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Huerta Nueva los Olivos forum threads
The Comments
27 May 2007 12:00 AM by sjl Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Just back from Spain after completing our property on los olivos. We were supposed to complete on the Tuesday but we were not happy because items on our snagging list had not been done so we refused to sign on that day. Because we dug our heels in, most of the work was then done, we still had a few outstanding issues but we felt that the property was reasonable enough to complete on the Thursday. Our tip is make sure you have a few days there before you sign to give them the chance to do the snags and say you will not sign until the work is carried out. Its amazing what they will do when they think you are not going to sign, however we were told if we didn't sign by June 1st we would be charged interest on the money owed. We replied by saying if thats the case then we would like compensation for lost rent revenue because they should have been built by December 06. We were very angry about this but we signed in the end because we were happy with the property, not because of threats about interest. I think we got as much done as we were going to get at the time, anything else we will either do it ourselves or try and get things done when we are there. It is a lot better if you are actually living on site because you can keep pushing them to do little jobs, eventually they will do them for you but you may have to ask several times. There are several couples living on the site permanently now who have information about different tradesmen who will do jobs at reasonable prices. Ivan and Ann at 21a were very good to us we can't thank them enough. Anyway, best of luck to you all we will be back over towards the 20th June onwards we'll see you then.

Regards Sal and Craig


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28 May 2007 8:28 AM by Nicki Tilbury Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sal & Craig,

Congratulations on completing, we found it extremely stressful when we completed on Friday 13th April!!!!!!!! Not sure that was a good day to sign though.

Just wondered what number you are.  We are not back out until 25th July for three weeks, looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Kind regards, Nicki & Paul 12A

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28 May 2007 4:37 PM by sjl Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi Nicki & Paul,

We are number 21b, so Ivan and Anne are above us, we feel very lucky to have them as our closest neigbours. We will be over in June sometime towards the end, we will be getting a few jobs done and having a few drinks as well. Hope to meet up with you in the near future but it looks like we'll be there at different dates. We'll be back in September sometime and definately be there for Christmas. Hopefully we'll have our patio and garden sorted by then so we'll probably invite a few of the neighbours round for a bit of a party, so keep your eye out for us cos your welcome too.

All the best

Sal and Craig

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