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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
24 Apr 2007 12:00 AM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

We need a President!

1.  We either need one president for all four communities with a good strong committee of vice presidents (and these could be from all four communities) behind him/her.


2  A President for each community with vice presidents to act as back up.

Does anyone want to put themselves forward or would someone like to nominate a fellow purchaser. As it seems difficult to get four Presidents my preference would be one with a strong back up team of differing abilities/experience, and this back up team would have purchasers from all 4 communities.

Any thoughts?




This message was last edited by Ianmack on 4/24/2007.

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24 Apr 2007 1:58 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

Doesn't the President have to be an owner within his/her community, ie one President for all four not an option? An excellent idea, but not sure it is possible, is it?

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24 Apr 2007 6:35 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

It can actually be possible to have the same president for all 4 communities as ive checked it out and indeed some communities have exactly that. As long as the president owns a property within the main community ie CDS, each community can vote in whoever they want.

There is info on the general forum relating to this situation.


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24 Apr 2007 7:29 PM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

I know of 2 people on PM2 who expressed an interest in being president . I will e mail them and see if the situation remains the same. I would  recommend both as they are both keen to move things forward on this development. As PM2 is such a large community maybe it would be good to have a vice on this community as standard.

With PM1 elections coming up first we need to have a name for a president .I know of someone who has the drive bit I dont think they have completed yet .Alternatively maybe Kevin in block 2 is interested -  .

I have not had much contact with PM3 residents although one was at the meeting on the 10th April they didnt express any interest. 


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24 Apr 2007 11:01 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Whilst I am very interested on being on the committee I do feel that the president should be someone who does have a command of the Spanish language.

I do not know how many get elected but I also think it would be a good idea if we have someone who has a financial background on board as well as this can only make things easier as the 1st year is going to be the most difficult to oversee.

I do have someone in mind who is a member of PM1 but will not post names on here until I have had a reply to my proposal.

Kevin H

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24 Apr 2007 11:09 PM by andrewjfs Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

I would go for a single president with a good proactive support team covering all PMs, however if this turns out not to be an option the individual presidents would need to set up communications between them to resolve common issues, again with support from other owners/residents.

We're in PM3 and have put out a request for contact from other owners in advance of our own AGM - have had one response so far, many apartments are still empty though and I don't know the completion rate.

An alternative way to encourage contact would be good; what about flyers on the communal notice board to log on to this site?

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24 Apr 2007 11:35 PM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

It was also suggested during one of the meeting on 9th & 10th April  that any prospective presidents provide a profile of themselves ie. background , business acumen , skills.

If this is done early enough and provided to Ammex they should be able to circulate to owners when AGM agm details are issued to owners addresses. This would also give proxy voters an opportunity to cast vote  for chosen elective. 

We could also ask prospective presidents  to post info on this board although  I  think this will only reach a small amount of purchasers.  

I   think with 527 untis it would be best to have 4 president elected who work together for the community as a whole , whilst it sound great to have one president it just sound such a mammouth task,  4 presidents communicating well you should get a much more balanced outcome with more input and shared tasks. Sub committes could be formed after this level . Remember we will also have a 5th community PM5   - The hotel -  to incorporate,  and additionally the overall macro community that will cover the streets lighting and public communal areas once fully completed  and handed over from Interlarken!!          

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24 Apr 2007 11:52 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

In the absence of anyone more suitable and if we had completed, I would offer to be President of PM1; I'm a Chartered Accountant and have a property related business in the UK. However, I don't speak Spanish and won't be a full time resident! I therefore feel sure there must be someone more suitable and until we complete, I legally couldn't do it anyway. So rather a useless offer, in fact!!! I am however prepared to give masses of support to whoever does get the job, both in PM1 and the other communities. I truly believe this site will be fantastic eventually and will do all I can to help it on its way.  If anyone else is thinking about it for PM1, but worried about support, I am happy to have a private conversation.


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25 Apr 2007 12:01 AM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

I also think flyers under the door is a good way of contacting non-EOS owners - even though not completed, I have picked up and kept or read the flyers under our door when checking snagging progress. I'm not sure the notice boards by the post boxes would really get read much. Key holders / property managers should also send flyers to owners as part of their job, so this would catch people not visiting as well.

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25 Apr 2007 3:10 PM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

due to complete in pm4 (block30 ) shortly.

come the end of year would be happy to get involved in community affairs, but do not speak spanish


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26 Apr 2007 5:42 PM by KevinH Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

I have put flyers through all doors for PM1 owners but so far have had very little response. I think this probably due to the fact most people are busy sorting out their own snagging problems 1st.

Anyone in PM1 watching these messages please contact me as we only have 5 weeks until the 1st AGM and if we just sit back and do nothing Ammex will continue to fleece us for at least another year.

It would be better for all owners in PM1 to meet prior to the AGM so that we can at least put forward our concerns as a group which may make someone sit up and take notice.


Kevin H 

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05 May 2007 7:54 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

Having just returned from CDS i have sent an e-mail to Ammex explaining what might happen to them if the landscaping does not improve by the AGM. My apt is in Pm2

The area in front of blocks 15-18 is in dire need of attention and could look really impressive should the work be put in.

I have effectively gave them till then to improve or face the consequencies. We need to give these guys a gee up and fair warning, which they have just had. I told them i had the support of many owners in Pm2

We now need a president and action committee to press on. I have also requested details from another administrator re CDS.


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