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Senorio de Roda forum threads
The Comments
10 May 2007 12:00 AM by juliec Star rating in West Sussex. 1 forum posts Send private message

Have just returned on Tuesday 8th May, talking to some people who have not been to their townhouse for a year, (they have moved permanently now to Spain, but not in Roda, they are going to Cadiz, they popped into their house on their way down there and found they had been burgled (possibly in the last 2 months), as someone was supposedly cleaning their house, and she last went in 2 months ago.

They got in through their front window( not a balcony window like some of the townhouses have). They smashed the window and then unlocked the window locks that they had had fitted, took electrical goods.

We now have grilles and locks on all our windows except for our balcony window, we also have a security door on the back balcony door (William did all this for us). 

We did contemplate having an extra grille put over the balcony window, but thought that this spoils the look of the house, so William suggested having a security shutter put in between the window and the blinds, which we are having done soon. He showed us some houses that already have this and it doesn't spoil the look of the house, especially as you would probably have the blinds down anyway and would not be able to see the shutter.

This will certainly give us peace of mind.

Going back to Roda in 8 weeks, can't wait. Temperature in the 90's today!!!




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