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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
18 Sep 2013 5:25 PM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message

They said they would..............and they have....


They started clearing the trees a few days ago!

"Poco a Poco"

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18 Sep 2013 5:26 PM by Redrose Star rating in Norwich. 233 forum posts Send private message

Pictures of diggers pulling out trees today on FB!!!!!!

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18 Sep 2013 5:29 PM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message

B____y ell' that was quick, yes they started clearing last week.

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18 Sep 2013 5:52 PM by Redrose Star rating in Norwich. 233 forum posts Send private message

It is wonderful news for the Murcian people...they need the jobs so badly! It will be interesting to see how Condado adapts!!

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18 Sep 2013 6:22 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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How do I view the Facebook pictures? Thanks.


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18 Sep 2013 6:27 PM by Crashtester Star rating. 157 forum posts Send private message

This is good to hear...where are the photo's on FBm, which page or group?

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19 Sep 2013 10:58 AM by Rich&Bops Star rating in Fleet . 266 forum posts Send private message

Tha spanish dug lots out on CDA also, hasnt been finished though!!


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19 Sep 2013 12:14 PM by ayo_82 Star rating. 55 forum posts Send private message

can somebody just send the FB link...


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19 Sep 2013 8:06 PM by Giles Star rating. 123 forum posts Send private message

Do people really think this will ever get off the ground.

I would love it to happen and I am certainly up for this development, yet being a realist you only have to look at the past history and false dates to work out that this development won't happen any time soon, well it certainly won't start or complete on the dates we are now being told.

The closest I'm going to get to a theme park near CdA will be on the children's play area of our garden.

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20 Sep 2013 2:57 PM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message

Of course it will happen – it’s a “license to print money”………




Investing in an urbanisation –


  1. 1. Purchase the Land – simple.
  2. 2. Plan and build – simple.
  3. 3. Sell the properties – mmmm not so easy.



Investing in a Theme Park –


  1. 1. Purchase the Land – simple.
  2. 2. Plan and Build – simple.
  3. 3. Open the Gates – Listen to the sound of the cash tills!!!!!


Paris is a disaster – it’s in the wrong place!


Murcia is perfect, because of the climate it can open for 11 months/year; and its position is even better – ½ hr from the sea (not the dirty freezing cold channel)!!!!!


The only problem Sanfer has is the complicated deal he is trying instigate; I may be wrong, but what I think he is trying to do is buy the land then lease various plots to investors, who will in turn build the theme park, shops, casino’s etc. Setting this sort of deal up is not easy, but I think he will manage it. He has spent an awful lot of money already; the documentation he has presented to the Ayuntamiento de Alhama is nothing short of comprehensive – projected traffic flows, planting, everything has been covered.


Yes it will happen……….


By the way, what is the problem with the link to the pic's on FB??????



This message was last edited by elarado on 20/09/2013.

This message was last edited by elarado on 20/09/2013.

This message was last edited by elarado on 20/09/2013.

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24 Sep 2013 5:07 PM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message

Link to FB pic's...........?????????????

Do they exist?

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25 Sep 2013 10:57 PM by Nsmith Star rating. 44 forum posts Send private message

HI yes go to murica theme park then you should be able to click on the second one.  xx


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26 Sep 2013 10:05 AM by blmlnd Star rating in Naranjos 6. 50 forum posts Send private message

26 Sep 2013 7:52 PM by underpar Star rating. 139 forum posts Send private message

Can we not get excited over some trees perhaps being removed by a few guys and a digger or two.

And please no more mention of Paramount until there's at least one building constructed. Even if the Theme Park happens by some miracle (more God news?), or more likely by creative financing, it will still be a long time after that until the inane bureaucracy and construction work is completed and the doors open to the public.

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26 Sep 2013 10:32 PM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

exactly, hardly looks proffessional does it.

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26 Sep 2013 11:29 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Looks like 3 pikeys who have nicked a digger to me LOl

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27 Sep 2013 7:50 AM by blmlnd Star rating in Naranjos 6. 50 forum posts Send private message

If you do not  want to read about Paramount Park before it is completed, do not read wink
The rest of us who like good news likes to read about everything new happening.

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27 Sep 2013 8:51 AM by elarado Star rating in Las Cañadas - a nice.... 63 forum posts Send private message

What a lot of negative thinking, sarcastic people there are in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some of you have no idea how things happen in this country – perhaps you should take time to integrate more and try to understand the place in which you have chosen to live!


chaddyowl – you made a comment on a previous thread “I am not going to comment on any other thread except football”, I suggest you adhere to your statement – it’s about your level!

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27 Sep 2013 10:11 AM by iddydiddy Star rating in Lancashire & Jardins.... 44 forum posts Send private message


I agree with the negative people on this forum.  Three site workers and a JCB does not show signs of site commencement of a major construction project like Paramount no matter if the work is being carried out in England, Spain, Dubai or anywhere else in the world.

If we go by your enthusiasm that work is starting then you are late with that assumption because didn’t they lay some tarmac and place some flag poles at least a year ago?

As for having no idea about your country and not integrating, I think you need to learn a bit more about construction projects on the scale of Paramount!


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27 Sep 2013 11:49 AM by onecall Star rating in Liverpool, and Jard.... 181 forum posts Send private message


The project has come to an abrupt halt this morning, when the digger ran out of diesel.

However, one of the men has a can in his car boot, and the work will re-start later on today, after he's been to the petrol station. Hopefully this won't delay the opening of the Theme park.


Mark + Sandra

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