Cancelling Contracts

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16 May 2007 12:00 AM by harvey1 Star rating in Brierfield Lancs. 17 forum posts Send private message

Any one with any information about cancelling contracts.Has anyone upto now gone through with the process of cancelling and if so what has been the response from Grupo Urbasa or Palmera Properties?I like probable a lot more now got to a stage were I will be glad just to recover my money that I have already invested which in my case is about £15k. I am not bothered about getting a return on my money which was the plan in the first place probable like a lot more of you Amarionairs were going to do.

I am sick of all the b......t that Palmera and Grupo Urbasa are telling us all.

haydngj has rung Benalmadena yesterday and was told not to cancel as the builder is about to go bankrupt so he will not get any money back or that's what it sounds like.So if people do cancel where is the money coming from?

Information will be greatly accepted

Have a good day everyone



Harvey Lee Nutter 11,Mayville Road Brierfield Nelson Lancashire BB9...

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16 May 2007 12:39 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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Hi harvey1

i know someone who is going through with the cancelation he as got the paperwork from urbasa but that is as far as he as got yet

i think if you cancel you will get your money back about the same time as the building as been completed because urbasa are skint now   apparantly they have sold some land to finish amarion 111   but i should imagine all that money will go on the building rather than paying off cancelations  

also when i was over there and i talked to urbasa they told me that if we wanted our money back we could take them to court and get our money back which i would a thought  would be a long dragged out thing

i could be wrong but there you go


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16 May 2007 2:08 PM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Hi Harvey

We too are seriously considering cancelling our contract - I looked through all of our paperwork yesterday and worked out we'd paid about £18k not forgetting the trips over there, paying for Power of Attorney, NIE's etc etc!  But again, like you - we are fed up with waiting and would rather cut our losses and take whatever money we can get back, whenever we can get it back, and save anymore grief and time as depending on when the apartments are complete, the time it may take to have them 'actually' complete may be another year or two on top of that! 

I emailed Palmera/Grupo Urbasa a while ago and my response was from Laura @ Grupo Urbasa:

"If you wish to cancel your contract it's your mind, but the return of the deposits will have a delay, as you could understand.
I need a letter signed by you regarding that you wish to cancel your contract."

It's a tough decision but I think after a few more days we may well be writing our letter to cancel.  It's such a shame as like everyone else we've wanted this for so long but circumstances change and with a baby on the way, our priorities need to change!

Good luck with any decisions and be sure to let us know what you decide.


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16 May 2007 6:15 PM by snowqueen Star rating in Nottingham. 47 forum posts Send private message

I too have been wanting to cancel for ages but my husband thinks we should pursue with it.  Our financial situation is not what it was 3 years ago and I really don't think we can afford it now - especially as we've now got to fit our own bloody kitchen and probably wardrobes as well.

If I knew they would guarantee all our money back within a timely and stress free manner then I would definitely consider it.

I could really do with that £20k we've paid out already. 

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16 May 2007 7:06 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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we cancelled a contract with a double glazing firm we was in the right for they said they would beat any price but i got a better price and they just said that we had signed the contract now but because it was not in writing  they took us to court and won

i am just thinking about when the contract starts and finishes as it does'nt have a date in it

i wouldnt want you guys to lose ya moneys paid

if you are serious about canceling see ya solicitor first b4 you sign the cancelation form

This message was last edited by philansy on 5/16/2007.

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30 May 2007 11:25 AM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Advice please......

We have made up our minds and definitely want to cancel.  Laura @ Urbasa has told me just to email a letter to her requesting a cancellation.  I've tried to obtain further information as to what the cancellation process is, will they send us a cancellation contract so we can go through it with a solicitor before signing?   I asked what date the building work commenced on Amarion III to ascertain whether Urbasa are out of their contract and her reply was :

"The ACTA DE REPLANTEO DE INICIO DE OBRA, that is the document that gives to you the permission for building is dated on  the 7th of April 2004."

So it seems that, although there are photos dated March 2004, the paperwork wasn't valid until 7th April.  According to our contracts then Urbasa had 3 years from this date to complete the build plus another 6 months on top as 'grace'.  Would you say we should wait until 6th October 2007 before sending a cancellation letter or would you say if we were to start the ball rolling now, we would still get our money back (albeit probably having to wait another 4 years for the money!!).

It feels like such a lottery!  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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30 May 2007 11:32 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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30 May 2007 3:18 PM by MikeB Star rating in Norwich. 40 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys just read this thread, if 6th October is D Day then perhaps positive in that the works could actually be complete or thereabouts. I am an agent in San Javier working for a large overseas company but I am only involved in listing and valuing resales. My advice is to hold fire if finances and circumstances permitt. You are going to struggle to get anything comparable under 100k euros. My Amarrion is on the ground floor and finished bar saniteryware.

Worse case scenario with mortgage committments these apartments will rent on a long term let for 4oo Euros a month minimum.

All the best and incidentally the weather here today is glorious about 33ish clear sky, mild breeze. We will appreciate our properties far more than most !!!


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31 May 2007 1:07 AM by skinner Star rating in Littlehampton. West .... 60 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all.

Ciao. I think it may be prudent for you to ask for a copy of the ACTA DE REPLANTEO DE INICIO DE OBRA.

Just as a back up and a timeline connection, if one of us has something in writing (copy or not), come 6th October we have some proof. Who knows, it may be evidence we need for the future.

Regards to all


Once upon a time i had a dream. Then i met URBASSA ! ! !

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31 May 2007 9:34 AM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi eve1 I have a copy of the ACTA DE REPLANTEO DE OBRA ,

its all in Spanish but the dates there 7th April 2004 ,the date had been underlined and plus 36 months as been put next to it.

I have  scaned it but i cant get it to go on here, not to hot with computers know the basics thats it. but if any1 would like me to send them a copy i can photocopy it and pop it in the post.

 Something needs to be done but its how we do it and when?

   Debbie and Barry

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31 May 2007 11:31 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Debaz10

if its 7th april 2004 + 36 months  this means they have untill 7th april 2007 then a further 6 months for whatever

that will take it to october 2007 so they still have another 4 months to sort it out

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31 May 2007 5:30 PM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Yes thats rights Philansy they have 6 months after the completion date for bad weather etc,

As mikeb pointed out it mght actually be finished by Oct , if it is the end of the year we are not too bothered now as we have booked alternative accomadation for our holidays out there this year,but we need to know for certain that it will BE FINISHED,and the builder does not go bankrupt and we all face losing everything we have put in.and if we did have the right to cancel how long to get money back and would we get it back if it did go pear shaped.? So many questions no answers.

Sorry to have a moan, one day we have a glimmer of hope that something might be happening nxt we seem to be back to where we started.

Debbie and Barry

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31 May 2007 6:23 PM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Barry and Debbie, DITTO!   We need to know we will get our money back..that it WILL be completed.....we dont want them to go long would it take to get our money if we did cancel....OOOHHH this is making me go grey and bald and wrinkly!!!!   (and thats just me....Trish!!!) xx Its Johns birthday tomorrow he is 44 but he feels 94 he says, with all this!!

We are there next week will have a look, lets hope we see work!!


John and Trish


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31 May 2007 6:39 PM by debaz10 Star rating in Burnley. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi Trish and John,

Happy Birthday John 44/94, Enjoy yourselfs next week the weather sounds lovely. cant wait to get out there ourselfs  , wont be in our own appartment  but  abit of sunshine , a few beers good food .mmmmm.

Debbie and Barry

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01 Jun 2007 12:05 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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happy birthday hohn  94 ehh   sorry i mean 44

have a nice time out ther the weather sounds lovely

wish we could go but we are saving up for the big day when the apartment is ready ( we dont want a big mortgage )

at this rate we wont need a mortgage at all, but never mind and have a great time

happy birthday

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03 Jun 2007 9:21 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 forum posts Send private message

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hi john, when we we met ,your wife had a youg husband and look at you now!!!!   I've been reading all the posts about cancelling at first I must admit we were on the point of canceling , but now with all the changes to the start date and the completion now in October we are hanging on.  Are Urbasa hoping we cancel and thus breaking the contract and then they keep our money and then sell it on when they complete later this year. ? I cannot for the life of me understand why the have not worked on the development for the last 18 months . they have more money tied up in it than us all put together  A ll the crap excuses they have come up with   builders not up to scratch being the first one followed by God knows how many other excuses  like banks , town hall, no money , waiting to sell land etc. We will all find out the truth in October me thinks.       John, the wife and myself hope you at least enjoy your birthday bash wish we could have joined you

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04 Jun 2007 9:29 AM by JPD Star rating in Hull, East Yorkshire.... 391 forum posts Send private message

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Hi everyone, Thanks for your birthday wishes, we had a good night out then everyone came back to our house and we carried on partying, it was a lovely sunny day so we managed to get to party in the garden all day yesterday! Not bad for a 94 year old eh?

I think you are right  about hanging on not cancelling just yet Haydn, we at least should wait until their contract is up! I really hope we see some work being done this week. As I said before we will find an internet cafe and let you all know if we see anything going on!


John and  Trish

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06 Jun 2007 12:19 PM by MikeB Star rating in Norwich. 40 forum posts Send private message

Hi Guys,

Just a quickie, I have just spoken to a girl at Urbasa the underground parking has now been cleared out and is dry, builders starting soon. Well we can at least hope !!!

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06 Jun 2007 5:18 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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