisation to get planters emptied etc. Lot of hard work re filling them. Painters were very helpful & co operative. I understand frustrations of others. But look at Block2, its looks great. All worth it in the end.

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