Hi Aileen.
I have only just got back from a long weekend and seen your posted "Concerns"
Check firstly if your contract states that there is a "Bank Guarentee" that provides for your getting deposit back + interest ( Interest is a grey area)
I have spoken on numerous occasions with Andy as we are close friends and I still believe that this project will be completed, yes, it's well behind schedule but I do not know of too many projects that have been completed on time. I was speaking to another friend over the weekend who has purchased 4 apartments near the "Gardenia Hotel" and it is in the final stagesof being completed (4 Years Late) . They have had numerous problems that push ours into in-significance. Not much consolation to the many people who have monies tied up, but its comforting in some respects that we are not on our own, although it sometimes feels like that.
You can go down the route of getting your deposit back and if your contracts are in order, you should not lose any of that money and you may even make some if they honour the clause, which on our contract states that we will "Get back the deposit + 6% interest" but don't hold your breath on the interest.
In my opinion this project will get completed ( when is anyones guess) but when it is, it will, I am sure ,provide a worthwhile investment for you and your family to enjoy. What I am certain about is that the "Project Completion" will be completed before anyone is able to get monies back through the courts which can take a long time.
This time of the year is "Very Difficult" if not "Impossible " to make contact with anyone in Spain as the last week in July and the whole of August is the "Silly Season" cunningly disguised as the "National Holiday" when all organisations including "Lawyers" tend to either shut completely or work on reduced hours (Nothing new there then I here you say) so forget trying to contact anyone. The beginning of September is when everthing returns to "Normal" although I am not too sure what "Normal" is in relation to the Spanish.
Kind Regards
John (Tinker)