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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
The Comments
04 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by mandib Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

With the completions coming up, I thought it would be a good idea to set up a seperate thread to post snagging issues.  It will help those who are completing at a later date.  If anyone has any advice please post on this thread and I will do the same once I've completed.

Thank you 

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04 Dec 2006 10:10 AM by mandib Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I had my snagging done on Friday and I'm pleased to say that generally our property was found to be in good condition.  There are some areas in the property that need touching up with paint, a tile was broken outside and a wardrobe door was broken in the corner.  Unfortunately the utilities were not connected so they couldn't do a thorough snag.  Can anyone advise (who has snagged thier property) whether the utilities were connected at the time they snagged.

Many thanks


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04 Dec 2006 11:40 AM by mandib Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

Correction - the utilities were connected but not in the lifts.

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04 Dec 2006 5:16 PM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

Mike B´s avatar

Hi All

After reading some scary stuff about snagging, I asked my solicitor for her advice. She said that our agents (Remax) will go in a week before we complete and do a snagging list. They will report back to Roda and hopefully they will sort bits out. Also Remax will be there on the day of the official snagging. We complete on the 19th this month, so when we get back I will tell you all if it worked out, OK!!!!

 (fingers crossed)  Mike & Linda

For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515 www.simplyprofloorcare.com

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04 Dec 2006 11:51 PM by ruthandjohn Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message


We have just completed our snagging on phase 1 block 22, November 28. The apartment finish was generally good but was let down by poor workmanship on the grouting of floor tiles and around the bath and shower areas. kitchen work surface has a bad joint in the centre so watch out!!. All utilities were connected eventually, some problems with the gas supply to the site. We were able to check out the boiler and aircon plus electrics with no problems. Would have been good if the lifts were working. The solarium terrace needs repainting and paint/grout was evident on many tiles which Roda have assured us will be completely cleaned and repainted. we learnt that snagging issues should be completed within 1 month.

Areas which need addressing are rubbish collection and postal delivery. No real answer from customer services. NOTE customer services only available Monday to Friday now.

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05 Dec 2006 9:49 AM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

arky25´s avatar

we were also told that our agents (medsea) would snag before we came over for snagging.

i would be amazed if anyone found no problems on a first snagging visit. i certainly expect to find something.

at the end of the day you want things perfect eh?

so far what ive read though the quality seems to be quite good.



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16 Dec 2006 12:25 PM by Mrs H Star rating. 90 forum posts Send private message

Just wanted to bring this forum to the front again in view of the fact that this matter has been brought up again.  Most of us seem to agree it would be good to have some independant snaggers who we could all use and that could familiarise themselves with Roda.  Also to post on this forum some of the issues.  A checklist would be good because there are bound to be common problems. 

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14 Jan 2007 5:42 PM by PMOUNTNEY72 Star rating in Lichfield. 219 forum posts Send private message

Does anyone no the name of a snagging company who will do the snagging list for you?





Paul Mountney


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14 Jan 2007 6:52 PM by sugarmummy Star rating. 315 forum posts Send private message

Hi Paul,


You can contact Roy Howitt at www.inspectorhomespain.com and also look at the thread on www.polarisworld.net forum under Roda at the bottom of the page where he has recently posted a negative comment on the finish at Roda.

Please let the forum know how you get on.

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16 Jan 2007 11:47 AM by Mrs H Star rating. 90 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sugarmummy

Tried that link to the Polaris World forum but could not find anything.  What negative comments were made about the finish at Roda?

Mrs H

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16 Jan 2007 12:07 PM by dolly Star rating in Carlow. 72 forum posts Send private message

Thats gas sugarmummy as I recently got an email from roy howitt and he was saying Roda was a lot better than Polaris as regards snagging.

Maybe he's just playing to his audience!

We completed without snagging as we just couldnt get around to it.  But under Spanish law our solicitor has advised us that we have 12 months to do it.

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16 Jan 2007 1:04 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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My name is Roy Howitt from InsoectaHomeSpain and yes we have carried out a number of inspections now at RODA and find that the build quality is better than the Polaris La Torre site but not as good as Polaris El Valle

One of the biggest advantages at RODA  are that, when we inspect, all of the utilities are connected, gas water & electricity, so we are able to test everything and the buyer will be able to use their property a lot quicker. At RIDA snagging defects are claimed to be repaired within 1 month, at Polaris currently it takes 3 months. Utility connections at Polaris are also taking up to 3 months so you can expect a gap of 3 months from completion before you can use the property

RODA is far from perfect however and the following is a post that was put on another forum to give you some items worth watching out for. On a recent inspection where a buyer was being asked to complete the property was not finished

What a difference a builder makes

We have had 2 inspections at RODA Golf this week, both apartments, close to each other but on different sides of the walk way

 I noticed a big difference between the quality of the 2 apartments and minor differences in specifications so I quizzed the person form RODA and found out that it was a different constructor as 2 built the phase

There were some quite serious defects in the apartment and it wasn't finished and the buyer, who was not at the inspection went on to refuse to complete


For information just some of the 49 defects included


1.         Kitchen cupboard doors and handles not fitted

2.         Two rings not working on the hob

3.         The extractor not working

4.         Entry phone not fitted

5.         Door bell not fitted

6.         Dimmer switch when used cut out fuse box

7.         Switches in 2 rooms did not turn on and off the right sockets

8.         Wiring harness in kitchen and 2 bathrooms, no current detected

9.         No earth detected on socket in bathroom

10.       4 scratched windows and 2 windows not locking

11.       Large gaps around window frames through which you could see daylight

12.       Extensive chips and scratches on marble floors in both bathrooms, bedroom 1 and lounge

13.       Cracked tiles and poor finish on ceiling in bathroom

14.       Coving not painted in bedroom 2

15.       No lights installed on roof solarium and they were working on the walls


In addition there were 2 bathrooms without windows and in the other builders apartments they had fitted mechanical extractors


Comments form RODA were that that we now hold the record for the most defects found and that they were not used to people carrying out this type of check, or checking the electrics, or having inspection lighting


If you are DIY snagging on RODA I hope this helps and if you need sample reports please mail me


Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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20 Jan 2007 5:49 PM by Frank11 Star rating in Dublin / Corvera. 83 forum posts Send private message

That's a very good post from Roy. I was under the impression that a snag done in my absence arranged by the agent would be OK, but after reading that I think it will be worth getting in an independent snagger, even if it costs a few euros more. Peace of mind and all that.


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21 Jan 2007 12:07 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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The problem is the average agent inspection is a bit of a conflict of interests as they often only get paid when you complete and pay the balance of your money so they want you to sign

Also they will not be equipped to the same standard as a professional inspector who standard equipment list should include, a step ladder, good lights, mirrors, a spirit level, electrical circuit and socket testing equipment, a damp testing meter a gas and carbon monoxide tester, binoculars to checks roofs and high window frames and cleaning materials as defects are often covered up by dirt and mastic, especially scratched windows and worktops

The agent will have a pad a pen and rely heavily on the builders representative

The inspector will also be totally independent on the agent and builder and at some sites where have been asked to re-check properties because the customer has not been happy with the initial check and typically we find an additional 20 - 30 defects in a typical 3 bedroom property.

We also advise on security and health and safety so yes it is worth the money, my customer references can prove this


Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant www.sonrisaproperties.com www.snaggingspain.com WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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21 Feb 2007 2:09 PM by sugarmummy Star rating. 315 forum posts Send private message

This is a question to all members on faze 1 who have completed.

Will you please confirm how long Calidona took to complete your snagging and was it completed in the timescale given. ??

The other thing was it possible to have furniture delivered B4 snagging was complete.??

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21 Feb 2007 2:16 PM by sugarmummy Star rating. 315 forum posts Send private message

This is a question to all members on faze 1 who have completed.

Will you please confirm how long Calidona took to complete your snagging and was it completed in the timescale given. ??

The other thing was it possible to have furniture delivered B4 snagging was complete.??

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21 Feb 2007 2:30 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Having completed on Phase 1, I would say snagging is an ongoing process up to a year after you have completed.  If you snag on the day of completion, then I understand, and others may correct me if I am wrong, the developer has 15 days to put all the issues raised at that time right.  Whether this works in practice is another matter and no doubt Inspectahome can confirm that point.

Any subsequent issues - i.e. post completion, well as I further understand matters, the developer has up to a year to put these matters right.  Thereafter, I think, you are covered with regard to building issues by the Spanish equivalent of the NHBC certificate. 

My advice is to make a friend in Customer SErvices and try and positively persuade them to put matters right as you go along.

What do other people think?





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23 Feb 2007 7:07 PM by iananjen Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

I finalised on 4 dec ,got e mail from customer services mid jan to say snagging complete.
Went out on 2nd feb to discover nothing had been done.Kicked up a stink and got allmajor snags rectified on the 5th.
Going back 12march and hope to find rest of snags rectified.
will let you know

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23 Feb 2007 10:48 PM by karren Star rating in south shields uk. 56 forum posts Send private message

We had the same problem, they had over 3 months to complete our snags, went over end of jan to find nothing done.Like you I kicked up a stink and within half an hour had everyone from the plumber, gas fitter and the candlestick maker in our appartment. However I left 4 days later leaving them to finish a few more jobs to do.........and guess what they still havnt been done. I have the appartment advertised as ready for rent so need to be on their backs again.


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19 Mar 2007 11:53 AM by mark d Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

We completed on our ground floor apartment in January and found countless snags.  As someone else already mentioned, everyone arrived within minutes to correct the situation.  Meantime it is now 19 March and Roda won't confirm if the snagging list is complete.  We are undecided if we are going to rent our property but we would not be able to at this present time as we do not even have hot water for a shower!  We have sent countless e mails to Roda but I am of the opinion that once they have your money they don't care.  I certainly would not recommend them for after sales service as they don't have any.

We are going out just after Easter and will be surprised if everything is finished!

I wonder if you agreed to rent with Roda would things be sorted quicker.

Also does anyone know of a reliable person who would fit curtain rails and bathroom fittings including micro blinds?  Once again Roda said they would arrange this but guess what - they haven't


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