Builders Liability to Pay Fees for Unsold Houses

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Hacienda San Cayetano forum threads
The Comments
10 Jun 2007 12:00 AM by ali97694 Star rating in Epping,Essex/San Cay.... 67 forum posts Send private message

 Hi Alexmac,

Just read your messages on general site about taxi's and just thought this may be of help. Like others we were concerned about taxi's not turning up when we needed one for 7am to take a relative to Alicante airport.

We tried the cabs at Balcicas but were not convinced they understood so we asked for help at San Cayetano sales office. The girl there recommended a 24 hour service in San Javier who we called and the controller spoke broken English. We were assured that they were very reliable and lo and behold the driver turned up at 06.55. I have mislaid the number but will get it from the office when next out there.

Was told that if you book  or give them a bit of notice they will pick you up and get you home anytime day or night!!!!!!!!!!!. Like you we dont always want to drive and it cant be too may euros from Santiago/ LA to San Cayetano and well worth it if you have had a couple!

Hope this helps


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10 Jun 2007 3:18 PM by alexmac Star rating in wolves. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Pat,thanks for the info,i will keep a look out for the number.good luck to you..

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