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Malaga, reading the posted messages there are people that travel to spain on regular base, we can not travel out there at this time but would realy like to get our NIE papers back if there is any one going to Malaga i would be happy to pay someone for there trouble to pick them up for us, because I fill we can trust each other then trust Palmera P. If any one can help please contact us.
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work permitting am aiming to go to spain later this month or mid June mainly to sort out for new solicitor . I also have original NIEs' lodged with Palmera so if no one else going before hand will certainly go to Malaga myself and would gladly pick up any one else's NIEs' if they wish
Bill and Carole (2nd floor west)
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Is there anyone out there like us who have not yet sorted out their NIE numbers or are we the only ones.
I can't remember the name of the guy from Palmera, but he did say that he would help us out with this part - taks us to the place at Alicante etc.
Is this something I need to worry about now? If so, how do I go about getting it done?
Sarah & Arran
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Hi Sarah and Arran, you do need an NIE number to purchase property abroad, so for completion, you will need to get it sorted. Do you have an independant solicitor? If not try to get one sorted, they should help you get your number> Dont think I would go to Palmera now?! A solicitor will charge to take you to the office, but if you dont speak Spanish or dont know the system, its much easier to get someone to help. They take you and do all the talking. Palmera did ours with us a couple of years ago I think it was (you know how the years roll on, its hard to remember now)!! Could have been last year but it seems like ten years!!!!!
As for picking up origional NIE numbers from Palmera. would they give them to anyone other than the named person(s)?..dont know for certain but would not think they would give that important sheet of paper out, to anyone. May be wrong there but you could ring and check maybe. If it is not easy for you to get over, and they wont post them I hope they will give them to someone for you.
Regards John and Trish
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hi snowqueen , there's some very good posts on how to go about getting one if you scroll down the message board there's a thread that titled nie numbers with all you need to know. hope this helps regards haydn
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Thanks for the advice guys - I'll do some research. I don't know where to being to find a trust worthy solicitor. Does anyone have one in Spain already that they are using/could recommend.
If you don't want to say on here, then please PM me.
Thanks for your help :)
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hello snowqueen
if you look under the thread = solicitors and running cost my solicitor is on there he is in torievieca if thats how ya spell it he as sorted my nie numbers out
there name is Rodas Consulting
been very good with us up to now no complaints 
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sorry snowqueen
to get to this post you will need to click view all threads down at the bottom
click on amarion 111 thread then scroll down to veiw all threads then its there
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To bilcar thanks for the reply regarding the NIE papers and have tried to contact you, not had reply yet dont now if send private message works. if not can you send us your email address.
We are based in south woodham ferrers chelmsford essex, it would be good to talk.
thanks Grant & Karen
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