Legal tip 1184. GOOD NEW!:Herrada del Tollo into liquidation- It favours claims against Banks
28 July 2014 @ 11:40
Reading through the glasses of Law 57/68 and corresponding excellent Case Law being produced by Alicante Courts, the filing for liquidation of Herrada del Tollo favours claims against Banks.
Why? Well, simply as every contract can be deemed as cancelled now.
Alicante Courts have already established ( see our legal tip 1175):
- Obligation of Banks in regards to amounts deposited in their accounts is LEGAL-- so deadline to claim is 15 years
-Regardless you have or not an individual certicate, you are guaranteed if there is a guaranteeing agreement between a Bank/ Insurance Company and the developer you contracted with.
- Even if you signed the agreement in the Creditors Meeting, you can enact your rights out of Law 57/68
Keep going ahead!

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