The Comments |
Can anyone give an indication on the timescales for appeals? Essentially we've heard that BBVA are appealing our case but have no idea what the process is now. Also noticed that some people have managed to get their money, or a portion, back before the case goes to appeal; how long did that take? Do you have to attend appeal hearings in the same way that you do the original case? We haven't been awarded costs so it will be particularly annoying to have to have the expense of going back out to Spain again.
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hi guys
i have recieved an email today stating we should have our cash back before the end of november.
it has taken about 3 1/2 years to get where we are.
the banks will appeal every chance they get, i don't know why as they have to pay interest at 4-5 % , when interest rates have never been lower (crazy spanish banks)
everyone who has bought an off plan property and not recieved it, go after the banks , you will win , it just takes time.
it feels great
i have to say , Guadalupe has been excellent in being upfront and professional all the way, thanks
tony from sarc, time to wake up and get with it. "I want my money" not "I want my (hdt never gonna be built) house"
It's been a tricky time for all involved, but keep at it guys
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Fantastic news for you and everyone involved.
We had our money back nearly 3 years ago using Maria at Costaluz, it is nice to see others also getting results.
Hopefully everyone will now at last get their rightful refund and move on with their lives.
Kind Regards
Chris & Julie
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Following on from Trowels post, we have now been informed that the Banks have finally coughed up the deposits and monies have been paid into Court, were just a few days away now from the money been finally refunded into our own accounts....................
8 years of hell nearly nearly nearly over!
Just a massive relief. It can be done, just keep fighting (with the right lawyers of course).
We were knowwhere until we found the GM Legal team & Guadalupe in particular. a huge huge thank you from everyone in the Class action.   
My jaws are currently aching from the smile Ive been wearing all day. 
_______________________ All the best,
Nigel & Jo.
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We have recently been informed that the bank is appealing, we went to court in June.We were told that the appeal process takes 9 to 12 months and that we do not have to attend.
I do hope that by this time next year it is all over for all of us, it has been a nightmare.
Good luck everyone
_______________________ G S Gee
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Hi All
i cant believe it, fantastic news. well done to all involved, but a big thank u to Guadalupe and her team (for putting up with us).
POP FIZZ GLUG tonight.
I'm assuming we should have cash back in the UK within a week or 2
Could anyone confirm.
As Kammy says , Unbelievable
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Hi all you lucky people who have just won there case. How long did it take from the court case/appeal, to actually getting your money back.
_______________________ G S Gee
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Hi all
I have just spoke to GM Lega, the court should transfer funds to their account by the end of the week, then GM will send our funds by the end of next week. this will include a large part the interest the banks owe us
This process has taken 3 1/2 years
I get the feeling that the courts are up to speed (if that can happen in spain) thesedays and would hope the timescales should be reduced
However you will get your cash back and interest , so time is only costing the banks money.
hope this helps
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A great result ,you must be so relieved at the end of this ridiculously lengthy process. It gives some hope to us still waiting in the court / legal queue. We are also with GM legal team and are hoping for similar result.
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Hi All
just heard from GM Legal.
funds have now been transferred to our joint lawyers account from the court
we should have our funds in our account by the end of next week
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So pleased for all concerned ( and ever so slightly envious too !! ).
Our case is being heard on the 5th November 2014, and our Spanish Lawyer, Martin De La Herran of Abolex Abogados is extremely positive about the outcome against the banks !!
It may take us a little longer than you guys, but, can't wait to shout it on here, when we're successful !!
Really, really good luck to you all !!
Barry & Sue
_______________________ Baz & Sue R10 - 36
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Hoping to hear today or tomorrow if our money has been paid into the bank, waiting patiently for this champagne to be opened !!!!!! So grateful to Guadalupe from GM Legal Experts. I know this will give hope to others as it would have for us to hear this last year.
Best of luck to everyone , this will also happen for you !!!!
Diane and Keith
This message was last edited by roastbeef on 23/10/2014.
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Hi trowel
is it Steve? Have I asked you this before? Lol if so you were right when you said " get the champagne on ice ready"
Diane and Keith
This message was last edited by roastbeef on 23/10/2014.
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