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31 Aug 2007 8:31 AM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

It would be nice to wait and see how it pans out i.e. will we ever get our apartment finished!  Our circumstances have completely changed though and we will cancel as soon as is feasible - we can no longer hang it out wondering when we'll need to pay the rest of the money, mortgages etc - we just want out now with our money back (here's hoping) and forget this nightmare ever happened.  Roll on October.  Good luck to everyone that can hang in there though, I'm sure it will happen........

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31 Aug 2007 9:47 AM by Gabe Star rating. 36 forum posts Send private message

Hi all like Wendy one we are prepared to sit it out as in my heart of hearts i do think some day it will be finished also we we go out 4days every month and l can assure you Ammaron111is the talk of the time anda lot of them are fed up with the eyesore,I have also said I will go with the majority if we go to court and will chip in my share,l know l don't post as many messages as l used to but i do read them all, we are going out 18sep for 8days if l see anychange most unlikely but l will let you all know think positive it's hard l know but that's all we can do.Gabe

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05 Oct 2007 3:11 PM by wotnocasa Star rating. 54 forum posts Send private message

Ciao .. we feel EXACTLY THE SAME as you do..enough is enough..we reserved October 2002.  Our situation has changed too, so know how you feel.  Even the name of this confounded development riles us now.  We've seen things like this on TV but like others before us never ever thought it would happen to us.  Good luck with your efforts.  Just a letter from either Palmera or Urbasa would be something..whatever it had to say.

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10 Oct 2007 12:15 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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when they have it you get it   or so i have been told

This message was last edited by philansy on 10/10/2007.

This message was last edited by philansy on 11/22/2007.

This message was last edited by philansy on 11/22/2007.

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13 Oct 2007 11:56 PM by wotnocasa Star rating. 54 forum posts Send private message


we want to cancel. 

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14 Oct 2007 11:23 AM by harvey1 Star rating in Brierfield Lancs. 17 forum posts Send private message

We want to cancel. AND I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Harvey Lee Nutter 11,Mayville Road Brierfield Nelson Lancashire BB9...

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14 Oct 2007 1:15 PM by snowqueen Star rating in Nottingham. 47 forum posts Send private message

15 Oct 2007 8:43 AM by kudos Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

And us!!!!!!!!!     Blacksmith and Kudos

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15 Oct 2007 12:05 PM by ciao Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

I am definiely cancelling and will be compiling my letter this week - I just want this awful ordeal over with!!

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15 Oct 2007 1:58 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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hope this info helps everyone

This message was last edited by philansy on 11/22/2007.

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15 Oct 2007 5:55 PM by kudos Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

When you find a solicitor you want to use in Spain they can send you the forms for Power of Attorney either by post or  e-mail.  You can take the form to a Notary over here and they will witness it for you then it has to be sent to London (the Notary will tell you where it has to go) once you get it back from London  you send it  back to your solicitor in Spain.  The Notary costs around £90 and London will cost around £25.  It would be quicker if you are going to Spain but if not this is a way of getting it done.  It is quite common to give Power of Attorney in Spain as long as you send a letter with the form stating that it is only to be used in Spain and for this property.   Hope this helps. 

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15 Oct 2007 9:09 PM by BOO Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

We are also cancelling as we have bought another property in Albir.We have virtually written off the money we have already paid to Dick Turpin/Robert Maxwell/Palmera (delete the applicable,although they are all the same).My parents live in Spain and one of their friends is a lawyer who will hopefully point us in the right direction.We would gladly accept half our money back as 50% would be a great deal more than nothing,although this feels like a game of Russian roulette at the moment.

Hopefully somebody out there will take the lead towards a successful conclusion as there are a lot of strong willed Amarionairs out there,and although I do not post on here too often,we really appreciate all the persistant efforts of all those who are emailing and calling both Urbasa and Palmera.This could yet work out for us all.Here's hoping.

Best of luck to us all.


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16 Oct 2007 8:35 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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only 2 days to go and the next nightmare begins

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17 Oct 2007 9:19 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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just sent a email to spanish solicitor asking him to ring urbasa to see if they are goin to give me my money back or do they want us to take them to court  when i get the reply i will let you all know


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17 Oct 2007 10:32 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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just got a email from solicitor saying he as received a email from urbasa sayin

In this letter they declares that they are making internal audit to to arrange a bank guarantee to complete the works.
Once they have finishing the internal audit they could obtain the bank guarantee and finalise the building.
IN THE LETTER THEY ALSO SAYS THAT " As soon as the works are reinitiated they will need 4 months to finalise the building".

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17 Oct 2007 2:15 PM by misty Star rating. 107 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Phil for the update what we all wish to know well those that have not as yet decided to cancel is when do they aim to re- start some sort of time plan would be a help but knowing them am I wishing for too much,

With regards to cancelling would you're solicitor be interested in taking a class action (all of us on here) aginst Urbasa / Palmera for recovery of our moneys this could save us all a lot in the way of legal fees 



This message was last edited by misty on 10/17/2007.

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17 Oct 2007 2:22 PM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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i dont know, it is the same solicitor as jpd's and i think jpd had a word with him a while ago  

 but if it comes to us all going to court  i will ask him

betta waiting to see what urbasa have to say about giving us our money back first i am going to ring them early next week

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18 Oct 2007 9:17 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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here we go   they are not paying us yet   what a supprise

looks like we are going to court

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18 Oct 2007 9:49 AM by philansy Star rating in uk. 504 forum posts Send private message

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i have been on to them all morning and i have got to ring her up next wednesday for answers to getting our money back i have told them i am not willing to wait any longer than that





This message was last edited by philansy on 11/22/2007.

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18 Oct 2007 10:56 AM by el robbo Star rating. 45 forum posts Send private message

hi, everyone,

  E-mail from our solicitor today,he has spoken to urbassa,yesterday, all they will say is they plan to start work again but no date fixed

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