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29 Apr 2007 12:00 AM by barryjw Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

does anyone know if the habitat licence has being granted for this development i am nearly ready to pay fof the resale town house i am buying.and is the electricity connected to the mains yet.

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30 Apr 2007 8:38 PM by Annie21 Star rating. 368 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Barry

Can't answer you about the habitation certificate - have just made a mental note to find that out myself, really should know!!

We are still on builders electric which is fine as we don't pay any bills for it  but having talked to the office at Easter know they are looking to sort that out asap. Hope this helps.

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01 May 2007 9:16 AM by andysop Star rating in Sen. de Roda. 17 forum posts Send private message

I have my habitat certificate for apts at P1. Presume the others will be or have already been issued.

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05 May 2007 9:00 PM by colettepaul Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

The is no problem with things on the sales office side of the development. Having just returned today, I understand that they tried to build some additional houses on the other side of the road (golf course side) but got told to stop as the where more than the plans originally submitted had shown . These are only shells!. They are not the completed properties which are fine. Get the feeling they think that they will be allowed to fininsh them soon.

I hounded my solicitors to ensure everything was fine and dont think you will have anything to worry about.  I completed last September and have no regrets.

Good luck


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05 May 2007 10:24 PM by Annie21 Star rating. 368 forum posts Send private message

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Hope they do finish them soon - down the road from us & an eyesore. Was told they were originally meant to be villas but over the course of time they were changed to more townhouses as the builder thought these would sell more easily. Probably a good move. Heard a rumour that the mayor had told them to finish building over the other side first & that these would be the last to be completed. Who knows - am sure it will all be sorted out eventually.

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06 May 2007 10:17 PM by dealerjm Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I asked my lawyer about this and before I sacked her, she did tell me that the licences are normally issued 'en masse' when the development is completed. Also the 10 year guarantees which I don't suppose anyone has seen yet!

Mind you, why should I believe her if I sacked her for incompetance??


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