My name is Roy Howitt from InsoectaHomeSpain and yes we have carried out a number of inspections now at RODA and find that the build quality is better than the Polaris La Torre site but not as good as Polaris El Valle
One of the biggest advantages at RODA are that, when we inspect, all of the utilities are connected, gas water & electricity, so we are able to test everything and the buyer will be able to use their property a lot quicker. At RIDA snagging defects are claimed to be repaired within 1 month, at Polaris currently it takes 3 months. Utility connections at Polaris are also taking up to 3 months so you can expect a gap of 3 months from completion before you can use the property
RODA is far from perfect however and the following is a post that was put on another forum to give you some items worth watching out for. On a recent inspection where a buyer was being asked to complete the property was not finished
What a difference a builder makes
We have had 2 inspections at RODA Golf this week, both apartments, close to each other but on different sides of the walk way
I noticed a big difference between the quality of the 2 apartments and minor differences in specifications so I quizzed the person form RODA and found out that it was a different constructor as 2 built the phase
There were some quite serious defects in the apartment and it wasn't finished and the buyer, who was not at the inspection went on to refuse to complete
For information just some of the 49 defects included
1. Kitchen cupboard doors and handles not fitted
2. Two rings not working on the hob
3. The extractor not working
4. Entry phone not fitted
5. Door bell not fitted
6. Dimmer switch when used cut out fuse box
7. Switches in 2 rooms did not turn on and off the right sockets
8. Wiring harness in kitchen and 2 bathrooms, no current detected
9. No earth detected on socket in bathroom
10. 4 scratched windows and 2 windows not locking
11. Large gaps around window frames through which you could see daylight
12. Extensive chips and scratches on marble floors in both bathrooms, bedroom 1 and lounge
13. Cracked tiles and poor finish on ceiling in bathroom
14. Coving not painted in bedroom 2
15. No lights installed on roof solarium and they were working on the walls
In addition there were 2 bathrooms without windows and in the other builders apartments they had fitted mechanical extractors
Comments form RODA were that that we now hold the record for the most defects found and that they were not used to people carrying out this type of check, or checking the electrics, or having inspection lighting
If you are DIY snagging on RODA I hope this helps and if you need sample reports please mail me