I wondered if anybody could help me please, we've purchased a property on condado which is due for completetion sept/oct. we are out next week on holiday and wanted to bring some small things with us and also do a trip to ikea whilst there and we wondered if anybody had ever used/knows about any storage solutions?? We don't need anything big it's literally enough space to store duvets, bedding, laundry bits, crockery, kettle toaster and a few pots and pans. We are purchasing a furniture package and plan to book a clean prior to first visit. If we could find storage for these other items it would make the first visit so much more easier especially with two kids in tow!!!!
not sure if anyone else has been in s similar situation and can offer any advice? Thanks for any tips in advance, for those out at condado now hope all is well and we can't wait to come back next week
Take care